TheseĀ draft notes cover the major updates made by Data Release Production to the LSST stack sinceĀ release 11.0 (Summer 2015). Please record significant updates here so that they can ultimately be incorporated into the notes accompanying the Winter 2016 release.

Major Functionality and Interface Changes

Bug Fixes

The following fixes resolve problems visible to end users.

The NaiveDipoleCentroid and NaiveDipoleFlux algorithms no longer require centroids

These algorithms do not use centroids internally, but, since they mistakenly included SelfCentroidExtractors, it was impossible to initialize them unless a Centroid slot had been defined. This has been fixed by removing the SafeCentroidExtractors from the algorithm definitions.

Build and code improvements

These improvements should not usually be visible to end users. They may, however, be important for developers.