OpSim "All-Hands" Meeting in Tucson June 22-25, 2015

The objective of the meeting is to plan in details the work to be done on both side of OpSim (ObSim, aka Simulator, and Scheduler):

  1. The technical scope of the work shall be captured in requirements documents. There are useful information that currently not part of the official plan, like Steve's "input" write up. Next week we should make sure we have short term plans for submitting the two updated requirements documents (Scheduler and simulator) to the CCB. 
  2. The schedule and budget for the Scheduler and Simulator in the PMCS shall reflect the technical scope. Next week we should make sure we have short term plans to update the PMCS accordingly, so the change requests can include schedule and budget information.

We should submit the change requests before the Bremerton meeting in August, so we can have wider discussions there in support of a speedy decision on the requests. Both requirements and schedule should be further negotiated with the rest of the project (Telescope and Project Science, in particular).

The agenda includes a few meetings and unstructured, "workshop style" collaboration in between. The meetings are scheduled as follows:

Monday 10 am - 12 am Kick-off and objectives (LSST Workroom)

Tuesday 10 am - 12 am Review draft Scheduler Requirements Document, and identify

Wednesday 10:30 am - 12 am Review draft OpSim Requirements Document, identify

Thursday 10 am - 12 am Review corresponding schedule and resources to be incorporated in PMCS

For all these meetings, we will use the LSST Workroom, and Blue Jeans:

Using a computer:             https://bluejeans.com/967665140/85719?g=onxxe5djpjagy43toqxg64th
Using a room system: or bjn.vc, meeting ID 967665140 (no moderator)
Using a phone:                  (408) 740 7256 or (888) 240 2560 or (408) 317 9253, meeting ID 967665140 (no moderator)

Current requirements and planning documents and drafts

Operations Simulator Requirements (Document-15320)

Scheduler Requirements (Document-15421)

LSST Operations Simulator and Scheduling: an Overview and Development Plan (Document-15390)

Merged Scheduler Requirements (Document-16282)

Inputs to OCS Required to Execute LSST Scheduling (Document-16283)

Science Requirements for LSST Scheduling (Document-16265)


Task List

The current (2015) agreed upon tasks list is in the Summer 2015 page

Task groups:

  1. Implement Scheduler per its requirements
    1. Establish interfaces
    2. Implement functionalities per requirements (w/Simulator)
    3. Test performance per requirements (w/Simulator)
    4. Integrate it into OCS, retest functionalities and performance
  2. Optimize Scheduler algorithms (w/Scheduler Scientist)
    1. TBD
  3. Implement ObSim (Simulator) per its requirements
    1. Establish interfaces
    2. Establish models for Scheduler environment
    3. Test performance per requirements
  4. Support cadence studies (PST, science community)
    1. Establish reference simulations
    2. Support MAF development
    3. Run simulations with predefined constraints and science proposals