


  • Ensure successful use of the current NCSA infrastructure
  • Plan for near- and medium-term activities

Discussion items


Review of last meeting notes
  • Any updates

Service management

Gregory Dubois-Felsmann mentioned that the PDAC will have an incident management process. Need user facing and dev facing incident management

Simon Krughoff mentioned that there will be a science help desk.

NPCF outageEverything back to normal

Outstanding issues &All
  • Qserv czar node is currently down

  • Understanding requirements for upcoming purchases
  • Knowledge transfer from dev/PDAC users to future system design & requirements
  • Unknown User (jalt) suggests that the focus be on the 3-6 horizon
  • Simon Krughoff suggests we also make technical recommendations for systems, services, resources, etc

PDAC StatusGregory Dubois-FelsmannWill be installing Jupyter hub

Topics for next meeting
  • NCSA delivery items: GPFS, Monitoring
  • Preview of monitoring prototype

Action items

Please enter action items in the form

Responsible Person, Due Date, Description

  • Unknown User (pdomagala), due  make a specific recommendation for the fields to use in these tickets (i.e., component, label, etc.) to ensure that they are seen by the right person and to facilitate summary queries