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  11:00 PDT



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Meeting ID: 103664856



Discussion items

ItemWhoPre-meeting notesNotes and Action Items
Project/Science Updates

Survey Cadence Optimization Committee (SCOC) stood up

  • Led by Rubin Operations Head of Science (Željko) with representation from across LSST science pillars 
  • Working on a report to describe what was learnt from the 100 or so simulations done in response to the cadence white papers
  • Will be socialized internally before being presented at the PCW 
  • SCOC will produce and initial survey cadence and recommendations on early science (very commissioning dependent). They are also charged with studying the best cadence to adopt during commissioning. This will be strongly based on the time available for commissioning (as well as other factors). 
  • Charged with getting information from all the stakeholders, including PST and commissioning team
  • SCOC looking to adopt an  iterative and data / analysis driven approach. 

SDA (Space Domain Awareness)  (Zeljko Ivezic)

  • Project asked to give presentations to the JASON group on the impact of LEO satellite and on the Space Domain Awareness risk (i.e describing how good will LSST be at discovering government assets that the government don't want to be discoverable. 
  • Project position put to the JASONs  is that delaying PVI release by 7 days will be catastrophic for science but that 1 day (24h) is will not have a major impact on science. This is consistent with the current baseline plan to release all prompt data products within no more 24h. An embargo period of 6 hours was added some time ago in anticipation of this issue. Hope that this strategy will be acceptable. 
  • If this is not acceptable,  then the additional strategy proposed was to go for a longer delay (> 1 day) for images close to the geo-belt only.  (Currently 20% of all images for a 20 degree wide zone)
  • A final proposed mitigation is to censor those alerts that are on streaks longer than the length corresponding to a fraction of the sidereal angular motion rate. 
  • An earlier proposal to randomize observing times has been dropped; there was strong opposition from SSSC and it is also possible to determine the time from images with known SSOs.
  • We have been asked not to bring these issues to the public domain yet, NSF/DOE want to get their ducks in a row 
  • This is the proposal that has been presented, the JASONs will study it over the summer, we don't expect feedback for a few months. 
  • Tangentially coupled to the selection of the data facility, that is, they might decide to run initial processing at trusted location.  


  • It is not clear if we will have access to the JASON report, many remain classified. 
  • What about searches for LIGO counterparts, would we still be able to support forced photometry at specific locations?
    • Yes, assuming there will be services provided to LSST stakeholders enable them to do science that cannot be done with prompt data products. e.g request a larger postage stamp (within reason) 
    • Assumption that the PSF gets sent out with the stamps
  • Any mitigations involving services will require upscope  and machines to run the services. 
  • Hope that on-project staff can see all images  
Review of the stack-club course

What went well, what didn’t, feedback relevant to DM, and some overview of the projects people worked on

  • Course repository 
  • Goal was to give people the ability to get up to speed and not feel intimidated by stack-club
  • 100 applications were received, 20 were accepted, wanted to keep it small so make it more personable. 
  • Designed to run over 8 weeks, 2hr sessions every Friday, first 6 instructor-led, last 2 project driven 
  • Stack-club will continue now as before until the PCW 
  • There will be a PCW session to  present what they have done 

Observations on the course: 

  • Instruction was  varied, intro to LSP contained too much to go over in 1 session  and was overwhelming. Needed a more sedate pace for beginners 
  • 20+ simultaneous logons revealed a bug  and made login time very slow, 15 mins+ for the first several weeks. The bug is now fixed. This shows need to have users!
  • Less questions received than expected but the feedback was positive.
  • Some students expected to do all their work through the portal.  Different data sets were exposed via the Portal and NB Aspects. This also reflects the feedback from the LSP FDR. 
  • Attendance was consistently good, 17/18 of 20 throughout. 
  • Not much visibility on the Zoom breakout rooms. Covered LSB, deblending, ingesting DPs and flare stars, SSOs.  Would be good to get a better view on what people worked on. 
  • Would be useful to go through the NBs to understand how people did things and provide more pedagogical info on how to do things. 
  • 13 branches on the repo. 
  • Thanks to the support from all DM staff who gave talks and were on call. 
  • Many people did not get as far as they wanted to  – there is  hope for continued involvement in the weekly stack-club meet ups. 
Definition of bright starsAll 

The lack of a formal definition of bright stars that can be applied consistently throughout the project has been a longstanding problem

  • LIT-118 - Getting issue details... STATUS  
  • What is being used in the pipelines at the moment?
  • DM-22138 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • Robert Lupton suggests defining bright stars in terms of S/N such that the object photon noise >> S n_eff
  • Also consider the definition of "isolated" (several requirements mention "bright, isolated stars".
  • Need to choose a cut that is high enough that we are into the systematic floor rather than being dominated by photon noise – SNR cut of a few hundred.
  • Definition is mostly in the SRD but there are there are different ways to capture signal-to-noise, so the definition needs to be clear.
  • What ever is decided, it needs to be explicitly written into the definition of the metrics and the SRD - anywhere that design thresholds are specified, this influences the definition of the metric
  • Need to have the flexibility to separate the metric that we want to use from the metric that we will use at any given time. E.g HSC exposures that are deeper that those of LSST — things will change when we start applying these definitions in practice
  •  Definitions should include reference to the flags that we will cut on — an understanding of the theoretical and technical aspects is needed — we are throes of validation and verification right now.
  • A related issue is how we define a given image as being of survey quality; the definition of bright stars is somewhat coupled to some of these other practical issues that we'll face when we actually go on Sky variable quality images that are delivered.
  • Željko proposes not to have binary cuts but rather suggests to compute this in a continuous manner whereby for each image one computes effective exposure time given nominal depth expected for the survey, i.e if observing conditions are as assumed, one would have the same observing time. Then look at the distributions and make the cuts. This effective exposure time will also be used at the system level by systems engineering to track the integrated étendue of the survey.
  • What are the practices of other current large scale surveys?
    • DES:  Section 4.7 of . Contains information relevant to characterizing an exposures’s usefulness… those types of numbers form the underlying basis for whether observations meet quality cuts for the survey. They also are available (along with slightly more detailed measurements) for the DES Collaboration.
  • Can define 2 different scopes: 1) Choose some standard reasonable definition of bright stars so that we have a consistent definition across all metrics, thereby simplifying future discussions, and 2) a more detailed scientific understanding of what is meant by the definition. Can potentially gain a lot with a reasonable definition and agreement of a first.
  • Leanne Guy Keith Bechtol to form a plan for  how to engage the commissioning team to think about a) how to define bright isolated sources and b) image quality in general  

List of SST tasks (Confluence)

DescriptionDue dateAssigneeTask appears on
  • Robert Lupton Clarify the meaning of time in the object table. 1 sentence description in sdm_schemas, can link to a short DMTN.  Update 2022-02-09: Meeting to resolve this on 2022-02-21  
28 Feb 2022Robert Lupton2018-11-05 DM SST F2F Agenda and Meeting notes
  • Gregory Dubois-Felsmann check if SDM standardization is adequately represented in project documents, and whether DMTN-067 should be required.
31 Mar 2022Gregory Dubois-Felsmann2022-02-14 DM-SST Virtual F2F Agenda and Meeting notes
28 Feb 2023Leanne Guy2023-01-23 DM-SST Agenda and Meeting Notes
  • Leanne Guy talk to Steve R about presenting plans for the ShearObject table to PST and SciCollab chairs   
20 Mar 2023Leanne Guy2023-02-27 DM-SST Agenda and Meeting Notes
31 Mar 2023Jim Bosch2023-02-27 DM-SST Agenda and Meeting Notes
  • Leanne Guy  talk to Gregory Dubois-Felsmann to review the original intent of the AFS-related Portal requirements before deciding on a course of action  
29 May 2023Leanne Guy2023-05-01 DM-SST Focus Meeting - Brokers in Commissioning
  • Leanne Guy Prepare to consult the PST on the question of providing compressed PVIs for AP outputs, to cover the period before the data become available in a DR.  
02 Jun 2023Leanne Guy2023-03-27 DM-SST Agenda and Meeting Notes
  • Jim Bosch Incorporate 30-60 day period for raws on disk into the strawman proposal and present to KT  
26 Jun 2023Jim Bosch2023-05-08 DM-SST Agenda and Meeting Notes
  • Parker Fagrelius Patrick Ingraham  how long will it take to do a scan as described? No need to scan the whole WL range but will require additional points outside nominal lambda range.  
30 Jun 2023Parker Fagrelius2023-03-27 DM-SST Agenda and Meeting Notes
31 Jul 2023Colin Slater2023-07-10 DM-SST Agenda and Meeting Notes
  • Eli Rykoff , Leanne Guy  Develop a proposal for what calibration processing, hardware, data we actually need and what will be needed for DR1. This has implications for the ORR and for prioritisation of work in commissioning  
31 Jul 2023Eli Rykoff2023-01-30 DM-SST Agenda and Meeting Notes
  • Yusra AlSayyad will look to see if there is any effort to help on option 1  
28 Aug 2023Yusra AlSayyad2023-08-14 DM-SST Agenda and Meeting Notes
  • Jim Bosch  Provide a physical example of that a  up on cell table would look like fo the Colin Slater / DAX team to review  
31 Aug 2023Jim Bosch2023-02-27 DM-SST Agenda and Meeting Notes
30 Nov 2023Leanne Guy2023-10-23 DM-SST vF2F Agenda and Meeting Notes
  •  "What is the pathway to defining the data products that are required to meet DMS-REQ-0266" Jeffrey Carlin   
30 Nov 2023Jeffrey Carlin2023-10-23 DM-SST vF2F Agenda and Meeting Notes
30 Nov 2023Gregory Dubois-Felsmann2023-10-23 DM-SST vF2F Agenda and Meeting Notes
  • Jeffrey Carlin follow up with KT on DMS-REQ-0176 and DMS-REQ-0315 to update/disaggregate this for latest base/summit infrastructure split.  
30 Nov 2023Jeffrey Carlin2023-10-23 DM-SST vF2F Agenda and Meeting Notes
  • Jim Bosch Follow up on the possibility of investigating further the ability to process 2 collections in parallel.   
31 Jan 2024Jim Bosch2023-12-04 DM-SST Agenda and Meeting Notes
31 Jan 2024Jeffrey Carlin2023-12-04 DM-SST Agenda and Meeting Notes
Gregory Dubois-Felsmann2023-10-23 DM-SST vF2F Agenda and Meeting Notes