For now, all on one instance....  See Notes on manually starting a condor pool on AWS for >1

This is with w_2019_14. The ci_hsc workflow was pre-made. 

  1. Log into your AWS console
  2. Go to EC2 Dashboard - Images - AMIs
  3. Find the shared AMI name "stack-w_2019_14-htcondor-repo-EFS-CLI" and launch an instance with it
    • The DATA repo and Pegasus workflow are included in this image
    • LSST Stack and other software has been installed
  4. (set up your key pair as needed)
  5. ssh to the instance
  6. A 2-node mini-condor should be ready for use; can check by `condor_status`
  7. cd pegasus_w14e
  8. This workflow needs an init step:
    pipetask -b ~/DATA/butler.yaml -i raw,calib,ref/ps1_pv3_3pi_20170110,col00 -o myrun002 run --init-only --qgraph demo_qgraph_w14c.pickle
    Pick myrun777 with a number of your choice 
  9. Edit the demo_wf.dax  file, replace all "myrun001" string with your myrun777
  10. ./

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