Action Items

  • Present summary of this meeting at Monday 2018-01-29 DMLT telecon. (Margaret Gelman)
  • Establish service level expectations for services provided by the Data Facility to DM construction teams (Wil O'Mullane, John Swinbank, NCSA).
  • Sweep through existing JIRA-IHS tickets, ensuring that they are all being handled promptly (Unknown User (mbutler))
  • Ensure that JIRA-IHS provides a workflow that is appropriate for NCSA process (Wil O'Mullane); this may involve some project-wide reconsideration of the way we’re using JIRA (Victor Krabbendam & ITSC)
  • Provide Unknown User (mbutler) with a list of some Slack channels that would be useful to participate in (John Swinbank).
  • Socialize the LDF construction baseline among the NCSA technical team, so that they are better informed and able to engage with the rest of the project (Unknown User (mbutler), Margaret Gelman)
  • Provide time for the NCSA team to read and understand the DM Developer Guide (and contribute to it, when necessary) (Unknown User (mbutler), Margaret Gelman)
  • Encourage DM team members to be less aggressive in public (Slack, JIRA) interactions with NCSA (& other) staff — contact Unknown User (mbutler)  / Joel Plutchak when e.g. deliverables are not met rather than calling them out in public. (Wil O'Mullane, John Swinbank)
  • Schedule a code of conduct refresher for the DM All Hands (John Swinbank)
  • Schedule S19 DMLT meeting at NCSA; NCSA leadership will support the project in reducing meeting costs (Wil O'Mullane)
  • Review NCSA commissioning budget and coordinate with Michael Reuter to resolve any outstanding questions. (Margaret Gelman)
  • Develop a clear understanding of exactly the services which NCSA will support, and what we’ll need to use GCE/AWS/… for. (Unknown User (mbutler))
    • Consider the “Jetstream” cloud at University of Indiana in this respect.
  • Consider what it would take to migrate git-lfs back to NCSA. (Unknown User (mbutler))
    • Discuss with SQuaRE what their requirements would be for this (Unknown User (mbutler) will talk to Frossie Economou).
    • Once the requirements are understood, will consider e.g. running service in parallel at NCSA & AWS to demonstrate reliability.
    • Unknown User (mbutler) will work on documentation in GitHub, e.g. as a DMTN.
    • Expect a first draft of this before the March DM All Hands.
  • Schedule session at AHM on Developer Support. (John Swinbank)
    • Note the need for appropriate expectation and tone setting among the rest of the DM team.
    • Perhaps scheduling this as a round-robin with each team would help avoid any potential bad feeling.
  • Migrate internal NCSA Google Docs onto GitHub and/or Docushare. (Margaret Gelman, Unknown User (mbutler))
  • Clarify requirements for NCSA provided code — must it be integrated with e.g. EUPS? Also consider the appropriate format for documenting these requirements (Wil O'Mullane)
  • Unknown User (mbutler) should attend at least a couple of DM-SST meetings to see whether they’re useful to her.
    • And John Swinbank should make sure that she knows where to find them, and that the DM-SST knows that she’s coming!
  • Perform detailed cloud costing analysis (NCSA, taking input from Wil O'Mullane's )
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