Assumptions (the system will be replicated in all DAC instances.): 

  1. User has been authenticated by logging in to  LSST, using identity management provided in NCSA
  2. User has an account in LSST system

Related products: 


Capabilities in User Management System:

CILogon service provides authentication service, allowing user to login with institute ID, Google ID, or GitHub credentials, just to name a few. After user authentication, LSST applications need to know the user's LSST-ID so the applications can access the authorization system for privileges for this user.

When a user logs in with different credentials (GitHub, Google, institution ...),  the system should be able to map either one to the correct LSST-ID.

Administration of the User Management System

API to access the user management system

Background information:

From LDM-542 2.2.7  Data Access Permissions and Quotas 
"Users who had LSST data rights but have since lost them may be granted access to the data products available as of the time of loss but not newer ones."