Add to Repository & Distribution Point
# Updating repository files and adding to distribution databases (all and tier1)
# Sep 2016 -
# All sqlite and sql database files should be in ops2:/home/lsst/runs/hostname_sessionID/data

# Add the run to the MAF tracking database - trackingDb_all_sqlite.db
# the mafComment contains the driver and slicer used; the opsimComment should describe to the user its unique characteristics; 
# the last is the subdirectory where the output files are located and are by design in the current directory named in this standard way
# make sure you have setup sims_maf done
cd /home/lsst/runs/              # location of the tracking database and the directories with content
# for v2.2.4 and before use this: --trackingDb trackingDb_all_sqlite.db --mafComment "MAFVersion 2.0 or whatever" 
--opsimComment "copy of the startup_comment from OpsimDB" /home/lsst/runs/hostname_sessionID/validation
# for v2.2.6 and after use this:
# usage: [-h] [-c MAFCOMMENT] [--opsimRun OPSIMRUN]
#                 [--opsimComment OPSIMCOMMENT] [--opsimDate OPSIMDATE]
#                 [--mafDate MAFDATE] [--dbFile DBFILE] [-t TRACKINGDB]
#                 mafDir
# Add a MAF run to the tracking database.
# positional arguments:
#  mafDir        Directory containing MAF outputs.
# Required arguments:
#  --dbFile DBFILE       Opsim Sqlite filename      
# optional arguments:
#  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
#  -c MAFCOMMENT, --mafComment MAFCOMMENT   Comment on MAF run.
#  --opsimRun OPSIMRUN   Opsim Run Name.
#  --opsimComment OPSIMCOMMENT  Comment on OpSim run.
#  --opsimDate OPSIMDATE   Date Opsim was run
#  --mafDate MAFDATE     Date MAF was run
#  -t TRACKINGDB, --trackingDb TRACKINGDB   Tracking database filename.
# shut down and restart by killing the job or background job of the previous session and restarting
# this generates the html pages at
# from the home directory "cd /home"  (or higher up the directory structure)
cd /home -t lsst/runs/trackingDb_all_sqlite.db -p 8888 --noBrowser &  #use noBrowser to suppress the pop-up if you are not using VPN
#Optionally create an offline version
#to be described here
# create or edit the appropriate web page ( 
# with additional details (more than opsimComment because it will be easier to edit it here compared to in the trackingDb)

These have not been implemented yet, but will apply when the new Run Log is fully functional
# add a link to opsimcvs:/var/www/html/dbfiles/<hostname_sessionID_sqlite.db.gz> for the datafile and
# add a link to the showMaf page for sstarDriver output (you have to look up the row number in trackingDb):
8888:  All runs (trackingDb_all_sqlite.db)
8282:  Tier 1 runs for v3.3.5 (on (trackingDb_v3_3_5_sqlite.db)
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