Infrastructure meetings take place every other Thurs. at 9:00 Pacific on the BlueJeans infrastructure-meeting channel:









Review of last meeting notes
  • Last meeting was just Simon and I. it was Jan 4, and I had just gotten back into the office from the Christmas break, so there was really nothing to report. Simon agreed: nothing to report.

Discussion item: Base/Summit

Michelle Butler

Discussion: network diagram in Google to be placed in a ticket somewhere. ATS private network for Tucson test stand being discussed this week. EFD config and what is being placed at the base in 2019.

Monthly maintenance

Going on today, and going well. Is rapping up at the end of the meeting, a bit early. Everything is being rebooted due to availability of security patch.

K8 instabilityInstability of the K8 and the ingres environment with a reboot of a few nodes here and there is getting to be a daily occurance, and no one is really sure where the problems are. It's getting frustrating. all teams are working on this, and look forward to today's reboot. Weird stuff is going on with no end in site.
Log accessLog access to the K8 environment is increasing a high need. I think somewhere there is a cron that shows the log files is needed, and then a influx DB from monitoring would be nice, but need something now.
RPM/binary docker images repository neededKian-Tat Lim

Unknown User (mbutler) suggested to get a K8 environment set up for storing images as a test instance. That would be quickest way to a node for this testing. A machine can be purchased after the informal testing can be done. KT will start this with some help from Unknown User (mcarras2) basically the kind of set up that the Jenkins configuration was for Gabrelle.

IN2P3Fabio Hernandez
DESC jobs are running a long time, so he is researching that through the logs and etc. He is heading to Rucio conference in Feb. IN2P3 have the FTS set up for Rucio and will test with NERSC and NCSA if we wish.
Topics for next meeting

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