
The goal is to wire the Replication system's Master Controller (and other instances of controllers) with the MySQL-based CSS. This is going to be the read-write association.

This is needed for implementing the new catalog ingest for Qserv. Also, in the long term it would make a sense to avoid duplicating some of the information which is presently stored in the Configuration of the Replication system and switch to CSS. This includes (to name a few):

  • a list of known databases and tables
  • table schema
  • partitioning parameters for each database

After this is done the Replication will be able to:

  • form databases families based on the equality of the partitioning parameters of the databases
  • known which tables (and of which kind: partitioned or fully replicated) need to be taken care of
  • create databases and tables on workers based on the schema loaded into CSS
  • validate input data (the content of the TSV files, as well as context of these files) during catalog ingest

Implementation details

Some aspects of the implementation may be related to the previously completed project:

Use the following class:

  • No labels