Mondays 12pm - 12:50pm EST

Yusra's Zoom:


Yusra, Arun, Chris (Waters), Clare, Dan, Eli, Fred, Hsin-Fang, Ian, Jim (Bosch), Josh, Lauren, Leanne, Lee, Monika, Merlin, Morgan, Nate, Robert, Sophie


  • Review Action items from last week
    • New refcat loader that will make it easier for faro to load in refcats. DM-30054
  • Review w_2021_22
    • What was noteworthy in this rerun?
      • Gen2: Issues with singleFrameDriver related to out-of-bounds psf ticket. Lost 9813 during mulitband driver.  SkyCorrection required more time than last rerun. 9615 HSC-G.  see if transient.  faro on the gen2-gen3 conversion pending Eli's afterburner converter. 
      • Gen3: Failures for HSM PSF. and a missing skymap. Some failures with the narrowband filter for filter. 
        • Set up appointment for Simon to teach us how to link faro to squash. Yusra AlSayyad
    • What changed? Annotate
    • What do we expect from w_2021_26? 
      • New features:
        • No HSM crashing!  DM-30426 
          • ER: This is a new feature. Before this would have corrupted memory. 
        • New NoWorkFound "expected failures" DM-30649
        • Fix for singleFrame astrometric matching for DC2 DM-30490
        • analysis_drp plots. 
      • Changes toward Gen2-Gen3 parity:
      • What new metric can we expect next time
  • Review DC2
    • w_2021_20:
      • Gen2: Eric
        • Yusra AlSayyad Eric's account was deleted; we need to make sure he has all his logs. 
      • Gen3:  
    • w_2021_24:
      • Gen3: Done. Some errors. ShapeHSM error. Two WriteSourceTable jobs failed with no space on disk. Some failures for image difference DM-30649 on its way. Takes only 2 days if there are no code problems.  
        • Monika will rerun two writeSourceTable jobs just to see if they're transient. JB:  BPS will do automated retries which will fix but also hide these.  RL: When? JB: Weren't expecting on having to do retries at these smaller scales reruns. We can tell HTCondor to do this but I'm not sure the details. 
      • Gen2: Completely blocked by brighter fatter correction. CZW: Converting the existing kernels to be read in should not be too hard and I'll file a ticket today. DM-30738
        • DT: Then why does the bright star photometry look OK for the older gen2 w_2020_48? LM: we were not doing BF correction in Gen3, we just turned it on. Turning it on broke the Gen2 rerun.
          • Compare w20 and w24 to confirm that BF is turned on and functioning. This is now confirmed for gen3, see  DM-30747 - Getting issue details... STATUS  for details.
    • Gen3 Pipeline for DP0.2
  • AOB
    • DT: I'm interested in seeing what the new debiased moments tell us about PSF modeling.
    • SR: The blendedness column in the objectTable is entirely nans. 

Meet again in 2 weeks:

By then we need:

  • faro run on gen2-gen3 converted repos, with Eli's afterburner. 

Action Items

DescriptionDue dateAssigneeTask appears on
  • Add a plot with fakes stats to the dashboard. Sophie Reed 
04 Sep 2020Sophie ReedDRP Metrics Monitoring 2020-08-07
  • Sophie to add field in metric definition to hold thresholds. DM-43364 - Getting issue details... STATUS : We need to talk about this when Sophie is back!
DRP Metrics Monitoring 2024-07-01
  • Sophie to add field in metric definition to hold thresholds. DM-43364 - Getting issue details... STATUS : We need to talk about this when Sophie is back!
DRP Metrics Monitoring 2024-06-03
  • Sophie to add field in metric definition to hold thresholds. DM-43364 - Getting issue details... STATUS : We need to talk about this when Sophie is back!Sophie: I haven't made progress
DRP Metrics Monitoring 2024-05-20
  • Sophie to add field in metric definition to hold thresholds. DM-43364 - Getting issue details... STATUS : We need to talk about this when Sophie is back!
DRP Metrics Monitoring 2024-05-20
  • Sophie to add field in metric definition to hold thresholds. DM-43364 - Getting issue details... STATUS : We need to talk about this when Sophie is back!
DRP Metrics Monitoring 2024-04-22
  • Sophie to add field in metric definition to hold thresholds. DM-43364 - Getting issue details... STATUS
DRP Metrics Monitoring 2024-03-18
  • Clare: add analyzeMatchedVisitsCore to drp_pipe step8
DRP Metrics Monitoring 2023-06-26
  • Sophie: make a new list for outstanding analysis_drp plots that require moving, send to Jim
DRP Metrics Monitoring 2023-06-26
  • turn catchFailures on in calibrate. Add flag to indicate that deblender failed because PSF is bad. 
DRP Metrics Monitoring 2022-10-31
  • Yusra AlSayyad Eric's account was deleted; we need to make sure he has all his logs. 
Yusra AlSayyadDRP Metrics Monitoring 2021-06-14
  • Arun Kannawadi Modify rho stats in pipe_analysis  to use debiased moments (see  DM-30751 - Getting issue details... STATUS ). 
Arun KannawadiDRP Metrics Monitoring 2021-04-19
Arun KannawadiDRP Metrics Monitoring 2021-03-01
  • Yusra AlSayyad Do a rerun with w50 PS1 refcat and one with shrunk refcat errors. 
Yusra AlSayyadDRP Metrics Monitoring 2021-01-04
  • Jeffrey Carlin Add an absolute astrometry match-to-refcat metric to dashboard  DM-34153 - Getting issue details... STATUS
Jeffrey CarlinDRP Metrics Monitoring 2021-01-04