End-to-end system exercise

A SUI/T prototype was built and deployed on lsst14.ncsa.illinois.edu:8080. Anyone with account at NCSA to lsst-dev can access it. 

  1. ssh -L 8814:localhost:8080 lsst14.ncsa.illinois.edu

  2. point your browser to http://localhost:8814/fftools

To search the LSST catalogs loaded for Bremerton test ( accessing dax APIs at port 8661):

  1. click on the blue button at the top "Datasets: Catalogs & Images", then "general search" at the left-hand side
  2. click on the drop-down options menu, select LSST at the bottom of the list
  3. you will see the list of catalogs available (please ignore the cols count there, it is not populated)
  4. click on the table you are interested in, do the search.  some positions (Equatorial J2000) to use

    table nameposition

    321.0, 0.73;  320.23, 0.45

    icSrc321.0, 0.73

     320.23, 0.45

    deepCoadd_meas320.23, 0.45
    deepCoadd_forced_src320.23, 0.45
    reference catalog(sdss_dr9)0, 0

Issues and todo:

  1. The position is not highlighted on the coverage preview when the source is selected in table.
  2. table names format is not user friendly
  3. working on eliminating some duplicate calls for catalog information

The instruction for Firefly installation:   installFireflyInstruction.txt

The slides for Firefly API breakout session on Tuesday, August 18


The slides for DM update for scientists on Thursday, August 20.
