DM Technical Baseline Change Control Policy

DM has established a Technical Baseline which includes the LDM documents and DM-authored LSE documents that specify the requirements and design of the DM System. These documents are posted and controlled in a single docushare collection. The docushare "preferred version" is always set to the last baselined version in each document in this collection, even if more recent working versions have been created/posted. The TCT owns the process/authorization for posting of new baseline documents and the setting of the preferred version of any documents in this collection.

The overall LSST CCB process delegates change control of subsystem level baseline documents to a subsystem-level change control process, only requiring review of changes by the subsystem System Architect/System Engineering representative to look for impacts outside DM. If such impacts exist, the change needs to be escalated to the LSST CCB. This page defines the DM subsystem-level change control process for technical baseline documents.  This change process presumes the  proposed change has already been discussed and the need for the change is established, refer to:

Discussion and Decision Making Process

When a change to the baseline is requested, the following is the process:

  1. The owner of the LDM/LSE document or their delegate gets a copy of the baseline document from the docushare collection and edits and uploads a new working copy into the same document handle in docushare (as a new version). The update is typically prepared as an edited version of the document with revision tracking on, but if another mechanism is used, it must be possible to see markup showing what has changed since the baseline version. It is acceptable for multiple changes to be requested at one time, but it is to be understood that some may be accepted and others rejected. Comments may be added to provide additional rationale for the change as necessary.
  2. When ready for review, the owner submits a request for review for acceptance into the baseline. This is request is via a comment in the JIRA RFC.
  3. The TCT will review the proposed change and assuming approval (which should be pro forma at this point), the TCT chair(s) will set the preferred version in docushare to the approved version. The TCT chair(s) then post to the post in lsst-dm-tct indicating that the change was approved and the baseline has been updated. Should the TCT decide to reject the change they will do so by comment in the JIRA RFC with an explanation of the rationale for the rejection.
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