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Documentation platforms

Pitches in order of priority.

  1. Iterate on the sqrbot project creation microservice. Requested by Tim, Wil, and DM at large.
    1. Resolve timeout issue.
    2. Support the LaTeX document templates.
    3. More flexible Slack message parsing on the Python side.

    4. Provision new documentation with handles driven by DocuShare.
  2. lsstdoc LaTeX writer for Sphinx technotes. This will allow us to put PDFs of Sphinx technotes in docushare with the accepted page format. Requested by Tim and Wil.
  3. Infrastructure to upload PDFs to DocuShare when a documentation branch is merged. Requested by Tim and Wil.
  4. lsst/templates example build system. Make the templates repo useful.
  5. Microservice that summarizes DocuShare activity (new documents, new preferred versions, new drafts) for DM on a weekly basis. Activity is posted to by Wil.
  6. Microservice that summarizes JIRA activity (list of completed stories or RFCs) for DM on a weekly basis. Activity is posted to
  7. Microservice version of Swinbank's stack changelog script, but that posts to on a weekly basis.
  8. Build upon the initial version of that Adam started and turn it into a real site. Add CSS to make it usable. Use Flask as a framework to generate the static site. Requested by the community. Without this nobody from the project and community can discover the documentation we've put work into.
  9. Pilot story to put document metadata in a database and Elasticsearch. Useful as a persistent datastore to build and to support fulltext+metadata search of documentation and software projects via react apps in and other documentation sites. Requested by me since it'll be both useful for the project and good professional development.
  10. LSST the Docs development
    1. Proper 404 pages for LSST the Docs sites.
    2. Iterate LTD API so that Keeper itself manages S3 credentials/users and provides those credentials to upload clients. This means we only need to bake one set of credentials (those for into CI rather than S3+Keeper credentials.
    3. Pilot a graphql API for LTD Keeper. Nice to have, but not mission critical at this stage.

Pitches in order of priority.

  1. Overhaul installation documentation.
    1. newinstall installation and alternatives (e.g. Docker)
    2. Document the package structure
    3. Document EUPS user how-tos
    4. Document how to install packages against an existing stack.
  2. Build tooling for
    1. Jenkins job
    2. LSST the Docs upload client based on
  3. Ship the getting started tutorials.
  4. pex_config documentation. Needed for task documentation. DM-11558.
  5. Task documentation.
    1. Sphinx extension to document configurations
    2. Template
    3. Develop worked examples.
  6. Iterate on pipe_base documentation. See linked tickets from DM-11253.
  7. User guide for lsst.verify and verify_metrics.
  8. Research, prototype, and write technote about documentation testing strategies. Sort out how we use and test Jupyter notebooks, reStructuredText prose, and docstrings with example datasets and Jenkins jobs.
  9. Templates for Stack package COPYRIGHT, LICENSE, README, contributing and code of conduct files. Ship in lsst/templates.
  10. cookiecutter stack package template. Also effectively documents the structure of stack products.
  11. Sphinx user documentation site theme development. Move us off of astropy's theme. Begin making something that is usable for all LSST user documentation sites.
  12. User documentation style guide.
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