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Meeting ID: 761546516

(Back to the DMCCB page)


From 9.00 to 09.30 PT, Wednesday January the 30th.



DMCCB Meeting Goals

Discussion Items

ItemDescriptionCCB Notes

Flagged RFCs

(To be approved by the DMCCB)

RFC-538: draft in docushare LDM-148, LDM-151, DMCCB review docs now.

John Swinbank : document consistent with the actual baseline. If NCSA disagree, that will be a different change request. Status set to Board Recommend.

Proposed RFCs

(to review, do not require DMCCB approval)

Adopted RFCs without Triggering issues

(to create implementing DM issues)

  • RFC-134: Kian-Tat Lim to withdraw
  • all other RFC have IHS tickets

Adopted RFCs with all triggered work COMPLETED

(to set status as 'IMPLEMENTED')

RFC-449: the RFC has changed, Kian-Tat Lim is asking if we need to change it or withdraw and open an new one. John Swinbank suggest to withdraw it. DMCCB decided to retire the RFC, that imply the RFC is close (fineal status).

RFC-551 not to discuss during the CCB

RFCs implemented since last CCB

(to review)

Changes to the planned releases
  • 17.0 planned for end of 2018, shifted at the beginning of 2019
  • LDM-564 need to be updated

DMCCB to approve scheduled release and patch releases proposal

17.0 should be ready next week to start

Tim Jenness moved astro_metadata_translator to external

Monitor Jira issues status:

  • the most forgotten 10 DM issues
    • (resolution = Unresolved ORDER by updated asc)

Support to J. Swinbank monitoring activity

All 10 tickets have been closed before the DMCCB starts.

  • RFC status "BOARD RECOMMENDED" is still needed?
  • Are risks to be discussed by the DMCCB?
  • John Swinbank suggest to have an intermediate state in any case. For documents we don't need implementation tikets. Kian-Tat Lim Board recommended means the CCB approved it, but there are still no triggered issues.
  • Proposal to discussing in the DMCCB risks due soon (45 days). This may bring up lots of topics to discuss. Tim Jenness suggest to add these events to P6. Wil O'Mullane related the rick to the milestone.
    • Discussion on retiring risks that will not be possible to mitigate, like "Adherence to coding standard", that will be difficult to get resources to resolve it.
  • Kian-Tat Lim ask where the scripts to generate the list are: in lsst-sqre/sqre-jirakit

Pending Flagged RFCs

Pending Proposed RFCs
Oldest issues

Meeting outcome

Pending DMCCB Actions