These draft notes cover the major updates made by Data Release Production to the LSST stack since release 11.0 (Summer 2015). Please record significant updates here so that they can ultimately be incorporated into the notes accompanying the Winter 2016 release.

Major Functionality and Interface Changes

Dumping task configuration parameters now includes documentation

That is, running ${TASK} ... --show config displays not only the names and values of the configuration but also associated documentation.

Cleanup interpolation tasks and implement useFallbackValueAtEdge

The interpImageTask in pipe_tasks has been refactored to implement a single run function for interpolation over a list of defects in an image.  This run function will accept an afw image type of either MaskedImage or Exposure.  A defects list can be passed in directly OR the name of mask plane can be passed from which a defects list will be created.  If a PSF is attached to the image, it will be used as the (required) argument for the interpolateoverDefects  function in meas_algorithms used for the interpolation.  Otherwise a FWHM (in pixels) can be provided or the defaultFWHM value in meas_algorithms' GaussianFactory is used.  Note that while the PSF is a required argument for meas_algorithms' interpolateOverDefects, function it is currently not being used, so it is not necessary to pass in an accurate PSF.

The useFallbackValueAtEdge option is now implemented.  This tapers the interpolation to a fallbackValue towards the image edge.  The fallbackValue can be set via config parameters to be either computed as a statistical representation of the image data (MEAN, MEDIAN, or MEANCLIP) or set by providing a specific value.  Allowance for a negative fallbackValue is also controlled though a config parameter.

HSC backport: avoid I/O race conditions config write out

This adds functionality to avoid potential I/O race conditions when running multiple simultaneous process.  This is accomplished by writing to temporary files and then renaming them to the correct destination filename in a single operation. Also, to avoid similar race conditions in the backup file creation (e.g.,, ...), a --no-backup-config option (to be used with --clobber-config) is added here to prevent the backup copies being made. The outcome for this option is that the config that are still recorded are for the most recent run.

HSC backport: Introduce SafeClipAssembleCoaddTask which extends AssembleCoaddTask to make clipping safer

SafeClipAssembleCoaddTask does the following, 

To support the new coadd task, the pixel flags measurement plugin has been modified to accept two new configuration parameters. These new parameters, named masksFpCenter and masksFpAnywhere, each accept a list of mask planes. When the pixel flags measurement plugin searches for mask planes to set corresponding flags, it will now additionally search the user supplied mask plane lists. The masksFpCenter parameter specifies mask planes that, if found within the center of a footprint, will have a corresponding pixel flag set. The masksFpCenter parameter specifies mask planes that, if found anywhere in a footprint, will have a corresponding pixel flag set. The masksFpAnywhere parameter now has it's defaults set within the stack which specify the clipped mask plane created by SafeClipAssembleCoaddTask.

SafeClipAssebleCoaddTask is now the default method for building a coadd within the LSST stack. The CommandLineTask now supports the --legacy command line flag which will allow the original AssembleCoaddTask to be run.  If the legacy task is run, the clipped mask plane must be removed from the masksFpAnywhere configuration parameter.

HSC backport: Allow for some fraction of PSF Candidates to be reserved from PSF fitting

This adds functionality that allows for the reservation of a fraction of the PSF Candidates from PSF fitting. The reserved fraction can then be used to test for over-fitting, do cross-validation etc. To support this functionality, the run methods of CalibrateTask and MeasurePsfTask now accept the additional keyword argument expId. Dummy versions of this keyword were added to the SdssCalibrateTask and CfhtCalibrateTask to maintain a consistent API.

Updated pipeline configuration based on Hyper Suprime-Cam experience

Configuration defaults and metadata through the LSST single-processing pipeline have been updated to match the current best practice established on HSC. Major changes include:

Define polygon bounds for CCDs based on vignetted regions

This adds a function in ip_isr's to set a "valid polygon" for a given CCD exposure as the intersection of a polygon defined in focal plane coordinates and the CCD corners.  It is currently being used in obs_subaru's to set the polygon bounds (added in DM-2981) for a CCD exposure to include the non-vignetted regions.  The settings for the vignetted region is in a separate config file so that it can be used in different places in the code.

Bug Fixes

The following fixes resolve problems visible to end users.

Correct bad default minInitialRadius for CModel

The minInitialRadius configuration parameter had a default that is too small, causing many galaxies to be fit with point source models, leading to bad star/galaxy classifications.

Correct algebraic error in CModel uncertainty calculation

There was a simple but important algebra error in the uncertainty calculation, making the uncertainty a strong function of magnitude.

NaiveDipoleCentroid and NaiveDipoleFlux algorithms no longer require a centroid slot

Previously, initializing these algorithms was only possible if a centroid was already defined. That was not only unneccessary, but also made them more complicated to use, particularly in testing.

Update (some) example code to run with recent stack versions

Changes in afw::table had broken examples/ in pipe_tasks. It has now been updated to comply with the latest afw::table API.

Fix a failure to appropriately log failed task execution

When task execution fails, we add a message to the log (with level FATAL). In some cases, the very act of attempting to log this message could throw an exception, and information about the original error was lost. This has now been resolved.

Updates to Skymap packages

This is a update to how tracts and patches are found and listed given a set of coordinates.

Build and code improvements

These improvements should not usually be visible to end users. They may, however, be important for developers.

Work-around incompatibilities with NumPy 1.10

NumPy 1.10 introduced API changes which were incompatible with existing usage in the stack. The latter has been updated to match

When building boost warn user if user-config.jam or site-config.jam exists

 Building boost can fail if a user-config.jam or site-config.jam exist and have options which conflict with the lsst build configuration process. Introduce a warning message if either of these files are found to notify the user.