
Zoom link available on Slack channel.

(Back to the DMCCB page)


From 9.00 to 09.30 PT, Wednesdays.



DMCCB Meeting Goals

  • See DMCCB responsibilities listed in LDM-294 section 7.4

DMCCB Additional Resources

Discussion Items


CCB Notes

Flagged RFCs

(To be approved by the DMCCB)

  • RFC-771 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • RFC-863 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • RFC-946 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • RFC-956 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • RFC-957 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • RFC-964 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • RFC-958 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • RFC-970 - Getting issue details... STATUS

957 -Camera DM ICD - KT will look

964 - also KT - kafka in prompt - idea was butler for comms layer - but Prompt is different .. may need a new env.  Suggest rubin_env_ap..

970- WOM looked after meeting should board recommend

 Board Recommended RFCs

  • RFC-938 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • RFC-911 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • RFC-959 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • RFC-960 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • RFC-828 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Proposed RFCs

(to review, do not require DMCCB approval)

  • RFC-880 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • RFC-902 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • RFC-907 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • RFC-920 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • RFC-934 - Getting issue details... STATUS

 Adopted RFCs without Triggering issues

(to create implementing DM issues)

Open LCRs

Adopted RFCs with all triggered work COMPLETED

(to set status as 'IMPLEMENTED')

  • RFC-243 - Getting issue details... STATUS

RFCs adopted since the last DMCCB

(to review, no action required)

  • RFC-973 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • RFC-971 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • RFC-972 - Getting issue details... STATUS

RFCs implemented (or withdrawn) since the last DMCCB

(to review, no action required)


  • Planned
  • Changes to the release schedule

24.1.1 out broke and was fixed (rubin_env)

Yusra asks for list of tickets on release page - will be there soon and changelog now displays it correctly.

25.02 built need announcement and docs

v26 - w32 Yusra says there was an RC2 run - jeff should do report.  What about backports ?  Mostly middleware so no impact on chareterization report - there are some pipelines issues - Yusra thinks none affect metrics so its ok .

Monitor Jira issues status:

  • the most forgotten 10 DM issues
    • (resolution = Unresolved ORDER by updated asc)
  1. DM-23298 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  2. DM-23363 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  3. DM-23365 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  4. DM-23287 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  5. DM-23272 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  6. DM-23274 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  7. DM-21313 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  8. DM-7440 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  9. DM-5212 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  10. DM-6946 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Unresolved issues: 4599

Open Actions

Tim did his action  for 3rd part software - its in review  DM-41309 - Getting issue details... STATUS


Wil O'Mullane  out next week

Thanksgiving .. no CCB.

Next DM-CCB 


Pending Flagged RFCs

Key Summary

Pending Proposed RFCs

Key Summary

Oldest issues

Key Summary

Meeting outcome

Pending DMCCB Actions

DescriptionDue dateAssigneeTask appears on
25 Apr 2024Frossie EconomouDMCCB#197 (2024 - 04 - 14)