Flowing down from the DM requirements and the overall project schedule, Data Management develops a roadmap for its development process.

This is captured in the document LDM-240.  Up until Winter 2015 this covered only software development but currently (March-April 2015) we are working on folding hardware development and system deployment into the document.

LDM-240 contains a brief description of development milestones to be achieved in each Work Breakdown Structure (WBS; see LPM-43 for the overall hierarchy) branch, by fiscal year, a list of quantitative metrics (Key Performance Metrics, KPMs) to be achieved each year, and a high-level summary of the dependencies of each WBS branch's development schedule on others.

The detailed plan for Data Management, following our "Agile for Government" process, is expressed in six-month cycles as "Epics" in the JIRA Agile task tracking system.

The technical infrastructure for maintaining the information captured in LDM-240 is being reconsidered in early 2015:  RFC-17 - Getting issue details... STATUS .

At the moment, however, the Excel spreadsheet that is the LDM-240 document is the DM-wide original form for the data.  Some individual project teams are developing their inputs in other tools.


  • Current baseline version of LDM-240 (direct link)
  • Version history of LDM-240 (may include drafts more recent than the latest version)

Planning activities


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