
October 21, 2014 12:00-2:00 PDT

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Discussion Items


Systems Engineering discussed the GitHub move this morning.

DM-1192 - Getting issue details... STATUS The transition plan will be a key deliverable prior to the move.

Winter2015 Package Reorganization Planning or an alternative would ideally be in place prior to the move, but we can do it afterwards if need be.

  • Frossie would like to move some repos completely to GitHub soon, in advance of preparing the transition plan.
  • This would be a pilot to do an end-to-end test with selected "power users" from various subsystems.  This is necessary to develop a detailed transition plan and documentation.
  • DonP says that we're asking to do a reversible prototype with real use cases.
  • Mario is concerned that standards force subsystems to be too interdependent.  He thinks there will only be a few different systems.  Having Victor need to approve this is worrisome.  Let multiple flowers bloom and then use natural selection and emulation to drive standardization.  But git remains fundamental.
  • DonP says that different subsystems are separate configuration domains and so should be able to use separate toolchains.
  • Experience leverage may be better with other outside projects of similar type than across different types within LSST.
  • K-T to submit minimal change request to CCB.

NCSA infrastructure/hardware needs – progress?

  • Long talk about OpenStack with Toni Perez who has done this before.
  • Want guidance as to what kind of nodes will be needed.
    • Document is on Frossie's plate.
    • Jacek and Xiuqin should write up similar requirements (that are consistent with the mission).
  • Replacing current stale hardware is moving forward since there have been no objections.
Design Deep DiveKTL

DM-35 - Getting issue details... STATUS Alert Generation and Distribution

Design Deep DiveKTL

Data Release Production Overview

Design Deep DiveKTL DM-44 - Getting issue details... STATUS Archive Ingest and SDQA
Design Deep DiveKTL DM-45 - Getting issue details... STATUS Data Release Process


  • As-is system
    • Staff-only
    • Public
    • Do we/should we have proprietary data?
      • Likely yes.  Access by all LSST staff; they will be educated on rights and responsibilities (as part of on-boarding process).
  • To-be system
    • Staff-only
    • Data rights
    • Public
    • Proprietary (e.g. L3)
Action ItemMario

DM-9 - Getting issue details... STATUS Mailing lists

  • Announcements, users, developers.
    • Smaller groups can and should be encouraged to set up their own.
  • Iain still has to create lists now, could possibly be made self-serve.
  • SAT recommends approval.
  • (Note: Should have HipChat account as a step in the on-boarding process.)