
Zoom link available on Slack channel.

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From 9.00 to 09.30 PT, Wednesdays.


Regrets: KT

DMCCB Meeting Goals

  • See DMCCB responsibilities listed in LDM-294 section 7.4

DMCCB Additional Resources

Discussion Items


CCB Notes

Flagged RFCs

(To be approved by the DMCCB)

  • RFC-771 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • RFC-863 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • RFC-891 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • RFC-893 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • RFC-895 - Getting issue details... STATUS

891 - co-work happend - agreement - they should summarize. But it may be next year Yusra AlSayyad  will talk to Lee Kelvin  about it.

893 - not very public - it's ok.

895 - extensively discussed at SST. Pipelines agree - so board recommend. How does DPDD verification happen? - it does not  yet. There was already a milestone for the property maps.  DPDD should also not say "how" to do it just that it be done.   We recommend.

Board Recommended RFCs

  • RFC-888 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • RFC-828 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • RFC-892 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Jim Bosch and Gregory Dubois-Felsmannhave RFCs to adopt.

Proposed RFCs

(to review, do not require DMCCB approval)

  • RFC-880 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • RFC-884 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • RFC-894 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Escalate 894.

 Adopted RFCs without Triggering issues

(to create implementing DM issues)

Open LCRs
  • RFC-876 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • RFC-855 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Waiting for Victor Krabbendam to push button to approve the LCRs.

Adopted RFCs with all triggered work COMPLETED

(to set status as 'IMPLEMENTED')

  • RFC-243 - Getting issue details... STATUS

RFCs adopted since the last DMCCB

(to review, no action required)

RFCs implemented (or withdrawn) since the last DMCCB

(to review, no action required)


  • Planned
  • Changes to the release schedule

23 ready to go  - tag build ok. Waiting on final merge of SDM schema cleanup from Colin Slater.

24 some cleanup to do.. should be able to build rc4 today.  SO do release notes and release it

Backports to 24.0.1  - chareterization report for this (not 24) and 25.

25. can be kicked off on weekly_48

Community post for v25 can be done  - Yusra mentions SQuaRE play book as being very good (SQR-016).

May have high school intern joining soon to do middleware deprecations.

Monitor Jira issues status:

  • the most forgotten 10 DM issues
    • (resolution = Unresolved ORDER by updated asc)
  1. DM-18600 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  2. DM-18185 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  3. DM-18614 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  4. DM-18428 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  5. DM-14538 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  6. DM-5475 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  7. DM-5890 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  8. DM-2970 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  9. DM-2422 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  10. DM-803 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Unresolved issues: 4190

(we are now encountering old T&S tickets)

One marked invalid.

18428 → Leanne

Leanne - Aaron Meisner, being offered community doc role in ops.

Jim mentions backlog board for doc tickets.

Open Actions


Tim Jenness on vacation final 3 weeks of December.

Next DM-CCB 2022-12-14 - Wil O'Mullane will chair. None on Dec 21.

Pending Flagged RFCs

Key Summary

Pending Proposed RFCs

Key Summary

Oldest issues

Key Summary

Meeting outcome

Pending DMCCB Actions

DescriptionDue dateAssigneeTask appears on
25 Apr 2024Frossie EconomouDMCCB#197 (2024 - 04 - 14)