What are the current services offered at LDF 5/1/2018: 

lsst-dev01login node or submit node
lsstwebWeb services machine for retrieval of data and data management services
vm servers

Numerous development VM environments from monitoring to DBB test beds, container type test beds, demo type machines. LSST-demo, DBB test machines, K8 test monitor 01 nagios, ATS gateway...

lsst-demoVM from the VM servers above for testing. Supports docker containers.
lsstDBmysql environment for DB support project wide (wild west)
L1 test stand and DAQMachines for simulating and testing camera
ATS archiverAuxiliary Telescope System archiver. at NCSA until 5/2018. Travels to Tuscon with Spectragraph and on to summit and then settles at Base when it's available. Machine used for getting data from spectragraph and storing for viewing.

Open Stack resource (non-production test platforms)

Chile systemsAuthorization and Athenication systems (VM environment) and Bro network taps
Slurm batch cluster48 compute nodes with lsst-dev01 is head node
K8Kubernetes infrastructure for support of docker images. (20 nodes)
Oracle RACConsolidated DB (6 nodes)
PDACPrototype Data Access Center – Qserv DB and SUI systems for data retrieval (35 nodes)
DR systemsDisaster recovery (DR) which is different than backup.
xcat and puppetinfrastructure systems to build nodes exactly the same every time and base software installs
VM head nodeVM infrastructure head node for management of all VM systems
Storage1.9TB of storage from Lenovo and 2 GSS servers with 2 other NFS servers. Added 3PB of DDN storage with 8 GPFS VM servers
Monitor DB and other monitoring systemsinfluxDB, log host... grafana...
NCSA center providedJira, ldap, kerberos, IDM, qualys scans, system security vetting, nearline tape, firewalls
Identity.lsst.orgIdentity host
cilogon/API and IDMidentity management environment across all LSST systems
network emulatorinject network latency into network traffic for testing long distance software.