Federated Identity allows you to log in to LSST web applications using external identities from your university, GitHub, Google, or ORCID identity.

One Time Setup

A one-time setup is required to use your federated identity with LSST web applications.

First, visit https://identity.lsst.org/ and click Login.

Then, enter your username and password and click Login

Then, click Manage to manage your user profile.

Then, click Add Identity.

Then, select your identity provider from the list:

Select An Identity Provider

It's a long list. Use Search.

Once you've selected your identity provider, click Log On.

Then, log on at your selected identity provider. If you log on successfully, your browser will return to the identity.lsst.org site.

Then click Continue to associate the external identity with your NCSA account for LSST.

If successful, you will see your Profile page with a status message like the following:

Identity successfully added to your profile

Your external identity will be listed near the bottom of your Profile page. For example:

You have now successfully set up your external identity for use with LSST applications. You can repeat this process to set up additional external identities from other identity providers if you wish.

Manage your External Identities

To view and/or remove your external identities, visit https://identity.lsst.org/ and click Login.

Then, enter your username and password and click Login or click Login With External Identity to log on with your external identity.

Then, click Manage to manage your user profile.

Then, view the list of External Identities in your Profile.

To remove an external identity, click the button to the right of the identity you want to remove.

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