

Discussion items

  • pushed large tickets to master; these include the 'xrootd' integration and new 'xrootd' client integration.
  • still working on closing 'refmatch' which provides support for joins;
  • sometime soon, he'll push the new logging package as well:
    • the SAT is the bottleneck
    • there is no super rush yet since  Jacek wants to wait for Serge to push his ticket.
    • K-T:  Approval of the log package will be delayed until RHL has a chance to look at it.
  • Jacek is doing some research on the image catalog and the global catalog to better understand the scope for W15.
  • Started new sprint yesterday which might be a little ambitious but he wants to try to get as much as they can done before the sprint ends on Sep 30.
  • Mostly spending time doing planning and finishing up a couple of tickets from the last sprint;
    • he has more planning work today: fleshing out the epics and making it clear which of Perry or Jim is likely to work on things and provide a little more information to Simon and Russell on things that they can pull over from HSC.
  • Jim is hopeful he will have enough time to return to his assignment for the SAT which is to come up with a strawman for package reorganization.
    • He's made some progress  but it's not ready to go yet.
  • Steve is moving ahead with his work on fault tolerance. No real problems there.
    • He's requested the Admins provide 1 more VM  in order to make the front-end cleaner so it can be the OCS (Observatory Control System) simulator. It's not a requirement.
  • Greg is looking  at integrating OpenStack with Condor and how the integration should work.
  • K-T has been working on various things including preparation for his Sept trips to Tucson and NCSA.
  • JIRA W15 epics for Steve are in; Greg's are being defined by Don.
  • Simon has been participating in the W15 planning.
    • He believes they have all their epics up. He has updated story points on the aperture correction tasks to reflect what he thinks is more accurate work estimate since it will probably take a bit longer that originally entered. He assumed that his planning is sufficient for Jeff to make headway even though the epics haven't been thoroughly fleshed out in stories. If  what is provided is not enough for Jeff Kantor, Jeff should let him know and he will add more.
  • Russell and Simon are also working on getting some things finished up for S14. Specifically, Russell is going to start work on pixel origin rework beginning next Monday.
  • Frossie is still bogged down in recruitment activities.
  • She discussed with Jeff that we'd like to transition the Tucson work from LOE to sprinted epics/stories. She is putting into JIRA the epics she has put together with Mario and Jeff. They are leaning towards being under-promised since at this point they can only assume the W15 team is comprised of Robyn and Frossie and Frossie has only 50% time - less than that until October.
  • Frossie will get back to Robyn on her pull request.
  • She has not discharged her action from the last meeting to create a JIRA ticket, but she felt there was not point since Robert wasn't around to express his opinion.
  • Frossie and other Tucson folks took Mario out for a beer to  wish him well on his move to Seattle.
  • Closing out tasks and not starting any new upgrades before her leave starting Monday. She will return Sept 25.
    • Volunteer note takers for these meetings are needed.