Mondays 12pm - 12:50pm ET

Yusra's Zoom:



  • Meeting recorder? (last 5 meetings were: Fred, Lee, Keith, Clare, Jim)
  • Announcements: 
  • Review Action items from last week
    • Why did TE1/TE2 look bad in DC2 w10. Scarlet-lite change, "in that sense more correct", Fred was looking into building a "deblender-friendly star selector" (current selection includes things that were ruled out as primary sources).
    • Arun working on tract-level ellipticity residual plots. Goal to have it by weekly 13.
  • Processing Status
  • Review HSC RC2 rerun w_2022_12
    • What was noteworthy in this rerun? How did processing go?
      • DM-34125, error in a makeWarp tract (std::bad_alloc). Worked on Yusra's retry, will hopefully work on a rescue submission.
    • Gen2 reruns are officially done.
    • What changed in the metrics?
      • wperp dashboard broken due to "tellar_wPerp" misspelling. Ticket for Angelo.
      • Why there was a wPerp dispatch on Feb 16 and Feb 17, with different values? Have to change the date manually, could have been a typo(?).
      • TE1 y and i missing? Suspect a transient memory issue.
      • Where is bad_alloc coming from? Infrastructure issue, bad ram? Eli: I only see that if I accidentally try to allocate 10TB of ram...
      • Don't have metrics that would be sensitive to amp-to-amp matching that was turned on. Things did not get worse, but have to do more specific checks. Eli did a thing that showed no difference.
        • Does that mean that there's some remaining badness in BG subtraction? No, probably RC2 not big enough to test with Eli's test.
        • Also longer exposures make the effect less significant, and RC2 is all long exposures.
        • Would RMS of sky objects show this? Could, would be good to add this back into the gen3 dashboard.
        • Small change in nightly RC2 subset that might have corresponded to amp-amp offsets? Jeff added an annotation.
      • rc2_subset March 17th increase in wPerp? Then it went back down March 30, when piff was turned on.
        • Probably changed star selection, both through PSF mags and extendedness?
        • Will see this in DC2 in two weeks, RC2 in four weeks.
      • Plots are now part of the review
        • RHL would like vectors that show a star moving from one position on a plot to another position in a different run. Technically difficult.
        • Where did the Tier1/Tier2 plot list go? Yusra will post to the agenda.
      •  Annotate 
    • What do we expect from w_2022_16? (Tagged April  13)
      • What new metric or plot can we expect next time?
        • New features: PIFF
        • Metrics:  Sky Objects!  Maybe some deblender metrics (e.g. Number of parents skipped)
  • Review DC2
    • w_2022_10 already reviewed 2 weeks ago
  • AOB:
    • New flags getting added to deblender, could affect selections  used for metrics. Do we need to do something to distinguish these changes from new features like Piff?
      • No, if we need to do retrospective analysis, then we'll do retrospective.
  • Next meeting  


Action Items

DescriptionDue dateAssigneeTask appears on
  • Add a plot with fakes stats to the dashboard. Sophie Reed 
04 Sep 2020Sophie ReedDRP Metrics Monitoring 2020-08-07
  • Sophie to add field in metric definition to hold thresholds. DM-43364 - Getting issue details... STATUS : We need to talk about this when Sophie is back!
DRP Metrics Monitoring 2024-04-22
  • Sophie to add field in metric definition to hold thresholds. DM-43364 - Getting issue details... STATUS
DRP Metrics Monitoring 2024-03-18
  • Clare: add analyzeMatchedVisitsCore to drp_pipe step8
DRP Metrics Monitoring 2023-06-26
  • Sophie: make a new list for outstanding analysis_drp plots that require moving, send to Jim
DRP Metrics Monitoring 2023-06-26
  • turn catchFailures on in calibrate. Add flag to indicate that deblender failed because PSF is bad. 
DRP Metrics Monitoring 2022-10-31
  • Yusra AlSayyad Eric's account was deleted; we need to make sure he has all his logs. 
Yusra AlSayyadDRP Metrics Monitoring 2021-06-14
  • Arun Kannawadi Modify rho stats in pipe_analysis  to use debiased moments (see  DM-30751 - Getting issue details... STATUS ). 
Arun KannawadiDRP Metrics Monitoring 2021-04-19
Arun KannawadiDRP Metrics Monitoring 2021-03-01
  • Yusra AlSayyad Do a rerun with w50 PS1 refcat and one with shrunk refcat errors. 
Yusra AlSayyadDRP Metrics Monitoring 2021-01-04
  • Jeffrey Carlin Add an absolute astrometry match-to-refcat metric to dashboard  DM-34153 - Getting issue details... STATUS
Jeffrey CarlinDRP Metrics Monitoring 2021-01-04