

All designs below use the following example DatasetTypes:

Dimensions not used in these are not shown below for simplicity.  Dimension tables, datastore tables, the quantum table, and the execution table are also not shown.
Database types shown as "enum" below may be either strings or ints - the point is that the set of possible values is fixed.

Current Schema + (uid, site) Split

This is the current schema, with autoincrement fields (eg. dataset_id) split into (uid, site), and a table listing all collections  We'll want to make those changes regardless.

This schema does not meet any of the goals stated above; it's shown here for reference as a starting point.

One field here that merits explanation is dataset_ref_hash.  This is a secure (i.e. we require and assume no collisions) hash of the dataset's dataset_type_name and data ID (i.e. dimension) fields.  It's included in dataset as the source of truth, and duplicated in dataset_collection  so it can be used in the unique constraint there.

CREATE TABLE "dataset" (
  "uid" integer PRIMARY KEY,
  "site" integer PRIMARY KEY,
  "dataset_type_name" varchar NOT NULL,
  "run_uid" integer NOT NULL,
  "quantum_uid" integer,
  "dataset_ref_hash" varchar NOT NULL,
  "instrument" varchar,
  "exposure" integer,
  "detector" integer,
  "skymap" varchar,
  "tract" integer,
  "patch" integer,
  FOREIGN KEY ("dataset_type_name") REFERENCES "dataset_type" ("dataset_type_name"),
  FOREIGN KEY ("run_uid", "site") REFERENCES "run" ("uid", "site")

CREATE TABLE dataset_type (
  "dataset_type_name" varchar PRIMARY KEY,
  "storage_class" varchar NOT NULL

CREATE TABLE "collection" (
  "name" varchar PRIMARY KEY,
  "type" enum NOT NULL,
  UNIQUE (name)

  "uid" integer PRIMARY KEY,
  "site" integer PRIMARY KEY,
  "collection" varchar NOT NULL,
  UNIQUE ("collection"),
  FOREIGN KEY ("collection") REFERENCES "collection" ("name")

CREATE TABLE "dataset_collection" (
  "dataset_uid" integer PRIMARY KEY,
  "dataset_site" integer PRIMARY KEY,
  "collection" varchar PRIMARY KEY,
  "dataset_ref_hash" varchar NOT NULL,
  UNIQUE ("dataset_ref_hash", "collection"),
  FOREIGN KEY ("collection") REFERENCES "collection" ("name"),
  FOREIGN KEY ("dataset_uid", "dataset_site") REFERENCES "dataset" ("uid", "site")

Partition datasets (Only)

This design partitions the dataset table into a common table and one extra per-DatasetType table.  That addresses the first two goals - data ID field normalization and metadata - but not the special kinds of dataset uniqueness and lookups we need.

CREATE TABLE "dataset" (
  "uid" integer PRIMARY KEY,
  "site" integer PRIMARY KEY,
  "dataset_type_name" varchar NOT NULL,
  "dataset_ref_hash" varchar NOT NULL,
  "run_uid" integer NOT NULL,
  "quantum_uid" integer,
  FOREIGN KEY ("dataset_type_name") REFERENCES "dataset_type" ("dataset_type_name"),
  FOREIGN KEY ("run_uid", "site") REFERENCES "run" ("uid", "site")

CREATE TABLE dataset_type (
  "dataset_type_name" varchar PRIMARY KEY,
  "storage_class" varchar NOT NULL

CREATE TABLE "collection" (
  "name" varchar PRIMARY KEY,
  "type" enum NOT NULL,
  UNIQUE (name)

  "uid" integer PRIMARY KEY,
  "site" integer PRIMARY KEY,
  "collection" varchar NOT NULL,
  UNIQUE ("collection"),
  FOREIGN KEY ("collection") REFERENCES "collection" ("name")

CREATE TABLE "dataset_collection" (
  "dataset_uid" integer PRIMARY KEY,
  "dataset_site" integer PRIMARY KEY,
  "collection" varchar PRIMARY KEY,
  "dataset_ref_hash" varchar NOT NULL,
  UNIQUE ("dataset_ref_hash", "collection"),
  FOREIGN KEY ("collection") REFERENCES "collection" ("name"),
  FOREIGN KEY ("dataset_uid", "dataset_site") REFERENCES "dataset" ("uid", "site")

CREATE TABLE "dataset_raw" (
  "uid" integer PRIMARY KEY,
  "site" integer PRIMARY KEY,
  "instrument" varchar NOT NULL,
  "exposure" integer NOT NULL,
  "detector" integer NOT NULL,
  "region" varchar,
  "datetime_begin" datetime,
  "datetime_end" datetime,
  "npix" integer,
  UNIQUE ("instrument", "exposure", "detector"),
  FOREIGN KEY ("uid", "site") REFERENCES "dataset" ("uid", "site")

CREATE TABLE "dataset_object" (
  "uid" integer PRIMARY KEY,
  "site" integer PRIMARY KEY,
  "skymap" varchar NOT NULL,
  "tract" integer NOT NULL,
  "patch" integer NOT NULL,
  "nrows" integer,
  FOREIGN KEY ("uid", "site") REFERENCES "dataset" ("uid", "site")

CREATE TABLE "dataset_bias" (
  "uid" integer PRIMARY KEY,
  "site" integer PRIMARY KEY,
  "instrument" varchar NOT NULL,
  "detector" integer NOT NULL,
  "npix" integer,
  FOREIGN KEY ("uid", "site") REFERENCES "dataset" ("uid", "site")

Specialized uniqueness, with hashes

This is the first design that should meet all of the goals stated above.  The primary difference is that dataset_collection is split into dataset_collection_tagged (for "tagged" collections) and dataset_collection_calibration (for "calibration" collections).  Associations for "run" collections would be via the run_uid in the common dataset table (we could start doing this now with no schema changes, actually - just changes to query-generation logic).

The other changes involve the addition of UNIQUE constraints to several tables:

In addition, we define the dataset_ref_hash  for "nonsingular" DatasetTypes to be a combination of their uid  and site.  That effectively makes the dataset_ref_hash constraints on them do nothing, which is what we want for tagged collections, and maybe acceptable for run collections.

CREATE TABLE "dataset" (
  "uid" integer PRIMARY KEY,
  "site" integer PRIMARY KEY,
  "dataset_type_name" varchar NOT NULL,
  "dataset_ref_hash" varchar NOT NULL,
  "run_uid" integer NOT NULL,
  "quantum_uid" integer,
  UNIQUE ("dataset_ref_hash", "run_uid", "site"),
  FOREIGN KEY ("dataset_type_name") REFERENCES "dataset_type" ("dataset_type_name"),
  FOREIGN KEY ("run_uid", "site") REFERENCES "run" ("uid", "site")

CREATE TABLE dataset_type (
  "dataset_type_name" varchar PRIMARY KEY,
  "storage_class" varchar NOT NULL,
  "uniqueness" enum NOT NULL

CREATE TABLE "collection" (
  "name" varchar PRIMARY KEY,
  "type" enum NOT NULL,
  UNIQUE (name)

  "uid" integer PRIMARY KEY,
  "site" integer PRIMARY KEY,
  "collection" varchar NOT NULL,
  UNIQUE ("collection"),
  FOREIGN KEY ("collection") REFERENCES "collection" ("name")

CREATE TABLE "dataset_collection_tagged" (
  "dataset_uid" integer PRIMARY KEY,
  "dataset_site" integer PRIMARY KEY,
  "collection" varchar PRIMARY KEY,
  "dataset_ref_hash" varchar NOT NULL,
  UNIQUE ("dataset_ref_hash", "collection"),
  FOREIGN KEY ("collection") REFERENCES "collection" ("name"),
  FOREIGN KEY ("dataset_uid", "dataset_site") REFERENCES "dataset" ("uid", "site")

CREATE TABLE "dataset_collection_calibration" (
  "dataset_uid" integer PRIMARY KEY,
  "dataset_site" integer PRIMARY KEY,
  "collection" varchar PRIMARY KEY,
  "datetime_begin" datetime NOT NULL,
  "datetime_end" datetime NOT NULL,
  FOREIGN KEY ("dataset_uid", "dataset_site") REFERENCES "dataset" ("uid", "site"),
  FOREIGN KEY ("collection") REFERENCES "collection" ("name")

CREATE TABLE "dataset_raw" (
  "uid" integer PRIMARY KEY,
  "site" integer PRIMARY KEY,
  "instrument" varchar NOT NULL,
  "exposure" integer NOT NULL,
  "detector" integer NOT NULL,
  "region" varchar,
  "datetime_begin" datetime,
  "datetime_end" datetime,
  "npix" integer,
  UNIQUE ("instrument", "exposure", "detector"),
  FOREIGN KEY ("uid", "site") REFERENCES "dataset" ("uid", "site")

CREATE TABLE "dataset_object" (
  "uid" integer PRIMARY KEY,
  "site" integer PRIMARY KEY,
  "skymap" varchar NOT NULL,
  "tract" integer NOT NULL,
  "patch" integer NOT NULL,
  "nrows" integer,
  FOREIGN KEY ("uid", "site") REFERENCES "dataset" ("uid", "site")

CREATE TABLE "dataset_bias" (
  "uid" integer PRIMARY KEY,
  "site" integer PRIMARY KEY,
  "instrument" varchar NOT NULL,
  "detector" integer NOT NULL,
  "npix" integer,
  FOREIGN KEY ("uid", "site") REFERENCES "dataset" ("uid", "site")

The most common queries for datasets with this schema will have one of the following forms.  Frequently these will be used as subqueries in much larger queries (such as in QuantumGraph generation); in that context the WHERE constraints below on data ID fields (instrument, exposure, detector, skymap, tract, patch) will move to JOIN ON clauses.  A key point for all of these queries is that we can expect the collections to be fully provided by the user; that means we'll be able to perform initial queries (and cache results as necessary) to identify the collection type and look up associated run_uid  values as necessary (and hence WHERE constraints below on collections will stay in the WHERE clause even when these are subqueries).

-- Data ID search for raw (uniqueness=GLOBAL) in any collection:
SELECT uid, site FROM dataset_raw WHERE instrument=? AND exposure=? AND detector=?;

-- Data ID search for object (uniqueness=STANDARD) in a type=RUN collection:
SELECT dataset.uid, dataset.site
  FROM dataset
  JOIN dataset_object ON (dataset.uid = dataset_object.uid AND dataset.site = dataset_object.site)
  WHERE dataset.run_uid = ? AND dataset.site = ?
        AND dataset_object.skymap=? AND dataset_object.tract=? AND dataset_object.patch=?;

-- Data ID search for object (uniqueness=STANDARD) in a type=TAGGED collection:
SELECT dataset_object.uid, dataset_object.site
  FROM dataset_object
  JOIN dataset_collection_tagged ON (dataset_object.uid = dataset_collection_tagged.dataset_uid
                                     AND dataset_object.site = dataset_collection_tagged.dataset_site)
  WHERE dataset_collection_tagged.collection = ?
    AND dataset_object.skymap=? AND dataset_object.tract=? AND dataset_object.patch=?;

-- Temporal search for bias (uniqueness=NONSINGULAR) in a type=CALIBRATION collection:
SELECT dataset_bias.uid, dataset_bias.site
  FROM dataset_bias
  JOIN dataset_collection_calibration ON (dataset_bias.uid = dataset_collection_tagged.dataset_uid
                                          AND dataset_bias.site = dataset_collection_tagged.dataset_site)
  WHERE dataset_collection_calibration.collection = ?
    AND dataset_bias.instrument=? AND dataset_bias.detector=?
    AND dataset_collection_calibration.datetime_begin < ? AND dataset_collection_calibration.datetime_end > ?;

Dropping Hashes and Eliminating Joins

This design also meets all of the stated goals, but also makes the most common queries join-free at the expense of more per-dataset tables.

Differences from the previous design include:

CREATE TABLE "dataset" (
  "uid" integer PRIMARY KEY,
  "site" integer PRIMARY KEY,
  "dataset_type_name" varchar NOT NULL,
  "run_uid" integer NOT NULL,
  "quantum_uid" integer,
  FOREIGN KEY ("dataset_type_name") REFERENCES "dataset_type" ("dataset_type_name"),
  FOREIGN KEY ("run_uid", "site") REFERENCES "run" ("uid", "site")

CREATE TABLE dataset_type (
  "dataset_type_name" varchar PRIMARY KEY,
  "storage_class" varchar NOT NULL,
  "uniqueness" enum NOT NULL

CREATE TABLE "collection" (
  "name" varchar PRIMARY KEY,
  "type" enum NOT NULL,
  UNIQUE (name)

  "uid" integer PRIMARY KEY,
  "site" integer PRIMARY KEY,
  "collection" varchar NOT NULL,
  UNIQUE ("collection"),
  FOREIGN KEY ("collection") REFERENCES "collection" ("name")

CREATE TABLE "dataset_raw" (
  "uid" integer PRIMARY KEY,
  "site" integer PRIMARY KEY,
  "run_uid" integer NOT NULL,
  "instrument" varchar NOT NULL,
  "exposure" integer NOT NULL,
  "detector" integer NOT NULL,
  "region" varchar,
  "datetime_begin" datetime,
  "datetime_end" datetime,
  "npix" integer,
  UNIQUE ("instrument", "exposure", "detector"),
  FOREIGN KEY ("uid", "site") REFERENCES "dataset" ("uid", "site"),
  FOREIGN KEY ("run_uid", "site") REFERENCES "run" ("uid", "site")

CREATE TABLE "dataset_tag_raw" (
  "uid" integer PRIMARY KEY,
  "site" integer PRIMARY KEY,
  "collection" varchar PRIMARY KEY,
  "instrument" varchar NOT NULL,
  "exposure" integer NOT NULL,
  "detector" integer NOT NULL,
  UNIQUE ("collection", "instrument", "exposure", "detector"),
  FOREIGN KEY ("collection") REFERENCES "collection" ("name"),
  FOREIGN KEY ("uid", "site") REFERENCES "dataset" ("uid", "site")

CREATE TABLE "dataset_object" (
  "uid" integer PRIMARY KEY,
  "site" integer PRIMARY KEY,
  "run_uid" integer NOT NULL,
  "skymap" varchar NOT NULL,
  "tract" integer NOT NULL,
  "patch" integer NOT NULL,
  "nrows" integer,
  UNIQUE ("run_uid", "site", "skymap", "tract", "patch"),
  FOREIGN KEY ("uid", "site") REFERENCES "dataset" ("uid", "site"),
  FOREIGN KEY ("run_uid", "site") REFERENCES "run" ("uid", "site")

CREATE TABLE "dataset_tag_object" (
  "uid" integer PRIMARY KEY,
  "site" integer PRIMARY KEY,
  "collection" varchar PRIMARY KEY,
  "skymap" varchar NOT NULL,
  "tract" integer NOT NULL,
  "patch" integer NOT NULL,
  UNIQUE ("collection", "skymap", "tract", "patch"),
  FOREIGN KEY ("collection") REFERENCES "collection" ("name"),
  FOREIGN KEY ("uid", "site") REFERENCES "dataset" ("uid", "site")

CREATE TABLE "dataset_bias" (
  "uid" integer PRIMARY KEY,
  "site" integer PRIMARY KEY,
  "run_uid" integer NOT NULL,
  "instrument" varchar NOT NULL,
  "detector" integer NOT NULL,
  "npix" integer,
  UNIQUE (run_uid, site, instrument, detector),
  FOREIGN KEY ("uid", "site") REFERENCES "dataset" ("uid", "site"),
  FOREIGN KEY ("run_uid", "site") REFERENCES "run" ("uid", "site")

CREATE TABLE "dataset_tag_bias" (
  "uid" integer PRIMARY KEY,
  "site" integer PRIMARY KEY,
  "collection" varchar NOT NULL,
  "instrument" varchar NOT NULL,
  "detector" integer NOT NULL,
  FOREIGN KEY ("collection") REFERENCES "collection" ("name"),
  FOREIGN KEY ("uid", "site") REFERENCES "dataset" ("uid", "site")

CREATE TABLE "dataset_validity_bias" (
  "uid" integer PRIMARY KEY,
  "site" integer PRIMARY KEY,
  "collection" varchar PRIMARY KEY,
  "instrument" varchar NOT NULL,
  "detector" integer NOT NULL,
  "datetime_begin" datetime NOT NULL,
  "datetime_end" datetime NOT NULL,
  FOREIGN KEY ("collection") REFERENCES "collection" ("name"),
  FOREIGN KEY ("uid", "site") REFERENCES "dataset" ("uid", "site")

As promised, the common queries are now much simpler:

-- Data ID search for raw (uniqueness=GLOBAL) in any collection:
SELECT uid, site FROM dataset_raw WHERE instrument=? AND exposure=? AND detector=?;

-- Data ID search for object (uniqueness=STANDARD) in a type=RUN collection:
SELECT uid, site FROM dataset_object
  WHERE run_uid=? AND site=? AND skymap=? AND tract=? AND patch=?;

-- Data ID search for object (uniqueness=STANDARD) in a type=TAGGED collection:
SELECT uid, site FROM dataset_tag_object
  WHERE collection=? AND skymap=? AND tract=? AND patch=?;

-- Temporal search for bias (uniqueness=NONSINGULAR) in a type=CALIBRATION collection:
SELECT uid, site FROM dataset_validity_bias
  WHERE collection=? AND instrument=? AND detector=? AND datetime_begin < ? AND datetime_end > ?;