

Discussion items

Vaikunth: Continuing to work with docker setup scripts.  More or less ironed out except for some xrootd network cfg. issues on openstack. Queries fail.  (Late breaking: ironed out xrootd configuration issues during/after the meeting, and Vaikunth can now run queries on a docker + openstack cluster.)

John: Continuing work on unit tests for cancellation and the recent worker rework.  Tests for cancellation are tricky -- tried a few approaches that haven't panned out. Looks like something along the lines of the integration tests is needed; gets too complicated trying to fake out mysql instance, etc.   Keeping busy on other unit tests while thinking on the cancellation ones.

Serge: Thinking/working on extensions to spherical geom. library.  Needs a Python wrapper.  Adopting scons/eups/boost into library.  After this we should start using the eups version for qserv and get rid of the source copy we currently have in the qserv tree.  Serge will remove/attic the elliptical region support, as he has run into some complications using it and it was never completely implemented in any case.

Andy S: Has three tickets in review (2 Vaikunth, 1 Fabrice) related to DROP TABLE css and watcher.  Finished up assigned tasks for this month.  Planning to look next at czar python-ectomy.  Current plan is to use LUA/C++ bridge (via SWIG) to call directly to czar from MySqlProxy (this will bring the czar in-process with the proxy – maybe not ideal but a reasonable incremental step).  Considered cutting over to MaxScale instead, but it looks to be very complicated compared to sticking with MySqlProxy.

Brian: working on test case stuff for dax, and will continue on that.  Working on a simple flask app for NCSA to use as a testbed for auth.  Many of Brian's upcoming tasks relate to async. queries – since qserv support for that is not there yet, should he be looking for other/different tasks?

Nate: Finishing up butler work switching from path and pex_policy to YAML.  More butler work after.

Fritz: DHT 2nd stage prototype work continues. Aiming for a new demo for next week.

AndyH: Shared scan manager header file in review.