Below is the list of SLALIB functionality we will need to replace in the catalogs framework.  It is all located in /lsst/sims/catalogs/measures/astrometry/

I will keep track of how the functions are called, what the arguments are, and whether or not they appear to be declared in palpy/cextern/pal/pal.h.  I will save the question of whether or not they are actually equivalent until I can test that identical inputs result in identical outputs for the two functions (the SLALIB version and the PALPY version)

Though some of the functions we require are not wrapped into Python, it is, in fact, very easy to make them so.  Simple edits to the pal.pyx file in PALPY declaring the missing functions and calling them from C makes the functions available from Python.

I have compiled SLALIB both from the shared object file provided me by Andy Connolly and from the publicly available software package pyslalib.  I have compared the outputs of PALPY with the outputs of SLALIB given identical inputs.  I used unit test subroutines in which each PALPY/SLALIB function was given many random inputs.  My results are as follows.