Generate Summary table, SQLite and SQL Databases, and ASCII Output
## Create an sqlite database to create Summary tool with can be used by MAF
# from the common directory (/lsst/opsim_3_3_2) containing the "output" subdirectory, call
$SIMS_OPERATIONS_DIR/tools/ sessionID  # takes about 5.5 hours for 10 year run
gzip -c hostname_sessionID_sqlite.db > hostname_sessionID_sqlite.db.gz  # gzip the db file keeping the original for MAF
# copy the output files to ops2 (you can do MAF on your local machine but a particular branch is standard right now and all the output is served from 
# this machine so everything will have to be moved)
# create the directory ops2:/home/lsst/runs/hostname_sessionID and
#                      ops2:/home/lsst/runs/hostname_sessionID/data/
cp ./output/sessionID* ops2:/home/lsst/runs/hostname_sessionID/data/  
# or use "scp" if you are on a machine other than ops2
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