Date  Virtual meeting from 3 July to 10 July, 2014



The July meeting has two items to discuss:

See SAT Notes:

A short description:

During a recent code review, we noticed that our python standards wiki page doesn't mention shadowing of built-in functions Python Built-ins. The context in the review was that id was used as a variable name in a class method. This ticket proposes adding it to the standards.

See SAT Notes:

A short description:

Our current Python coding standard says "== and != SHOULD be used when comparing to None". I recommend either deleting this rule or else changing this to read "is and is not SHOULD be used when comparing to None".

Both of these changes to existing Standards have been reviewed for technical merit and approved by the SAT. It's now TCT's turn to review them based on  their impacts upon cost and and schedule.


The goal is to come to a recommendation to present to the DM Project Manager and the DM Project Scientist  who will take our recommendation under consideration when determining their mandate on these two Standards.



Enter your votes some time prior to 10 July 2014 when they will be tallied for presentation to Jeff and Mario. If you wish to be counted in the quorum but abstain from voting, please note 'abstain' in the voting column.

TCT MemberDM-831DM-811Comments
Unknown User (robyn)   
Jacek Becla   
Unknown User (ciardi)   
Andrew Connolly   
Unknown User (rlambert)   
Robert LuptonYYI don't like DM-831, but it passed the SAT
Unknown User (xiuqin)   



Summary of the TCT non-decision:

Since the TCT  couldn't even get a quorum for this meeting and vote,  the TCT will not provide the DM PM, Jeff Kantor, nor the DM PS, Mario Juric, a considered opinion on the proposed Standards changes.

The TCT Chair hopes  they will consider the earlier discussions noted on the individual JIRA Issues  when rendering their judgement.

Post Meeting Email Thread on "TCT Non-Resolution on Standards Change requests":

Email posted to Jeff Kantor and Mario Juric on 23 July 2014:

Hello Jeff and Mario:

The DM TCT was unable to muster a quorum for either the July meeting or the vote.  So I am unable to provide you with a collective TCT opinion on the impact of the two Standards Change requests on DM cost and scheduling.
The TCT meeting notes, TCT Meeting Notes 2014-07-010, contains pointers to the individual Issues where many discussion comments were entered. The SAT meeting which also discussed and then approved the merit to DM of these Standards changes is at: SAT Meeting 2014-06-10.

Please inform the TCT and the SAT regarding your final decision so that we may effect whatever changes are necessary to the documents and provide guidance to the Developers.

Email posted from jeff Kantor on 25 July 2014:

OK, when Mario returns we will make a decision and inform the TCT, thanks!

Email posted from Jeff Kantor on 6 August 2014:

Hi all,

I spoke with Mario and we agree to approve the Standards Changes for Epic/Sprint naming.  Thanks!

Email posted from Robyn on 17 August 2014:

Hello Jeff and Mario,
I copied over to the TCT Meeting notes your final acceptance of the issues discussed in this email thread when I realized that you accepted a Sprint Naming Policy but not the two standards in question!
Would you please review the SAT recommendation and the TCT comments noted in the attached email. And then provide your  resolution for each proposed standard.

Apologies for not catching this earlier. 

Email posted from Mario Juric on 18 August 2014:

On 8/17/14 20:22 , Robyn Allsman wrote:
> Hello Jeff and Mario,
> I copied over to the TCT Meeting notes your final acceptance of the
> issues discussed in this email thread when I realized that you accepted
> a Sprint Naming Policy but not the two standards in question!
>   * *Standards: should not shadow python built-in functions*
>   * *Changing the Python coding standard: == and != SHOULD be used when
>     comparing to None*
> Would you please review the SAT recommendation and the TCT comments
> noted in the attached email. And then provide your  resolution for each
> proposed standard.
Given they were recommended by the SAT, I'd go forward and enact them
(though I still have deep reservations about the first one; not worth
another round of SAT discussions, though...).

- M.

Action Items

@robyn - notify Jeff Kantor and Mario Juric about the TCT's lack of resolution on these Standards change requests.