(back to the list of all DMLT meeting minutes)


ZOOM link in bookmarks of #dm-camelot on Slack


10:15am PT



Discussion Items

NotesYusralast time Ian
Project Updates
  • NSF visit this week - data management and software plans in NOIRlab (Wed/Thur)
  • 17th may Quarterly review - AMCR 18th.19th
  • New AURA  Chief of Staff Lee Curtis, VP HR (new role) Sandra Perkins (interim)
    • YA: so many Lee Kelvins! WO: I knew this one first. He started off as an assistant to Matt Mountain
  • Camera Transport RFP and Insurance purchase underway and proceeding smoothly. RFP to be released this week.
  • Agenda for Strategy Mtg today:  1-week summit "shutdown" for electrical work : 5 - 9 June ?
  • NSF Research Infrastructure Workshop - Rubin contingent for in-person and virtual - Construction & Ops
  • Next Monday - holiday in Chile

See  #inclusion and https://www.lsst.org/about/dei

Community link: https://community.lsst.org/c/eji/45

Add further discussion topics here.
Review of Project Milestones

Is this the DMLT meeting following the publication of the project's monthly report? If so, add a list of milestone dates here. If not, delete this entry. See https://docushare.lsst.org/docushare/dsweb/View/Collection-7242 for recent reports.


March data - https://dmtn-232.lsst.io/v/update-milestones-6f3987d/index.html


New tickets  added to Jira for 1A verification

  • WO: There were a few milestones that had be closed and reappeared on the monthly report.. I think that's been fixed. 
  • WO: the next cliff is in September of this year. Let's look at them before the deadline.
  • WO: Date for 503-14 is currently May 2023. That looks wrong. 
  • LG: P1As need to be ready by first photon... P1B's need to be ready for operations. Both combined are needed for ORR. 
  • WO:  SQR-4? "science platform is ready for verifications" We just accepted TMA with notebooks on the science platform. indicates that the platform is ready for verifications. 
  • LG: This has to mean the SCIENCE verification surveys. 
  • WO: there are more words on https://dmtn-158.lsst.io/#dm-sqre-4 I think its that API workflow for batch processing that's not done yet. We'd need to have at least condor on the summit and ability to submit jobs to it from the science platform to claim it. Anyway, let's not go to the JSR with a backlog of milestones that are just have test reports outstanding. 

We may want to look at 503-14 (see below - DM Readiness for Science Verification Surveys) - it seams 503-19a (1as verififed) should be a predecessor of that. .

RSP could claim DM-SQRE-04 based on the TMA substantial acceptance which proved it worked for verifcation (not sure we have a better test)..

NET-neutral: Cisco ACI replaced [Due 2022-12-16]  - we did this right ?  Was it not claimed in Jan? Its not on confluence.

Level 2 Milestones

See also LSST Verification & Validation Documentation and LDM-692 (VCD).

Test Plans due in the next 45 days

Milestones due in the next 45 days

Risk Review

  • Risk dash board
  • YA: Mine all have the obligation date of April 19 2023 which was once upon a time when we were expecting comcam data. Need to figure out the new expected data and update it. 

Risk items needing review

Overdue risks (obligation date passed)

Risk mitigations due at the end of this month

Overdue risk mitigations


DMLT Travel & Availability this week

Next Monday holiday in Chile (May 1) – Skip DMLT?

Yusra AlSayyad and Colin Slater at Fermilab this week

Any Other Business

Leanne Guy Can we not have the meeting free week so that they're not all on my DM-SST on week?

  • WO: You want to move the September one? LG: Oh I can't have the SST on 6/19(Juneteenth) or 9/25 (LSST-Europe) anyway. Let's look at the 2024 meeting free weeks.
TCAM Stamdupas needed
Action review

DMLT Action Items (Confluence quick tasks)

Confluence action items on DMLT meeting minutes pages are meant to be mainly low-level actions that can be completed quickly.  More substantial tasks should appear in JIRA.  The label "DMLT" can be used (with any component) to mark a task as resulting from a DMLT action item.

DMLT Action Items (JIRA)

JIRA tasks with label "DMLT" but not TESTPLANS: