The scribe has learned an oft-repeated lesson – save your work regularly because you never know when the tool will wipe out your work. This is a reprise of what was written earlier but trashed by system on SAVE.



Discussion items

  • Jim and Perry's team and Simon and Russell's team  decided to coordinate their sprints and use a single Board: Science Pipelines.
    • The first W15 sprint started on Monday; the sprint will close Oct 31.
    • Jim will be in Japan for the last 2 weeks of the sprint.
  • Perry and Jim are finishing up the last task in the S14 sprint; it is in review.
    • Once the task is complete, they will be ready for Release 10.x to be cut.
  • Read this morning's MW team meeting email for their current status.
  • MW started their W15 sprint on Monday; it is 2 weeks long.
  • Greg is still finishing up his stories and will be entering them into the sprint ASAP.
  • K-T is doing a myriad of tasks: preparing for SAT, performing JIRA Issue reviews, but mostly, assiting GPDF with the ICD documentation.
  • Jim asked K-T is the package reorganization was scrapped or on-hold
    • K-T said it was waiting for key people to return.
    • Jim said that the parts with which he was most concerned  were not the parts which were contentious.
    • K-T said the old organization won't work in the long run. He proposes that the core packages will reside in fewer repositories than before but the plug-in packages will probably continue to exist 1-per-repository. This still needs to be discussed, though
  • Robyn has been entertaining herself by reviewing the JIRA Issues assigned to the DevOps Board. Working in an excel spread sheet she's placed the Issues in the likeliest Epics and is reviewing them for: urgency of completion, requests from developers, possibility that they should be kicked to the side, etc.  This is in preparation of meeting with Frossie to select the Issues which should and can be handled by SQuaRE during W15.
  • Post-meeting: Robyn went through all JIRA Issues looking for potential DevOps Issues which weren't tagged as such. She found she needed to include not only "labels = DevOps"  but also 9 different "component = xxx" to collect all of the relevant Issues. For example: "Developer Infrastructure", 'Continuous Integration", git, infrastructure, "Third Party Software", testing-endtoend, etc.
  • Robyn also worked on some TCT issues.
  • Simon was late for the meeting since he was trapped in the elevator!
  • Simon reports no blockers.
  • He and Russell started their W15 sprint on Monday.
  • Russell is integrating the new clang compiler into the stack build and finding a wealth of bugs/problems.
    • Jim asked if Russell had tested this on Linux
    • K-T thought that he'd done that already
    • Simon said he'd go back to Russell to get a report
    • Robyn asked Simon to get a status summary on the suite of compiler, 3rd party tools, OS that he's been testing these last few weeks.
    • Simon said he'd respond to the meeting notes.
  • Russell sent email on his current status:
    • I have built the stack on linux with C++ enabled using gcc 4.4. However, I think that compiler is too old to tell us very much (especially given all the problems clang 6 exposes). I plan to finish getting the stack to build on MacOS with clang 6 and then try linux with gcc 4.6, at least.

Action items
