Use cases

  • Rapidly examine images by eye to identify anomalies, satellites, etc.
    • DES developed a tool which produces bitmaps of full focal planes for this purpose.  DESC has adapted a lot of that code for use in DC2 validation.  We can probably just use it.
    • DESC implementation is making use of make_fp_summary from the LSST stack
  • Independent (i.e. not in a notebook environment) inspection of raw images as in DS9.
    • Need to be able to run it off of a remote machine that actually hosts the data.
    • Doesn't matter if it's driven by a terminal or a browser, it just has to be fast.
    • Technologies to explore:
      • nomachine (used at NERSC)
      • FASTX
      • VNC (used by Kamiokande; requires users to start their own servers)
      • JS9 – JavaScript implementation of DS9
  • Compare images before and after given corrections side-by-side (currently using some combination of afwDisplay and matplotlib)
  • Overlaying maps onto images (currently use afwDisplay

Desired functionality

  • Ability to click on a source/pixel in an image and get associated catalog-level data
  • When inspecting images for anomalies, would be helpful to click on a pixel and have its location logged somewhere for future reference
    • DES's tool does this

Feedback from Tony Johnson (just going to copy-and-paste an email here)

We are already working on, and plan to deliver to the summit, a system for visualizing focal-plane data in real-time. You can see an early prototype of this system here:


We plan to have a large multi-monitor display for visualizing these images on the summit (a prototype for such a system already exists for I&T at SLAC in our control room).

The emphasis for this tool is close-to-real time visualization of raw (or very slightly processed) images, and for camera image diagnostics. We have limited manpower for this, and welcome help from others, but even without help we are confident we will deliver a working system , but perhaps without all the bells&whistles people would like. I have promised to create an updated "requirements" page for this, but have not done this so far. It is vaguely possible I could create something by Friday, but no promises.