1. Introduction

This document explains basic principles, tools, and procedures for managing existing Qserv deployments at SLAC. These are based on the binary Docker containers w/o relying on any sophisticated container orchestration technologies like Kubernetes or Docker Compose. These are the main features of this design:

  • Each Qserv instance has a dedicated master node and a set of corresponding worker nodes.
  • Each service runs in a dedicated container.
  • Configuration files of each service are placed on a host filesystem of a node where the service is run.
  • Log and core files are put onto the host filesystems of the corresponding nodes.
  • Containers are managed by the shell scripts launched from a special folder at the master node of a setup.

1.1. Authorization requirements

In order to perform most management operations mentioned in the document the following privileges are required on the corresponding nodes:

  • the docker privileges (be a member of the docker UNIX group)
  • group membership in the POSIX group rubin_users 

(warning) Note that all data of the Qserv instances are owned by the special "service account" rubinqsv. Docker containers are run under that user. And proper ACLs are set on all data owned by the user for members of the POSIX group rubin_uisers.

1.2. Management scripts and configurations in Git

All tools for managing Qserv instances mentioned in this document are found in the following Git package:

Exceptions are the special files that contain security-related information. Local copies of these files are located in the following subfolder of each instance:


More details on this subject are presented in the rest of the document.

2. Deployments

At the time of the last update of the document, there were three instances of Qserv managed by the tools.

2.1.1. slac6prod

setupMySQL portsReplication controller port (HTTP)XRootD portscomments

Master host


Worker hosts

4040 (Qserv port)
3306 (Czar database)
3366 (worker databases)

2131 (redirector)

1094 (redirector)

2132 (worker)

1095 (worker)

The production cluster is used for testing LSST's LSP at SLAC.

The cluster has 14 worker nodes.

Management scripts and configurations


Base path for data, logs, etc. [ QSERV_BASE_DIR ]


2.1.2. slac6dev

setupMySQL portsReplication controller port (HTTP)XRootD portscomments

Master host


Worker hosts

3307 (Czar database)
3367 (worker databases)

2731 (redirector)

1794 (redirector)

2732 (worker)

1795 (worker)

The development cluster is used for testing Qserv.

The cluster has 14 worker nodes.

Management scripts and configurations


Base path for data, logs, etc. [ QSERV_BASE_DIR ]


2.1.3. slac6test

setupMySQL portsReplication controller port (HTTP)XRootD portscomments

Master host


Worker hosts

3308 (Czar database)
3368 (worker databases)

2831 (redirector)

1894 (redirector)

2832 (worker)

1895 (worker)

The development cluster is used for testing Qserv.

The cluster has 14 worker nodes.

Management scripts and configurations


Base path for data, logs, etc. [ QSERV_BASE_DIR ]



3. Configuring deployments

Configurations of the Qserv deployment are represented by two groups of parameters:

  • general parameters of a particular deployment
  • parameters of the Qserv services within the deployment

The first group is rather small. It captures things like container tags and locations of the base directories (for data, logs, etc.) of an instance. Values of the parameters are set in the special files of the config/  subfolder:

% cd /zfspool/management/qserv-slac/instance/slac6prod
% ls -1 config/


The hostname is where Qserv czar and the Replication system's master services are run.
The hostnames of the Qserv workers and the Replication system's workers.
This is the shell script that sets deployment-specific various environment variables. 

The file config/env defines the following environment variables (using a config file of slac6prod as an example):

UID of the service account that owns data and Docker containers
GID of the service account that owns data and Docker containers

The tag of the MariaDB container of both czar and the worker services.

(warning) (warning) (warning) Please, do not update this tag unless migrating the instance to the new version of MariaDB. Database tags define the underlying versions of the MariaDB services. The database upgrade for all tables may be needed after such a change. This is a very sensitive operation since it affects existing data. Mistakes may result in damaging or losing the valuable information deployed in the clusters.

The tag of the binary container implementing Qserv services (except MariaDB).
The base path to a folder where Qserv's data, configurations, log files, and core files are found. Each host (the master and all workers) of a given Qserv instance should have this folder. The filesystem tree is owned by the local user rubinqsv.
The port number of the Qsev czar 's MariaDB service.
The port number of the Qsev worker 's MariaDB services.

The tag of the binary container implementing Qserv services (except MariaDB). Note that the Replication/Ingest system's tools are part of the Qserv binary container. This tag allows running a separate version of the Replication/Ingest system if needed.
A unique instance name of the Qserv. It's used by the Replication/Ingest system to prevent "crosstalks" between different instances in case of accidental misconfigurations. It also adds an additional security to the system.
The port number of the system's MariaDB service.
The port number of the Master Replication Controller. The Controller provides REST services for managing and monitoring Qserv and data catalogs.
The port number of the Workers Registry service. The service is an internal component of the Replication/Ingest system. However, knowing this port may be needed for debugging a setup.
The port number at which the Replication system's workers listen for commands from the controllers.
The port number at which the Replication system's workers serve the replica acquisition requests from other workers.
The port number of the Replication system's workers. The port is used for ingesting table data into Qserv over the proprietary binary protocol.
The port number at which the Replication system's workers. The port is used for exporting table data from Qserv over the proprietary binary protocol.
The port number of the Replication system's workers. The port is used for ingesting table data into Qserv from third-party sources, such as the locally mounted POSIX file system or object store. There is the REST service behind this port.
Parameters of the Workers Registry service.
Parameters of the Master Replication Controller.
Parameters of the system's worker services.

The optional parameter overrides the default root folder of the HTTP server that is built into the Master Replication Controller. The Qserv Web Dashboard application is served from this folder.

(warning) The folder is used for debugging purposes of the application, and it should be normally commented out.


Limits the size (in bytes) of the replication containers. Larger limits may be required during ingest campaigns when millions of contributions (files) are to be loaded into Qserv.



A prefix that is used for naming containers. For example, if the prefix is the same as shown in the last column of this table (on the right) then the container names would be:

Docker container restart policy to define the desired behavior when the Docker daemon starts, when the applications within containers crash, or when the containers are explicitly stopped. More information on this subject can be found at: https://docs.docker.com/config/containers/start-containers-automatically/
This parameter affects locking files in memory at workers during shared scans.

4. Getting started

This section introduces basic management operations using the slac6prod cluster as a target. All examples to be shown hereafter assume that a reader is logged onto the master node of the cluster and did cd into the root folder of the instance:

ssh sdfqserv001
cd /zfspool/management/qserv-slac/instance/slac6prod

(warning) All examples presented in this chapter are based on an assumption that all known services should be affected by the operations. It's possible to manage select services as well w/o affecting the others. More details on this technique are found in Script options for managing select services.

4.1. Inspecting versions of the containers

Versions of the configured containers are defined in the special variables of the environment definition file:

cat config/env

4.2. Inspecting the current status of the instance

To see which containers (services) are running (please, note the option --all  or its short form -a):

./status --all [sdfqserv001] qserv czar mariadb: aa81b3001d2b qserv/lite-mariadb:2022.7.1-rc1-21-g292b0f1ea "docker-entrypoint.s…" 9 hours ago Up 9 hours qserv-prod-czar-mariadb
[sdfqserv001] qserv czar cmsd:    afcf7d4001b4 qserv/lite-qserv:2023.2.1-rc1-8-gc28fa47d8 "bash -c 'cmsd -c /c…" 9 hours ago Up 9 hours qserv-prod-czar-cmsd
[sdfqserv001] qserv czar xrootd:  f0854dba627d qserv/lite-qserv:2023.2.1-rc1-8-gc28fa47d8 "bash -c 'xrootd -c …" 9 hours ago Up 9 hours qserv-prod-czar-xrootd
[sdfqserv001] qserv czar proxy:   41cd70bd5329 qserv/lite-qserv:2023.2.1-rc1-8-gc28fa47d8 "bash -c 'mysql-prox…" 9 hours ago Up 9 hours qserv-prod-czar-proxy
[sdfqserv002] qserv worker mariadb: c7299b920838 qserv/lite-mariadb:2022.7.1-rc1-21-g292b0f1ea "docker-entrypoint.s…" 9 hours ago Up 9 hours qserv-prod-worker-mariadb
[sdfqserv002] qserv worker cmsd:    a4863feb9494 qserv/lite-qserv:2023.2.1-rc1-8-gc28fa47d8 "bash -c 'cmsd -c /c…" 9 hours ago Up 9 hours qserv-prod-worker-cmsd
[sdfqserv002] qserv worker xrootd:  a6b14bf3df8e qserv/lite-qserv:2023.2.1-rc1-8-gc28fa47d8 "bash -c 'xrootd -c …" 9 hours ago Up 9 hours qserv-prod-worker-xrootd
[sdfqserv002] qserv worker mariadb: 2fc9339cb010 qserv/lite-mariadb:2022.7.1-rc1-21-g292b0f1ea "docker-entrypoint.s…" 9 hours ago Up 9 hours qserv-prod-worker-mariadb
[sdfqserv003] qserv worker cmsd:    69bd76bcf36f qserv/lite-qserv:2023.2.1-rc1-8-gc28fa47d8 "bash -c 'cmsd -c /c…" 9 hours ago Up 9 hours qserv-prod-worker-cmsd
[sdfqserv003] qserv worker xrootd:  163df642a8d8 qserv/lite-qserv:2023.2.1-rc1-8-gc28fa47d8 "bash -c 'xrootd -c …" 9 hours ago Up 9 hours qserv-prod-worker-xrootd
[sdfqserv001] repl mariadb:     51d9b5ad82e8 qserv/lite-mariadb:2022.1.1-rc1 "docker-entrypoint.s…" 9 hours ago Up 9 hours qserv-prod-repl-mariadb
[sdfqserv001] repl reg:         d841ef33499b qserv/lite-qserv:2022.12.1-rc2-47-g982eac7c4 "bash -c 'qserv-repl…" 9 hours ago Up 9 hours qserv-prod-repl-reg
[sdfqserv001] repl contr:       0dd0bd5b983e qserv/lite-qserv:2022.12.1-rc2-47-g982eac7c4 "bash -c 'qserv-repl…" 9 hours ago Up 9 hours qserv-prod-repl-contr
[sdfqserv001] repl worker:       ffb3118ab0b7 qserv/lite-qserv:2022.12.1-rc2-47-g982eac7c4 "bash -c 'qserv-repl…" 9 hours ago Up 9 hours qserv-prod-repl-worker
[sdfqserv002] repl worker:       c0b2f84d686b qserv/lite-qserv:2022.12.1-rc2-47-g982eac7c4 "bash -c 'qserv-repl…" 9 hours ago Up 9 hours qserv-prod-repl-worker

According to this report, all services are running.

4.3. Stopping the services

All services (including the ones of the Replication/Ingest system) are stopped by the following script:

./stop --all

4.4. Pulling containers to the master and worker nodes

This step may be needed if the container image of some existing tag got updated. Sometimes, this operation may be also needed to ensure the desired containers exist on the relevant nodes before starting Qserv and/or the Replication system.

./pull --all

4.5. Starting the services

(warning) Services won't start if they were not explicitly stopped as explained in the previous section. This also applies to scenarios when containers got crashed or died for other reasons (due to reboots of the nodes). This was done to allow inspecting container logs in case of any abnormalities with the services.

Services are started by these scripts:

./start --all

Alternatively, one may invoke this script:

./restart --all

5. Script options for managing select services

5.1. Service selectors

All scripts mentioned in this document allow selectors for the services. Any combination of the selectors shown in the table below can be used:

MariaDB service of Qserv czar.
Redirector service of Qserv czar.
Redirector service of Qserv czar.
The mysql-proxy service of Qserv czar (the czar itself).
The side-cart container with GDB and other tools for debugging Qserv services that run on the master node of a setup.
MariaDB service of the select Qserv worker(s). Each worker host runs a dedicated instance of the service.
Redirector service of the select worker(s).
Qserv worker service itself.
The side-cart container with GDB and other tools for debugging Qserv services that run on the select worker node(s) of a setup.
MariaDB service of the Replication/Ingest system.
The Master Replication Controller of the Replication/Ingest system.
The Workers Registry of the Replication/Ingest system.
The side-cart container with GDB and other tools for debugging the Replication system's services that run on the master node of a setup.
The worker service of the Replication/Ingest system. Each worker host runs a dedicated instance of the service accompanying the corresponding Qserv worker. Note that like in the case of the Qserv worker services, workers affected by the scripts are specified via the option --worker=<worker-list>.
The side-cart container with GDB and other tools for debugging the Replication system's services that run on the select worker node(s) of a setup.

Alternatively (or in addition if needed), one may also specify the group selectors:


Affects all services of czar and the select worker(s). Note that this option won't include the special debug containers. The latter need to be managed using options:


Affects side-cart containers for debugging services. These include both Qserv and the Replication/Ingest system's containers at the master and select worker nodes.

This option complements the above-explained option --all.


All services of Qserv czar. Note that this option won't include the special debug container.  For the latter use options:


All services of the select Qserv worker(s). Note that this option won't include the special debug container.  For the latter use options:


All services of the Replication/Ingest system at the master node and the select worker nodes. Note that this option won't include the special debug container.  For the latter use options:


(warning) Targeted service selectors and group selectors can always be mixed in any combination. The result would be the logical sum of all options found in the command line. At least one option must be provided. Otherwise, scripts will behave as if the following option was specified:

./<script-name> --help

5.2. Selector of the worker hosts

Finally, it's possible to limit the scope of an operation to a subset of workers using the following option:


Select a subset of workers affected by the operation. A value of the parameter carries a list of the space-separated worker hostnames. If '*' is specified in place of the worker name then the select services of all workers will be assumed. Note that single quotes are required here in order to prevent the shell from expanding the wildcard symbol into a list of local files in the current working directory.


  • applies to both Qserv and the Replication system workers
  • not using this option is equivalent to specifying --worker='*'
  • passing the empty string --worker='' will exclude all workers
'sdfqserv002 sdfqserv003'

5.3. Examples

In the following example, the Qserv's proxy at the master host and the worker xrootd services at all worker hosts will get restarted:

./restart --czar-proxy --worker-xrootd

In this example all services (both Qserv and the Replication/Ingest system) only at workers sdfqserv001 and sdfqserv002 will get stopped:

./stop --worker-all --repl-worker --worker="sdfqserv001 sdfk8sc012"

The next example illustrates using the complementary selector --all  and --all-debug to include all containers in operations:

./status --all --all-debug
[sdfqserv001] qserv czar mariadb: 
[sdfqserv001] qserv czar cmsd:    
[sdfqserv001] qserv czar xrootd:  
[sdfqserv001] qserv czar proxy:   
[sdfqserv001] qserv czar debug:   
[sdfqserv002] qserv worker mariadb: 
[sdfqserv002] qserv worker cmsd:    
[sdfqserv002] qserv worker xrootd:  
[sdfqserv002] qserv worker debug:  
[sdfqserv006] repl mariadb: 
[sdfqserv006] repl reg:     
[sdfqserv006] repl contr:   
[sdfqserv006] repl debug:   
[sdfqserv006] repl worker:       
[sdfqserv006] repl worker debug: 

The very same combination of selectors can be used with other operations.

6. Working with the log files

The log files of the services that run inside the containers are put onto the host filesystems of the corresponding nodes. Locations of the files are specified at a location relative to the environment variable QSERV_BASE_DIR. The corresponding folder should be write-enabled to the local user rubinqsv. For example, the log files of all master services (of Qserv czar and the Replication/Ingest system) of the Qserv instance slac6prod  will be placed at:


And the log files of the worker services will be placed at:


6.1. Locating and inspecting

Based on the value of this variable, one can see the locations of all logs by:

cd /zfspool/management/qserv-slac/instance/slac6prod

./log_ls --all


  -rw-rwxr--+ 1 rubinqsv gu  2615309 Mar 30 19:06 /zfspool/qserv-prod/master/log/qserv-prod-czar-cmsd.log
  -rw-rwx---+ 1 rubinqsv gu     1853 Mar 30 09:43 /zfspool/qserv-prod/master/log/qserv-prod-czar-mariadb.error.log
  -rw-rwx---+ 1 rubinqsv gu      195 Mar 30 09:40 /zfspool/qserv-prod/master/log/qserv-prod-czar-mariadb.slow-query.log
  -rw-rwxr--+ 1 rubinqsv gu  2918488 Mar 30 19:08 /zfspool/qserv-prod/master/log/qserv-prod-czar-proxy.log
  -rw-rwx---+ 1 rubinqsv gu      270 Mar 30 09:40 /zfspool/qserv-prod/master/log/qserv-prod-czar-proxy.mysql-proxy.log
  -rw-rwxr--+ 1 rubinqsv gu  3449471 Mar 30 19:06 /zfspool/qserv-prod/master/log/qserv-prod-czar-xrootd.log
  -rw-rwxr--+ 1 rubinqsv gu   258636 Mar 30 19:06 /zfspool/qserv-prod/master/log/qserv-prod-repl-contr.log
  -rw-rwx---+ 1 rubinqsv gu     1716 Mar 30 09:40 /zfspool/qserv-prod/master/log/qserv-prod-repl-mariadb.error.log
  -rw-rwx---+ 1 rubinqsv gu      190 Mar 30 09:40 /zfspool/qserv-prod/master/log/qserv-prod-repl-mariadb.slow-query.log
  -rw-rwxr--+ 1 rubinqsv gu 41533739 Mar 30 19:07 /zfspool/qserv-prod/master/log/qserv-prod-repl-reg.log


  -rw-rwxr--+ 1 rubinqsv gu 276490433 Mar 30 19:08 /zfspool/qserv-prod/worker/log/qserv-prod-repl-worker.log
  -rw-rwxr--+ 1 rubinqsv gu   2392065 Mar 30 19:07 /zfspool/qserv-prod/worker/log/qserv-prod-worker-cmsd.log
  -rw-rwx---+ 1 rubinqsv gu      1698 Mar 30 09:40 /zfspool/qserv-prod/worker/log/qserv-prod-worker-mariadb.error.log
  -rw-rwx---+ 1 rubinqsv gu       191 Mar 30 09:40 /zfspool/qserv-prod/worker/log/qserv-prod-worker-mariadb.slow-query.log
  -rw-rwxr--+ 1 rubinqsv gu  15874204 Mar 30 19:07 /zfspool/qserv-prod/worker/log/qserv-prod-worker-xrootd.log


  -rw-rwxr--+ 1 rubinqsv gu 277487701 Mar 30 19:08 /zfspool/qserv-prod/worker/log/qserv-prod-repl-worker.log
  -rw-rwxr--+ 1 rubinqsv gu   2394846 Mar 30 19:07 /zfspool/qserv-prod/worker/log/qserv-prod-worker-cmsd.log
  -rw-rwx---+ 1 rubinqsv gu      1698 Mar 30 09:40 /zfspool/qserv-prod/worker/log/qserv-prod-worker-mariadb.error.log
  -rw-rwx---+ 1 rubinqsv gu       191 Mar 30 09:40 /zfspool/qserv-prod/worker/log/qserv-prod-worker-mariadb.slow-query.log
  -rw-rwxr--+ 1 rubinqsv gu  17516856 Mar 30 19:07 /zfspool/qserv-prod/worker/log/qserv-prod-worker-xrootd.log


(warning) Note that the log files are named after the corresponding containers where the services are run.

To inspect the log files of the workers one would need to log onto the desired worker node and check the same folder as shown in this example:

ssh -n sdfqserv002 tail /zfspool/qserv-prod/worker/log/qserv-prod-worker-xrootd.log

(warning) Log files of the MariaDB services are not seen by all users (UNIX permissions for others). In this case, one would need to use this pattern:

ssh -n sdfqserv002 sudo -u qserv tail /zfspool/qserv-prod/worker/log/qserv-prod-worker-mariadb.error.log

6.2. Removing

Log files won't be automatically cleared (truncated) during restarts of the services. New entries will be appended to existing files. Eventually, if the files may grow to be too big, one would have to truncate them manually or use the following automation script:

./log_rm --all

Normally, it's done when Qserv is down:

./stop --all
./log_rm --all
./start --all

It's also possible to remove the log files of the select services. For example, if the worker's xrootd  service needs to be restarted to get the clean log one would have to do this:

./stop --worker-xrootd
./log_rm --worker-xrootd
./start --worker-xrootd

This operation won't affect other services.

6.3. Parallel search

The script log_search may be handy in case if multiple log files need to be searched and (optionally) merged by the timestamps. The tool adds 3 more parameters to the service and worker selectors explained earlier in the section Script options for managing select services:

  [--lines=<num>] [--regexp=<pattern>] [<service specificaton>]

      The number of lines in the end of each log file to search for
      the given pattern. Default: '100'.

      A regular expression. If the one is provided the content of the log stream
      will be filtered using 'egrep <pattern>'. Otherwise, no additional
      processing will be made on the stream.
      Sort and merge results read from all log files based on the timestamps.
      Otherwise group results by the log files.

The general idea is to specify services whose logs need to be searched, provide the number of lines from the tail of each file to be included in the search (option --lines), and provide an optional filter to be applied to the result (--regexp) and report all findings via a single output stream. Results could be optionally merged (option --merge) based on the timestamps of the entries.

This is an example of searching 2 last lines from the log files of the xrootd service at czar and all workers w/o merging. Note that the hostname is injected into the second column of each line of the report:

./log_tail --czar-proxy --worker-xrootd --lines=2

2021-12-15T00:06:18.148Z  qserv-db01  LWP:3278   QID: INFO  xrdssi.msgs - qserv.7:23@ Ssi_Dispose: 0:/worker/db01 [done odRsp] Recycling request...
2021-12-15T00:06:18.158Z  qserv-db01  LWP:3278   QID: INFO  xrdssi.msgs - qserv.7:23@ Ssi_close: /worker/db01 del=False
2021-12-15T00:06:19.107Z  qserv-db02  LWP:6498   QID:265345#3 INFO  wdb.QueryRunner - QueryRunner rowCount=28620 tSize=2000062
2021-12-15T00:06:19.111Z  qserv-db02  LWP:6498   QID:265345#3 DEBUG wdb.QueryRunner - _buildHeaderThis
2021-12-15T00:06:18.171Z  qserv-db03  LWP:269    QID: INFO  xrdssi.msgs - 2.7:25@ Ssi_Dispose: 0:/worker/db03 [done odRsp] Recycling request...
2021-12-15T00:06:18.186Z  qserv-db03  LWP:269    QID: INFO  xrdssi.msgs - 2.7:25@ Ssi_close: /worker/db03 del=False
2021-12-15T00:06:19.337Z  qserv-db04  LWP:6268   QID:265345#1 INFO  wdb.QueryRunner - QueryRunner rowCount=28616 tSize=2000040
2021-12-15T00:06:19.343Z  qserv-db04  LWP:6268   QID:265345#1 DEBUG wdb.QueryRunner - _buildHeaderThis
2021-12-15T00:06:18.211Z  qserv-db05  LWP:17     QID: INFO  xrdssi.msgs - qserv.7:24@ Ssi_Dispose: 0:/worker/db05 [done odRsp] Recycling request...
2021-12-15T00:06:18.221Z  qserv-db05  LWP:17     QID: INFO  xrdssi.msgs - qserv.7:24@ Ssi_close: /worker/db05 del=False
2021-12-15T00:06:18.222Z  qserv-db06  LWP:131    QID: INFO  xrdssi.msgs - 1.7:25@ Ssi_Dispose: 0:/worker/db06 [done odRsp] Recycling request...
2021-12-15T00:06:18.228Z  qserv-db06  LWP:131    QID: INFO  xrdssi.msgs - 1.7:25@ Ssi_close: /worker/db06 del=False
2021-12-15T00:03:39.613Z  qserv-master01 LWP:51 QID:265345#3 WARN  qdisp.Executive - Executive: error executing [0]  (status: 0)
2021-12-15T00:03:39.613Z  qserv-master01 LWP:51 QID:265345#3 ERROR qdisp.Executive - Executive: requesting squash, cause:  failed (code=0 )

The next result illustrates the use of the option --merge:

./log_tail --czar-proxy --worker-xrootd --lines=2 --merge

2021-12-15T00:03:39.613Z  qserv-master01 LWP:51 QID:265345#3 ERROR qdisp.Executive - Executive: requesting squash, cause:  failed (code=0 )
2021-12-15T00:03:39.613Z  qserv-master01 LWP:51 QID:265345#3 WARN  qdisp.Executive - Executive: error executing [0]  (status: 0)
2021-12-15T00:07:30.252Z  qserv-db01  LWP:5199   QID: INFO  xrdssi.msgs - qserv.7:23@ Ssi_Dispose: 0:/worker/db01 [done odRsp] Recycling request...
2021-12-15T00:07:30.277Z  qserv-db01  LWP:5199   QID: INFO  xrdssi.msgs - qserv.7:23@ Ssi_close: /worker/db01 del=False
2021-12-15T00:07:30.292Z  qserv-db03  LWP:269    QID: INFO  xrdssi.msgs - 2.7:25@ Ssi_Dispose: 0:/worker/db03 [done odRsp] Recycling request...
2021-12-15T00:07:30.301Z  qserv-db03  LWP:269    QID: INFO  xrdssi.msgs - 2.7:25@ Ssi_close: /worker/db03 del=False
2021-12-15T00:07:30.320Z  qserv-db05  LWP:102    QID: INFO  xrdssi.msgs - qserv.7:24@ Ssi_Dispose: 0:/worker/db05 [done odRsp] Recycling request...
2021-12-15T00:07:30.327Z  qserv-db05  LWP:102    QID: INFO  xrdssi.msgs - qserv.7:24@ Ssi_close: /worker/db05 del=False
2021-12-15T00:07:30.328Z  qserv-db06  LWP:131    QID: INFO  xrdssi.msgs - 1.7:25@ Ssi_Dispose: 0:/worker/db06 [done odRsp] Recycling request...
2021-12-15T00:07:30.349Z  qserv-db06  LWP:131    QID: INFO  xrdssi.msgs - 1.7:25@ Ssi_close: /worker/db06 del=False
2021-12-15T00:07:31.124Z  qserv-db02  LWP:6531   QID:265345#3 INFO  wdb.QueryRunner - QueryRunner rowCount=28617 tSize=2000029
2021-12-15T00:07:31.128Z  qserv-db02  LWP:6531   QID:265345#3 DEBUG wdb.QueryRunner - _buildHeaderThis
2021-12-15T00:07:31.261Z  qserv-db04  LWP:6273   QID:265345#1 INFO  wdb.QueryRunner - QueryRunner rowCount=28614 tSize=2000031
2021-12-15T00:07:31.266Z  qserv-db04  LWP:6273   QID:265345#1 DEBUG wdb.QueryRunner - _buildHeaderThis

Note that the lines are now sorted by the timestamps, which may be handy for tracking dependencies between events.

In the next example, the search is made for events posted in a context of a specific query identifier QID:265345:

./log_tail --czar-proxy --worker-xrootd --lines=200000 --merge --regexp='QID:265345' | tail -n 10
2021-12-15T00:08:22.877Z  qserv-db04  LWP:6268   QID:265345#1 DEBUG wdb.QueryRunner - _buildHeaderThis
2021-12-15T00:08:23.443Z  qserv-db04  LWP:6268   QID:265345#1 INFO  wdb.QueryRunner - QueryRunner rowCount=28614 tSize=2000030
2021-12-15T00:08:23.448Z  qserv-db04  LWP:6268   QID:265345#1 DEBUG wdb.QueryRunner - _buildHeaderThis
2021-12-15T00:08:23.829Z  qserv-db04  LWP:6268   QID:265345#1 INFO  sql.MySqlConnection - &&& MySqlConnection::runQuery SELECT uid FROM q_memoryLockDb.memoryLockTbl WHERE keyId = 1
2021-12-15T00:08:23.836Z  qserv-db04  LWP:6268   QID:265345#1 DEBUG sql.MySqlConnection - connectToDb trying to connect hostN= sock= uname=qsmaster dbN= port=3306
2021-12-15T00:08:23.836Z  qserv-db04  LWP:6268   QID:265345#1 ERROR sql.MySqlConnection - connectToDb failed to connect! hostN= sock= uname=qsmaster dbN= port=3306
2021-12-15T00:08:23.836Z  qserv-db04  LWP:6268   QID:265345#1 ERROR sql.MySqlConnection - runQuery failed connectToDb: SELECT uid FROM q_memoryLockDb.memoryLockTbl WHERE keyId = 1
2021-12-15T00:08:23.836Z  qserv-db04  LWP:6268   QID:265345#1 ERROR wdb.ChunkResource - memLockRequireOwnership could not verify this program owned the memory table lock, Exiting.
2021-12-15T00:08:23.836Z  qserv-db04  LWP:6268   QID:265345#1 WARN  sql.MySqlConnection - connectToDb ping=1
2021-12-15T00:08:23.836Z  qserv-db04  LWP:6268   QID:265345#1 WARN  wdb.ChunkResource - memLockStatus query failed, assuming UNLOCKED. SELECT uid FROM q_memoryLockDb.memoryLockTbl WHERE keyId = 1 err=Error -999: Error connecting to mysql with config:[host=, port=3306, user=qsmaster, password=XXXXXX, db=, socket=]

7. Configuring services

7.1. Configuring the LSST logger of the services

The script config_logger  is available for reconfiguring Qserv and the Replication system's services. The script performs the following sequence of actions:

  • read existing configuration files
  • for each file of a service specified via selectors on the command line the script opens the editor (vim) to allow viewing and/or modifying the configuration of the select service
  • and deploys an updated version of the configuration (regardless if it was modified or not)

This example illustrates how to reconfigure both the Master Replication Controller  and the Replication system's worker services on all worker hosts of a setup:

./config_logger --repl-contr --repl-worker

<editor session for the Master Controller pops up>
<editor session for the Replication worker pops up>

[sdfqserv001] updating configuration at /zfspool/qserv-prod/master/config/log/repl-contr.cfg
[sdfqserv002] updating configuration at /zfspool/qserv-prod/worker/config/log/repl-worker.cfg
[sdfqserv003] updating configuration at /zfspool/qserv-prod/worker/config/log/repl-worker.cfg
[sdfqserv004] updating configuration at /zfspool/qserv-prod/worker/config/log/repl-worker.cfg
[sdfqserv005] updating configuration at /zfspool/qserv-prod/worker/config/log/repl-worker.cfg
[sdfqserv006] updating configuration at /zfspool/qserv-prod/worker/config/log/repl-worker.cfg

(warning) Note that the script will open two editing sessions - the first one for the Master Replication Controller and the second one - for the Replication system's worker services. All workers will get the same configuration. Be advised that the affected services need to be restarted in order to enact the updated configurations.

This example shows how to reconfigure czar. In this example, two ((warning)) configuration files will be offered for editing - one of the mysql-proxy, and the other one for the czar itself.

./config_logger --czar-proxy

Here is how one may reconfigure workers at all worker nodes:

./config_logger --worker-xrootd

<editor session pops up>

[sdfqserv001] updating configuration at /zfspool/qserv-prod/worker/config/log/xrootd.cfg
[sdfqserv002] updating configuration at /zfspool/qserv-prod/worker/config/log/xrootd.cfg
[sdfqserv003] updating configuration at /zfspool/qserv-prod/worker/config/log/xrootd.cfg
[sdfqserv004] updating configuration at /zfspool/qserv-prod/worker/config/log/xrootd.cfg
[sdfqserv005] updating configuration at /zfspool/qserv-prod/worker/config/log/xrootd.cfg
[sdfqserv006] updating configuration at /zfspool/qserv-prod/worker/config/log/xrootd.cfg

7.2. Configuring parameters of the services

The script config_service  is available for reconfiguring Qserv services either at czar or worker nodes. Actions performed by the script are exactly the same as in the case of the above-explained script config_logger.

This example illustrates how to reconfigure Qserv worker service (xrootd) on all worker hosts of a setup:

./config_service --worker-xrootd

<editor session pops up>

[sdfqserv001] updating configuration at /zfspool/qserv-prod/worker/config/xrdssi.cfg
[sdfqserv002] updating configuration at /zfspool/qserv-prod/worker/config/xrdssi.cfg
[sdfqserv003] updating configuration at /zfspool/qserv-prod/worker/config/xrdssi.cfg
[sdfqserv004] updating configuration at /zfspool/qserv-prod/worker/config/xrdssi.cfg
[sdfqserv005] updating configuration at /zfspool/qserv-prod/worker/config/xrdssi.cfg
[sdfqserv006] updating configuration at /zfspool/qserv-prod/worker/config/xrdssi.cfg

(warning) Notes:

  • this mechanism can't be used to configure the MariaDB services or the Replication system's services
  • in order to get the new parameters into effect, one would need to start/restart the services affected by the reconfiguration as shown in the next example
  • when modifying the configuration of a worker service the same configuration will be deployed across all workers. Please, avoid using the worker selection option --worker=<worker-list>  in this scenario.

Here is the typical sequence of actions for reconfiguring Qserv workers:

./config_service --worker-xrootd
./restart --worker-xrootd

8. Schema upgrades

Schema upgrades are made using the following script and options:

./schema_upgrade --czar-db --worker-db --repl-db

It's possible to select either or all services if needed. Here is this example:

./schema_upgrade --repl-db
[sdfqserv001] upgrading repl mariadb
2021-12-08 04:48:49 INFO     Current replica schema version: 6
2021-12-08 04:48:49 INFO     Latest replica schema version: 6
2021-12-08 04:48:49 INFO     Known migrations for replica: 0 -> 1 : migrate-0-to-1.sql, 1 -> 2 : migrate-1-to-2.sql, 2 -> 3 : migrate-2-to-3.sql, 3 -> 4 : migrate-3-to-4.sql, 4 -> 5 : migrate-4-to-5.sql, 5 -> 6 : migrate-5-to-6.sql, Uninitialized -> 6 : migrate-None-to-6.sql
2021-12-08 04:48:49 INFO     No migration was needed

(warning) It's recommended to upgrade schemas when all (but the MariaDB) services are down. Here are the easiest ways to do this:

./stop --all
./start --czar-db --worker-db --repl-db
./schema_upgrade --czar-db --worker-db --repl-db
./stop --czar-db --worker-db --repl-db
./start --all

8.1. Checking if a schema upgrade is needed

(minus) This feature is not implemented as it needs support from the binary container's "entry points".

9. Upgrading MariaDB versions

(warning) In MySQL/MariaDB one can only upgrade an existing instance to a higher version. Please, know what version was running and what version is going to be run in this instance and follow specific instructions for the desired upgrade path at https://mariadb.com/kb/en/upgrading/. Note that database version upgrade is a very sensitive operation as it involves modifying internal data structures of MySQL/MariaDB. Some failures during this operation may be hard to recover from. Besides, the duration of the upgrade will depend on the amount of data existing in the database data directories. Potentially, it may take many hours before the operation would complete. The general advise is - do not upgrade the database service unless it's strictly required!

The first step, before attempting to upgrade the database would be to shut down all containers by:

./stop --all --all-debug

After that one should start the desired databases service that will be upgraded (or all services, depending on intent):

./start --czar-db --repl-db --worker-db

The next step is to proceed to the upgrade itself. Note that this operation requires knowing the password of the root account of the corresponding service. The accounts are found in the following local files of the managed instance:


For example:

% ssh sdfqserv001

% cd /zfspool/management/qserv-slac/instance/slac6prod
% ls -al config/secrets/
total 52
drwxr-xr-x+ 2 gapon ec  8 Sep 16 13:29 .
drwxrwxr-x+ 3 gapon ec  6 Sep 16 16:50 ..
-rw-------+ 1 gapon ec  9 Sep 16 13:29 qserv_czar_db_root_password
-rw-------+ 1 gapon ec  9 Sep 16 13:29 qserv_worker_db_root_password
-rw-------+ 1 gapon ec 21 Sep 16 13:29 repl_admin_auth_key
-rw-------+ 1 gapon ec 15 Sep 16 13:29 repl_auth_key
-rw-------+ 1 gapon ec  9 Sep 16 13:29 repl_db_qsreplica_password
-rw-------+ 1 gapon ec  9 Sep 16 13:29 repl_db_root_password

Assuming, one is planning to upgrade the MariaDB service of the Replication/Ingest system and the password is XYZ, the upgrade should be done like this:

% ssh sdfqserv001
% docker exec -it qserv-prod-repl-mariadb mysql_upgrade -uroot -pXYZ

The command will begin printing the following messages (or alike):

Phase 1/7: Checking and upgrading mysql database
Processing databases
mysql.column_stats                                 OK
mysql.columns_priv                                 OK
mysql.db                                           OK
mysql.event                                        OK
mysql.func                                         OK
mysql.global_priv                                  OK
mysql.gtid_slave_pos                               OK
mysql.help_category                                OK
mysql.help_keyword                                 OK
mysql.help_relation                                OK
mysql.help_topic                                   OK
mysql.index_stats                                  OK
mysql.innodb_index_stats                           OK
mysql.innodb_table_stats                           OK
mysql.plugin                                       OK
mysql.proc                                         OK
mysql.procs_priv                                   OK
mysql.proxies_priv                                 OK
mysql.roles_mapping                                OK
mysql.servers                                      OK
mysql.table_stats                                  OK
mysql.tables_priv                                  OK
mysql.time_zone                                    OK
mysql.time_zone_leap_second                        OK
mysql.time_zone_name                               OK
mysql.time_zone_transition                         OK
mysql.time_zone_transition_type                    OK
mysql.transaction_registry                         OK
Phase 2/7: Installing used storage engines... Skipped
Phase 3/7: Fixing views
mysql.user                                         OK
Phase 4/7: Running 'mysql_fix_privilege_tables'
Phase 5/7: Fixing table and database names
Phase 6/7: Checking and upgrading tables
Processing databases
qservReplica.QMetadata                             OK
qservReplica.config                                OK
qservReplica.config_database                       OK
qservReplica.config_database_family                OK
qservReplica.config_database_table                 OK
qservReplica.config_database_table_schema          OK
qservReplica.config_worker                         OK
qservReplica.config_worker_ext                     OK
qservReplica.controller                            OK
qservReplica.controller_log                        OK
qservReplica.controller_log_ext                    OK
qservReplica.database_ingest                       OK
qservReplica.job                                   OK
qservReplica.job_ext                               OK
qservReplica.replica                               OK
qservReplica.replica_file                          OK
qservReplica.request                               OK
qservReplica.request_ext                           OK
qservReplica.stats_table_rows                      OK
qservReplica.transaction                           OK
qservReplica.transaction_contrib                   OK
qservReplica.transaction_contrib_ext               OK
qservReplica.transaction_log                       OK
sys.sys_config                                     OK

A similar command should be executed for each service that's going to be upgraded.

When all required upgrades were finished, and if no problems were discovered during the upgrades then Qserv should be restarted normally as:

./stop --czar-db --repl-db --worker-db
./start --all

(warning) (warning) (warning) It's always a good idea to inspect the log files of the upgraded database services after restarting those to be sure the services are healthy.

10. Debugging

(warning) Please, note that the service containers do not include tools (such as gdb) needed for debugging core dumps. The tools are available within special debug containers. The containers are needed because service containers will disappear after the enclosed services crash. These containers are not started if using the command line option --all. One has to use the corresponding options to manage these containers as explained in one of the prior sections.

The following example illustrates the basic management procedures for the debug containers. The status of all containers can be inspected by:

./status --all-debug

[sdfqserv001] qserv czar debug:   
[sdfqserv002] qserv worker debug:  
[sdfqserv003] qserv worker debug:  
[sdfqserv001] repl contr debug:   
[sdfqserv001] repl worker debug: 
[sdfqserv002] repl worker debug: 

The containers can be started by:

./start --all-debug

[sdfqserv001] starting qserv czar debug

(warning) The tag names for the Qserv and the Replication containers can be different as these were configured in the corresponding variables of the file config/env:

./status --all-debug

[sdfqserv001] qserv czar debug:   7063e02e500a qserv/lite-qserv:2022.7.1-rc1-39-g572903551 "bash -c 'yum -y ins…" 55 seconds ago Up 54 seconds qserv-czar-debug
[sdfqserv002] qserv worker debug:  ea029cba5225 qserv/lite-qserv:2022.7.1-rc1-39-g572903551 "bash -c 'yum -y ins…" 55 seconds ago Up 54 seconds qserv-worker-debug
[sdfqserv003] qserv worker debug:  3dc36e38a209 qserv/lite-qserv:2022.7.1-rc1-39-g572903551 "bash -c 'yum -y ins…" 55 seconds ago Up 54 seconds qserv-worker-debug
[sdfqserv001] repl contr debug:   5c93438fba55 qserv/lite-qserv:2022.7.1-rc1-39-g572903551 "bash -c 'yum -y ins…" 54 seconds ago Up 53 seconds qserv-repl-debug
[sdfqserv001] repl worker debug: 5c93438fba55 qserv/lite-qserv:2022.7.1-rc1-39-g572903551 "bash -c 'yum -y ins…" 54 seconds ago Up 54 seconds qserv-repl-debug
[sdfqserv002] repl worker debug: 813f64a347f9 qserv/lite-qserv:2022.7.1-rc1-39-g572903551 "bash -c 'yum -y ins…" 54 seconds ago Up 54 seconds qserv-repl-debug

10.1. Core files

Locations of the core dump at all nodes of the clusters are configured at the OS level as:

% cat /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern
|/usr/lib/systemd/systemd-coredump %P %u %g %s %t %c %h %e

This means the core files are processed and managed by the system service specified in the configuration. The location of the core files as per the current configuration is determined at:

% cat /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/systemd.conf | grep core
d /var/lib/systemd/coredump 0755 root root 3d

(warning) Note the default retention period of 3 days (3d  in the configuration shown above). After that period the files would get automatically deleted.,

Files in this folder can only be inspected by the user root

% ls -al /var/lib/systemd/coredump
total 833704
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root      4096 Mar 29 10:40 .
drwxr-xr-x. 5 root root        70 Mar  9 16:49 ..
-rw-r-----+ 1 root root   1304087 Mar 28 12:34 core.cmsd.4367.14031c86fbe543f8b4a583e681cb765c.128528.1680032058000000.lz4
-rw-r-----+ 1 root root   1304316 Mar 28 12:42 core.cmsd.4367.14031c86fbe543f8b4a583e681cb765c.140523.1680032546000000.lz4
-rw-r-----+ 1 root root   1301490 Mar 28 13:52 core.cmsd.4367.14031c86fbe543f8b4a583e681cb765c.173596.1680036747000000.lz4
-rw-r-----+ 1 root root  41856897 Mar 29 10:40 core.mysql-proxy.4367.14031c86fbe543f8b4a583e681cb765c.1991942.1680111646000000.lz4
-rw-r-----+ 1 root root  20278531 Mar 28 18:16 core.mysql-proxy.4367.14031c86fbe543f8b4a583e681cb765c.3593039.1680052562000000.lz4
-rw-r-----+ 1 root root  18726543 Mar 28 18:52 core.mysql-proxy.4367.14031c86fbe543f8b4a583e681cb765c.494831.1680054740000000.lz4
-rw-r-----+ 1 root root   1106592 Mar 28 12:34 core.qserv-replica-m.4367.14031c86fbe543f8b4a583e681cb765c.129492.1680032061000000.lz4
-rw-r-----+ 1 root root   1106701 Mar 28 12:42 core.qserv-replica-m.4367.14031c86fbe543f8b4a583e681cb765c.141485.1680032548000000.lz4
-rw-r-----+ 1 root root   1106167 Mar 28 13:52 core.qserv-replica-m.4367.14031c86fbe543f8b4a583e681cb765c.174406.1680036750000000.lz4

(warning) Note that the files are compressed using the specified algorithm. One would have to deflate the desired file before inspecting it using gdb.

This determines the core file inspection technique presented later in this section.

10.2. Inspecting core dumps

To inspect locating the core files, each host of the given Qserv setup runs the dedicated debug container. The containers have gdb installed. Containers also mount the local folder of a host where the core files are located. Depending if this is the master service or the worker one, the container mount option would like one of those

-v /var/lib/systemd/coredump:/tmp/core_files:ro
-v /var/lib/systemd/coredump:/tmp/core_files:ro

All core files which exist on the host would be seen inside the container as:

% ls -1 /tmp/core_files
total 833704
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root      4096 Mar 29 10:40 .
drwxr-xr-x. 5 root root        70 Mar  9 16:49 ..
-rw-r-----+ 1 root root   1304087 Mar 28 12:34 core.cmsd.4367.14031c86fbe543f8b4a583e681cb765c.128528.1680032058000000.lz4
-rw-r-----+ 1 root root   1304316 Mar 28 12:42 core.cmsd.4367.14031c86fbe543f8b4a583e681cb765c.140523.1680032546000000.lz4
-rw-r-----+ 1 root root   1301490 Mar 28 13:52 core.cmsd.4367.14031c86fbe543f8b4a583e681cb765c.173596.1680036747000000.lz4
-rw-r-----+ 1 root root  41856897 Mar 29 10:40 core.mysql-proxy.4367.14031c86fbe543f8b4a583e681cb765c.1991942.1680111646000000.lz4
-rw-r-----+ 1 root root  20278531 Mar 28 18:16 core.mysql-proxy.4367.14031c86fbe543f8b4a583e681cb765c.3593039.1680052562000000.lz4
-rw-r-----+ 1 root root  18726543 Mar 28 18:52 core.mysql-proxy.4367.14031c86fbe543f8b4a583e681cb765c.494831.1680054740000000.lz4
-rw-r-----+ 1 root root   1106592 Mar 28 12:34 core.qserv-replica-m.4367.14031c86fbe543f8b4a583e681cb765c.129492.1680032061000000.lz4
-rw-r-----+ 1 root root   1106701 Mar 28 12:42 core.qserv-replica-m.4367.14031c86fbe543f8b4a583e681cb765c.141485.1680032548000000.lz4
-rw-r-----+ 1 root root   1106167 Mar 28 13:52 core.qserv-replica-m.4367.14031c86fbe543f8b4a583e681cb765c.174406.1680036750000000.lz4

To inspect the core files one would need to log into the special debug container as user rubinqsv (warning). The container needs to be running on the same node where the core file is located. For example:

# Log into the container
docker exec -it qserv-prod-czar-debug bash

# Make a copy of the core file at some writeable location
cp /tmp/core.mysql-proxy.4367.14031c86fbe543f8b4a583e681cb765c.1991942.1680111646000000.lz4 /tmp/mysql-proxy.core.lz4

# Deflate the file before running GDB
iz4 /tmp/mysql-proxy.core.lz4

gdb /user/local/bin/mysql-proxy /tmp/mysql-proxy.core

This will bring the gdb prompt to allow further debugging.

10.3. Attaching gdb  to processes

Another option for debugging is to attach gdb to an existing process. The simplest (though, not the most efficient) way to do this would be to log into the target container as user root, install gdb, quit, log again into the container as user rubinqsv, locate the pid of a process in question, and attach the debugger to the process. Here is this example:

docker exec -u root qserv-prod-repl-contr bash -c 'yum -y install gdb'
docker exec qserv-prod-repl-contr bash -c 'ps'
    PID TTY          TIME CMD
      1 ?        00:00:00 bash
      7 ?        00:06:43 qserv-replica-m
    212 ?        00:00:00 ps
docker exec -it qserv-prod-repl-contr bash -c 'gdb -p 7'
(gdb) where
#0  0x00007f8246296fb0 in nanosleep () from /lib64/libpthread.so.0
#1  0x00007f82481b9c6a in std::this_thread::sleep_for<long, std::ratio<1l, 1000l> > (__rtime=...) at /usr/include/c++/8/thread:379
#2  lsst::qserv::util::BlockPost::wait (milliseconds=milliseconds@entry=1220) at /home/gapon/code/qserv/src/util/BlockPost.cc:57
#3  0x00007f82481b9d97 in lsst::qserv::util::BlockPost::wait (this=this@entry=0x7ffdce10c220) at /home/gapon/code/qserv/src/util/BlockPost.cc:49
#4  0x00007f8248f92556 in lsst::qserv::replica::MasterControllerHttpApp::runImpl (this=0x1a8e510) at /home/gapon/code/qserv/src/replica/MasterControllerHttpApp.cc:280
#5  0x00007f8248c71b48 in lsst::qserv::replica::Application::run (this=0x1a8e510) at /home/gapon/code/qserv/src/replica/Application.cc:182
#6  0x00000000004044da in main (argc=<optimized out>, argv=<optimized out>) at /usr/include/c++/8/bits/shared_ptr_base.h:1307


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