This page is a repository of notes for the redesign of our WCS and Transform classes. Do not take anything here as final, and do assume that anything here can be added, deleted, or changed at a moment's notice.

Strawman class diagram

 updated version from RO 

For comparison, here is a class diagram for similar bits of AST:


We choose the name TransformGraph because it really is a graph: it has nodes (frames) and edges (transforms), and could be quite complicated. The minimum TranformGraph consists of one Frame, and no Maps. TransformGraphs are mutable, though their component frames and mappings may not be. Must any Frame in a TransformGraph have a path to any other frame? It would simplify the design if this was true.

A Frame (AST: Frame, GWCS: CoordinateFrame) is an immutable coordinate set that a transformation could go from or to. Frames are uniquely identified by a set of tags (e.g. {"meanPixel", "ccd4", "raft6", "Exposure153"}). We will have to standardize on a list of valid tag names.

A Map (AST: Mapping, GWCS: astropy.model) is a transformation that takes some numbers and returns some numbers, and that knows its domain and range (as numbers, but not what those numbers represent). Maps are functors (callable classes), with an inverse method to (if available) perform the inverse transformation. Maps may be either mutable or immutable: both have valid use-cases, and we will likely need immutable versions of many maps to ease parallelization. We need to decide how we will get the inverse map: map.inverse_map()? InverseMap(map)? while being aware that this is often non-trivial and likely non-analytic.

A possible method for composing mappings is to overload operator() to take a Map and return the composition f(g()) (possibly of type ComposedMap). This solves the question posed by e.g. ComposedMap(f,g,h): is that h(g(f())) or f(g(h)))?

A Transform is like an immutable TransformGraph with a start and end frame (it could be an immutable view, which might make the initial implementation easier). This makes it clear where you're going from and to, and is the thing one would generally operate on when working with a TransformGraph (which could be arbitrarily complicated). If you want to add or modify the transforms or frames, you work with the TransformGraph; If you want to use it, you connect() your desired start and end points to make an immutable Transform and use that. We're not totally happy with this name choice: we couldn't come up with a better one but liked this better than AbsoluteTransform.

FITS_WCS is a subclass of Transform that knows how to be persisted as a FITS file, and can be approximated as a SIP (or TPV or other?) FITS distortion. The *FITS methods are the only place in this whole structure were we think about the FITS WCS standard at all. Russell is uncertain if we really do want this.

connect(TransformGraph1,Frame1,TransformGraph2,Frame2,commonFrame,collapse=True): a function to "merge" two TransformGraphs at commonFrame and return a Transform with start=Frame1 and end=Frame2. Raises exception if there is no valid path.

Details about the methods on TransformGraph and Transform:

  • approximate: find a (polynomial, affine, spline, etc.) transform that best approximates this absoluteTransform to a given level of precision.
  • simplify: remove loops, identity maps, etc. and eliminate unnecessary frames between start and end. Both the TransformGraph method and function connect() always simplify() the before returning the resulting Transform.
  • collapse: combine as many internal transforms as possible (either by composition or other mathematical combination), to have the fewest transforms to get from start to end. Both versions of connect() default to collapsing the resulting maps, but can be told not to for debugging purposes.
  • as_transformGraph: returns a transformGraph from a Transform, so that you can manipulate it again. Would this be better as a TransformGraph constructor that takes a Transform?

Old notes

Jim: The goal of the design of AbsoluteTransform is to hide whether it is implemented as a view into a TransformGraph with a specific start and end point, or a copy of just the nodes and edges in the graph that connect its start and end point.  If we start with an AST implementation, I imagine we'd start with the former, but we'd be free to switch to the latter if we move away from it.

Jim didn't like "Model", as it sounds too much like its related to a fitter. Mapping or Transform is better, and I don't think we have a particular preference there.

Russell: I would prefer to adopt standard terminology if we can. The standards I know of are AstroPy and AST. The former uses Model, the latter Mapping. Given Jim's objection to Model, I suggest Mapping. I can also see an argument for Transform since we already use it, but we have XYTransform and Transform and it could be hard to root out old usage if we totally change what Transform means.

Jim: Since we talked, I've been wonder if we should just move simplify into AbsoluteTransform's constructor.  I can't think of a context in which one would want an unsimplified AbsoluteTransform.

Russell: I think we need to somehow support transforming between any two frames using the unsimplified path (e.g. a sequence of transforms from connecting frame to frame), as well as using an optimized transformation. The latter is usually preferred, but the former is wanted for testing and might also be preferred for one-off computations if simplification is expensive.

Transform and its subclasses may or may not be mutable, we weren't sure, and weren't sure it should be specified. I'm not wedded to the SphToSph, CartToSph subclasses, but I feel like they might be useful (I don't remember if you and I came to a decision about those).

WCS is a very particular subclass of AbsoluteTransform, going from pixels to sky. The *FITS methods are the only place in this whole structure were we think about the FITS WCS standard at all.

Russell: I am not convinced we need or want a special class for WCS. I originally thought it likely, but if we have a good API for TransformGraph then I hope it will suffice.

I think the "combine transforms and get a simplified result?" question in your notes would look like this:

graph3 = graph1.merge(graph2)
destPixelToSrcPixel = graph3.connect("pixel1", "pixel2").simplify().collapse()

Or, if you start with two AbsoluteTransforms instead of two graphs, you could do one of these two:

transform1.compose(transform2, invert=True).simplify().collapse()

I don't know that we need separate simplify() and collapse(), but they are rather different operations.

Jim: Thinking about it a bit further, if we don't move simplify() into the AbsoluteTransform constructor, then collapse() should first simplify(), so we'd never have to call them both.

Russell: I agree; I doubt it makes sense to have both simplify and collapse. I'm not even sure how they differ.

As I think about this, I don't know that Jim and I discussed what happens if connect(start,end) can find 2 paths between them. I guess it chooses the route with min(len(frames)+len(transforms))? But what to do there is not obviously clear with forward/reverse either, I don't think.

Jim: There are a ton of well-known algorithms for shortest paths in a graph (check out the Boost.Graph documentation for a list; I'm not sure if we want to use Boost.Graph, but it might be worth considering).  Many of those allow you to define a metric for length other than just the number of edges/nodes in between, but I suspect that's still the metric we want (and using that metric implies that one never has to call simplify() after connect(), even if we don't put simplify() in the AbsoluteTransform constructor).

Jim: I think I'd recommend that we conceptually consider all edges in the graph to be bidirectional, though the graph edge implementation might not actually hold both directions until they're actually needed.  In other words, we assume that any inverse transform that doesn't exist can be computed once we decide it's needed, and compute distances in the graph without concern for direction.

Russell: I am not convinced we need to worry about this. If AST already does it then we can use what AST does. I also think in most cases our graphs will be fairly simple with only one path connecting any two frames. So I'd hate to get hung up on this.

Design notes from Russell

AbsoluteTransform is an interesting idea; however, I have some uneasiness about it:
  • It seems a hassle to make users extract an AbsoluteTransform before they can transform anything.
  • If we have TransformGraph itself support transformation, then do we need it? A transform with two frames is just a simple graph, so we could offer a method that returns a simplified graph connecting two points:
             simpleGraph = transformGraph.getSimple(frame1, frame2)
That said, if supporting transformation in TransformGraph really does clutter up the API, then it may be worthwhile offering AbsoluteTransform. Similarly, if we gain enough benefit from immutability then it may also help, though in that case, we could just have FrozenTransformGraph.
I think we must support the ability to transform between two frames by going through all connecting transformations (unsimplified). This is not the preferred technique most of the time, but it useful for testing. It might also be preferred to transform one or two points if simplifying transforms is expensive. If TransformGraph supports transformation and we don't have AbsoluteTransform then this becomes trivial, but it can be made to work in any case even with AbsoluteTransform.
I am very very reluctant to have Transform subclasses CartesianToCartesian, etc. I would rather keep that information in Frame and keep Transform as a simple object that transforms N floats to M floats. Note that general libraries such as AST support other types of frames, e.g. for spectra. LSST need not support this, but we may want some other kind of frame some day and if so, the number of Transform subclasses will multiply far too quickly.
What does TransformGraph.merge(transformGraph) do? I think it will be very difficult to merge two transform graphs due to possible frame collisions and I’m not convinced it is worth the bother. As I said in my notes earlier, I think it far more likely that we’ll want to make a new transform by combining two  transforms from different transform graphs; this is a much simpler problem and avoids name collisions. Simpler is not trivial, however. The obvious implementation is 3 lines and I’d prefer a clean one-liner if we can think of one.

Transformations we need

See: DM-5918 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Frames we need

See: DM-5919 - Getting issue details... STATUS

  • No labels


  1. Identifying Frames in a TransformGraph is an issue. I think it is clear that every transform should have a unique identifier; in Python I would probably just use the object ID, and is is very easy to generate unique integer IDs in C++. However, it seems clumsy for users to have to use such IDs. I'd prefer that simpler names be available. Two examples:

    • A WCS for a single detector would have have at least these three frames: "real pixels", "mean pixels" and "sky".
    • A transform graph describing camera geometry would include one "pupil" frame, one "focal plane" frame, and for each CCD "mean pixels" frame and a "real pixels" frame. Thus there would potentially be many "mean pixels" and "real pixels" frames.

    Notice that in the first case we have only two pixel frames and in the second case we have two per CCD. In the first case it would be nice if the user could just say "real pixels" but in the second case they would have to also provide the name of the CCD. Tags (sets of strings) seems one way to handle this. For instance to get the "mean pixels" for CCD "3" one could specify ("real pixels", "ccd3"). Based on comments above it appears that @jim would be happier with a dict of keyword:value, e.g.  {"ccd": "3", "frame": "pixels"}. I think either would work. The former is simpler, but the latter is a bit safer, especially for very complex transform graphs. Is it worth the extra complexity and work over tags? I personally doubt it, but could be convinced otherwise. @jim also strongly suggested that the values of the dict ought to not be forced to be strings (e.g. ccd is often an integer). However, in my opinion it is too messy to support arbitrary value types in C++. It can be done but it is not worth the hassle.

    1. I'd be in favor of making this even more like the Butler syntax, and dealing with the C++ arbitrary-type problem by just using classes instead of trying to represent dicts there.

      In Python, I'm thinking something like this:

      import celestial
      frame1 = graph.get("pixels", visit=102, ccd=16)
      frame2 = graph.get("icrs")
      transform = graph.connect(to=frame1, from=frame2)
      # and we could add synactic sugar to accept tag class instances instead of Frames in connect:
      transform = graph.connect(to=PixelsTag(visit=102, ccd=16), from=celestial.icrs)

      In C++, you'd always use tag classes:

      auto frame1 = graph.get(Pixels(102, 16));
      auto frame2 = graph.get(celestial::icrs);
      auto transform = graph.connect(frame1, frame2);
      # or
      auto transform = raph.connect(Pixels(102, 16), celestial::icrs);

      (I'm imagining that icrs is a global variable,  since it could be).


  2. I don't fully understand what you are proposing for the inputs and outputs of transforms. For instance when you transform a point, or list of points, to a sky frame, what do you get out? I suspect you are hoping for more than a list of points whose values you know to be radians.

    AST and AstroPy are optimized for transforming collections of points. If we use AST then we must do this initially and we might as well embrace it. This suggests that we want a new kind of Coord that has coordinate system info and a collection of data. I think this is a good analog to AstroPy coords. Similarly, if we attach metadata to pixel positions and focal plane positions, an object containing that metadata plus a collection of points is probably best.

    All that said, I hope we can keep the C++ simple. I think it is out of scope to implement units with conversions and such. If we can leverage AstroPy to get some of that on the Python side, that would be nice.

    1. When we're transforming arrays of points, the inputs and outputs ought to be a data structure that combines an array of dumb point with a Frame, and when we transform individual points (this is important too!), we need to return a smart point that combines a Frame with a dumb point.  I don't there's any fundamental disagreement on how this will work on the Python side, and I do think Astropy (either coordinates or quantities or both will help us there).

      The question I was getting at here is whether the "dumb" points have the same compile-time type in C++ for both angular and non-angular coordinates.  I don't want to use compile-time types to describe Frames in C++, as you would with a full compile-time unit system - that'd be a huge templated mess.  But I was hoping we could at least maintain angle safety at compile time, and make the "dumb points" something like Point<double,2> or Point<Angle,2> in C++.  Because those are different compile-time types, Transforms that accept or return them need to have different compile-time types (even if that's via templating).  And I could see it being useful to have the template parameters being SphericalFrame and CartesianFrame, with all other Frames inheriting from one of those.


  3. More on inputs and outputs of transforms. One obvious choice is a class akin to astropy.coordinates with some metadata and a list of positions. However, I do see a few subtleties that worry me:

    • AST frames can be combined into compounds that contain multiple frames in parallel. We should preserve this capability (in order for AST to continue to be more widely useful). What would our coordinate objects look like in this case? Also, how would we map that sort of thing to astropy? Options include a collection of coordinates, no mapping supported, or expanding astropy.coordinates
    • astropy.coordinates supports coordinate conversions and so does AST using a very different mechanism (e.g.with AST we'd make a Transform and a frameset). Two ways of doing things is confusing. Also I worry about getting different results using the different techniques. But I doubt we can do anything about either of these.
    1. What does "frames in parallel" mean conceptually?  My gut reaction is that this sounds like one of the weirder aspects of AST's interface we do not want to keep, but I should reserve judgement until I understand what they're for.

      I think my default choice for how to deal with Astropy coordinates and our own code both wanting to do conversions would be to have our own class that's conceptually like Astropy coordinate but with its own backend, and only provide interoperability with Astropy coordinates to the extent we can make them safe (even if that limits us to just supporting explicit views as Astropy coordinates).

      As a side note: I think we need to start thinking of this as our own library that happens to have an AST backend, not something that tries to preserve all of AST's concepts or functionality.

  4. I think parallel frames are a useful way of displaying data. I'm not saying LSST needs them, but I don't want to block them either. My goals are:

    • An AST layer that wraps AST to make it easier to use. This code should not be LSST-specific. This code only needs to wrap the features we need, but should be compatible with and extensible to all of AST so that it can become part of the API of a C++ version of AST. Thus locking out features such as parallel frames is unacceptable in this layer.
    • We may also add code that is LSST-specific, and for such code it is acceptable to lock out AST features. However, I hope to keep that to a minimum. AST is powerful and I'd like to use it as cleanly as possible so we can take full advantage of its many capabilities.
    • We try to make our code interoperable with AstroPy. To the extent possible I would like this to be in the AST layer, not the LSST-only layer, so that the new C++ AST is also reasonably compatible with AstroPy.

    So, with that in mind...I agree it would be nice to have Angle support and possibly even SphPoint or Coord for sky frames. I just wonder if it can be fit into AST compatibility layer. It would be nice to have, but the generality of AST may make it too difficult. For instance AST Frame and Map can have basically an arbitrary collection of inputs and outputs in an arbitrary order. AST cannot safely assume that a pair of sky coords is in the order RA/Dec. That doesn't sound like an issue for Angle, but it does for Coord or SphPoint. This suggests that Angle should perhaps be moved into the AST layer.

    Also, I hope the inputs and outputs of a Map and Transform can be easily represented in Python as a numpy array (a simple 2d array or a structured array). I'm not sure how to reconcile that with Angle, though perhaps we could manage it with a structured array (presumably there is some way to interface such a thing to C++).


      I think parallel frames are a useful way of displaying data. I'm not saying LSST needs them, but I don't want to block them either.


      I still don't understand what parallel frames are.  Do you have a link to AST documentation on them, or a two-sentence summary?

      • An AST layer that wraps AST to make it easier to use. This code should not be LSST-specific. This code only needs to wrap the features we need, but should be compatible with and extensible to all of AST so that it can become part of the API of a C++ version of AST. Thus locking out features such as parallel frames is unacceptable in this layer.

      I think this is fundamentally opposed to what I thought  RFC-193 - Getting issue details... STATUS  was proposing (I suspect that goes for Robert Lupton as well), though your perspective may be more in agreement with Tim Jenness's.  It's beginning to sound to me like that RFC never actually converged on this point, and may need to be reopened and possibly escalated if we can't reach agreement on it.

      To be clear, I certainly agree we should not put anything specific to LSST-as-an-observatory in this code, but that's just good software design.  I absolutely think the interface we want to define should depend on LSST types like afw.geom.Point, and the scope of that interface should be set by our requirements, not AST's current scope.

      I also have no objection to spinning off this new WCS library into an Astropy affiliate or otherwise reducing its dependencies on unrelated LSST code.  But this should only be done after first spinning off all of the LSST code to which it is related (e.g. afw.geom), so we don't end up with two versions of those libraries.  And because getting the generalized WCS up and running is a relatively high priority, I think it'd probably be better to start by implementing it within the stack.

  5. Jim Bosch I emailed you a copy of the AST Programmer's Manual. I hope we aren't as far apart as you think. I don't want to redo the whole AST interface right now, but I want the work we do to naturally lead to the C++ rewrite (which was agreed to as part of the RFC) in a way that does not require rewriting too much of what we do now. Thus the desire to have much of what we do now be part of the new AST API or compatible with it.

  6. Here are my thoughts from reading through the AST documentation (as helpfully directed by Russell).

    "Features" of AST we explicitly want to hide:

    • A Frame is a Mapping: this just seems like bad OO design, though maybe it made a bit more sense in an object-oriented C environment where the development overhead for new classes is large.
    • A FrameSet has a current Frame, and hence is a Frame.  Same reasoning as above.

    Features of AST we don't need and hence shouldn't try to maintain or support:

    • Plotting (and hence Frame features geared towards plotting).
    • Frames and Mappings with dimensions != 2
    • Permutation mappings
    • Frame domains other than SKY and PIXEL.
    • Fully arbitrary serialization.

    Major functionality we need to add on top of AST:

    • Type safety and first-class objects for inputs and outputs.  This is a big one; AST just uses pointers, and it'll take significant work to instead put together an interface that operates on geometry classes.  C++ and Python interfaces are hard for slightly different reasons here.  The C++ interfaces need static typing, which means some functions or classes that were completely generic in AST will require at least templates in a C++ version.  The Python interfaces could afford to do the typing dynamically, but I think AST doesn't actually pass along the necessary information to add types dynamically everywhere (or maybe it would just require a lot of registries that map AST frames to Python classes).  But if we start with the C++ interface, I think that we solve the Python problem for free (or at least it's no more difficult than our usual C++-Python wrapping problem).
    • Graph concept for a system of transforms (I think this replaces the pairwise composition of mappings concept in AST).  I think this will have to split the Frame concept into two classes: "Frame within a graph" (which is fully usable) and "Frame without a graph" (which is really just a tag class used to lookup Frames in a graph or add new Frames to a graph).  AST uses the same Frame hierarchy for both roles, and that doesn't work well in a more typed environment.
    • Frames and Mappings should be immutable.
    • We want a version of Mapping (aka Transform, or vice versa) that knows its start and end Frames.
    • We'll need new serialization formats (i.e. those shared with GWCS).
    • We'll need versions of selected Mappings that have parameters and can differentiate themselves with respect to those parameters, and a simplified composition engine for these.  This is necessary to implement fitters for these transforms, and hence the code might live in jointcal instead of the WCS library, but it's closely related.

    Things I'm not certain about:

    • How much additional functionality for processing spectroscopic data we'll need, and whether limiting the scope as I've proposed will block us from adding it later.  I suspect that adding typing to the outputs will make it very difficult to just use AST spectral frames anyway.
    • How much we can rely on AST's ability to read arcane FITS WCSs if we want to sanitize those into the kinds of Frames we want to support rather than support weird Frames directly.

    To me that suggests the following approach:

    1. Define our desired C++ and Python interfaces without considering AST as a backend at all (using its design concepts as starting points is of course quite valid).
    2. Implement those interfaces using AST directly as a backend (with no intervening layer, but perhaps a few utility functions to e.g. create shared_ptr for AST objects).
    3. (maybe, some time in the future) Reimplement our C++ and Python interfaces using our own code and (probably) copied chunks of AST.
    4. (maybe, some time in the future, possibly before #4) Move the library outside the LSST umbrella, along with any LSST geometry code it depends on.

    Note that this does not produce a C++ reimplementation of all of AST; the resulting library has significantly reduced scope, and hence this may not be something that interests David Berry as a work package.  But I think a full C++ reimplementation of all of AST along these lines is not something LSST should try to take on.  That's only partly because it is a lot of work that we can't justify for LSST.  I'm also very concerned that increasing the scope would negatively impact the C++/Python interfaces of the parts we do want (for instance, adding new Frame domains would require either new first-class objects to represent "points" in those domains (and hybrid domains!) or dropping the very much desirable use of first-class objects as inputs and outputs).

    Doing a full AST C++ rewrite that doesn't use first-class objects for input and output would be a lot more feasible (but still probably not justifiable from a budget perspective, at least if LSST construction funds are used for all of it).  And we could then use that as a backend for a library that does use first-class objects for input and output.  I get the impression that this may be more along the lines of what Russell Owen is thinking (and maybe Tim Jenness?).  The reason I'm not enthusiastic about this is simply that it doesn't gain us anything; I'm not too bothered by the fact that AST is a C library instead of C++ (it's plenty callable from C++, and hence usable as a backend as it is).  In fact, it would quite likely be a step backward in stability, as the C version of AST is a mature library that's been in use in production environments for a long time.

  7. @jim I agree that type safety for inputs and outputs of `Transform` is important, and is the feature that worries me the most.

    I think we will need to support Frames and Mappings with dimensions other than 2. We need 1-dimensional mappings for separable transforms, such as edge rolloff. We will be using a 3 dimensional mapping for radial transforms (transform 2 dim to unit vector plus distance, apply 1-d polynomial to the distance, transform back). I also think we may want to be able to use time as a dimension and a frame. I agree we are unlikely to use wavelength. I agree that many of our frames will be 2-dimensional (regardless of what goes on inside the maps), but I doubt they all will, especially if we use AST to help visualize data.

    I think the plotting capabilities are likely to prove useful, but I agree we need not wrap them at this time.

    Basically I think AST will be far more useful to us than you seem to feel. I feel if we wrap a very select subset in a way that restricts use of the rest of it, we will lose a valuable tool. That is why I am far more interested in doing the full AST C++ rewrite, and meanwhile providing a wrapper that emulates the API we want.

    You raise a good point about stability as a concern in a C++ rewrite of AST. However, AST does have unit tests, which eases my mind somewhat. The main problem with keeping AST as a C package is that it is very hard to maintain. I wrote a new Map and it was much more difficult than it had to be and I would have failed without help from David Berry. We have additional maps that we need to write, e.g. for edge rolloff and tree ring distortions. We need a system that is easier to maintain and that we understand.

    Getting back to data and type safety, John Parejko and I have an idea that I hope you will like. In the following I use `point` to mean a collection of floats (which might be x, y or RA, Dec or anything else). I will reserve `Point` (with a capital P) for `lsst.afw.geom.Point` (usually 2D but possibly 3D):

    • One important role of `Frame` is to enforce type safety. A `Frame` takes data in some nice form and checks it (if not done at compile time) and massages it into the simple form used by `Map`. Thus transforming data with `Transform` is type safe, but transforming with `Map` is not.
    • We envision a class hierarchy of `Frames`: `BaseFrame`, `GeneralFrame`, `CoordFrame` (aka `SkyFrame`) and `PointFrame`.
      • `CoordFrame` allows transforming one or more `Coord`, a spherical point with a coordinate system, e.g. `lsst.afw.coord.Coord` or similar.
      • `PointFrame` allows transforming one or more `Point`, which is a 2D (or possibly 3D) `lsst.afw.geom.Point`
      • `GeneralFrame` is basically AST's `Frame`: it supports any axes in any order. We hope that the Python interface to `GeneralFrame` could be `astropy.table.Table` or at least a numpy structured array.
      • `BaseFrame` is an abstract base class for the above derived classes.
      • Additional subclasses of `BaseFrame` can be added as they prove useful.
    • Each frame will have an associated data collection, e.g. `BaseList`, `GeneralList`, `CoordList` and `PointList`.
    • We must also be able to easily transform individual points, e.g a single `Coord` or `Point`, or n-tuple of floats in the case of `GeneralList`. We encourage vectorization (lists of data) where possible, because it is more efficient. But we support one-at-a-time transformation.

    Things I worry about:

    • How do we make `Transform` accept and return the appropriate type of data collection? I don't want to have to template that class if we can help it, but I wonder if we have any choice? I worry that templating `Transform` will make `TransformGraph` into a nightmare. More generally: how much templating is required? I hope very little. I'm personally perfectly happy with run-time type checks, and I think that's what `GeneralFrame` should use. It adds a bit of overhead, but it only has to be done once per transform (thus once for many points).
    • What is the memory model? Ideally input data need not be copied. At present `Map` takes a list of vectors, one per axis, so I suggest we try to work with that. In that case, I believe that `CoordList`, for instance, would internally be a 2-d array or pair of vectors, but one that allows easy access to any point in the list as a `Coord`.
    1. I agree that using Frames for type safety is the right approach, and I think that we can resolve the question of how to type Transform by having a thin templated shell over a polymorphic non-templated core, while making TransformGraph a non-template class with templated methods.  I realize that's not a very good description, but I'd probably have to start writing some headers to make it clearer.

      What hadn't considered was having a GeneralFrame that also provides an untyped interface.  I like that idea, and I think it is the missing link that lets us support more kinds of Frames than strongly-typed input and output classes.

      I think the lowest-level interface (but still a public one) should generally operate in-place, but we'll want convenience interfaces that copy as well.  Designing the typed lists will be tricky but worthwhile; I think we may want to add features to ndarray and use some NumPy customization APIs to make it possible to use e.g. ndarray::Array<Point,1> in C++ and have that convert into a structured array in Python whose elements interoperate with scalar Points.

      So I think this addresses the "no gain" argument I made against taking ownership of more of AST; GeneralFrame would let us get access to more AST Frames for rarer use without adversely impacting the more important 2-d Frames, requiring a lot of extra work to strongly-type them, or exposing our dependence on AST.  It doesn't address my scope/schedule/budget concerns involving a bigger C++ AST rewrite, but I'm not an arbiter of those kinds of concerns – I'll just caution that the question of the scope of the AST rewrite was punted in the last RFC, and hence we shouldn't spend too much time on any designs that depend on a larger-scope rewrite until that question is addressed by the people who are arbiters of those concerns.  Happily, I'm now convinced that this design doesn't (yet) depend on the answer to that question.

      1. I've just attached a bit of C++ code that tries to explain at least some of what I was thinking in terms of how to use templating on Frames to give type safety to Transforms.  I haven't yet worked my way up to TransformGraph, but I'll do that on the airplane tomorrow if I don't get a chance later today.  As you can see, it's not at all free of templates, but it's not doing any crazy metaprogramming, and I think that's the most we can hope for here.

  8. I'm going to push even harder than Russell: we are quite likely to want a spectral frame for the photometric telescope (if nothing else, to be able to trivially persist/depersist data from it with the stack), and we're going to want to be able to plot coordinate lines and points over images.

    Practically speaking, we're not likely to get any support from David Berry for a limited rewrite: he wants a new AST, not a new LSST-only thing. Plus, if we're going to go with DMTN-010's Option 1 (Develop our own), then we might as well just forget about AST. Which is silly, and why I rejected option 1 out of hand in the tech note.

    If we do it generically and "right", we'll end up finding plenty of uses for it.

    1. I actually liked Option 1 a lot (and I'm surprised you didn't think it was really worth considering).   I did like the AST-backend option better (while assuming it was the limited-scope variant) because I thought it still get us to Option 1 eventually, while letting us get up and running faster and giving us the option of not migrating away entirely if we found that there were necessary pieces we didn't want to rewrite ourselves.  I certainly agree that e.g. legacy persistence is a scary thing we don't want to write, but it's not clear how much we need it or would be able to rely on e.g. GWCS to do that part for us.

      And while I agree we'd definitely want David Berry's help for a full-scope rewrite, I'm not convinced we'd want it for the more limited-scope rewrite I had in mind.

      But I'm not the person who needs to be convinced here; as I said in my reply to Russell Owen's post, I think my technical concerns with building on top of a bigger AST rewrite have been addressed, and I'm not one of the people who makes scope/schedule/budget decisions.

      1. I'm afraid I haven't really noticed this extensive conversation going on. I'm really concerned by the way the conversation is heading though. I don't understand why we can't end up with a product that is an AST rewrite containing the subset of AST functionality that we care about but which can be augmented by the community (with the option of also supporting spectroscopy for the calibration pipelines). My feeling is that porting mappings and frames from current AST to the rewrite should be fairly straight forward for others to do. Doing that makes it much easier for other applications to understand our WCS and we can't simply rely on GWCS doing everything else for us. There is a lot of power in AST that I feel people are not understanding.

        1. As long as we're starting by defining our own interface and implementing it with as-is C AST (I think this is what the RFC settled), I think there's no fundamental disagreement on how we proceed for now (there was a possibility of that earlier in the discussion, when I was worried that trying to define an interface that was extensible to AST's full scope would adversely affect the interface for the functionality we know we need).  I do think we have (at least the beginnings of) a design that won't close any doors, so punting the rewrite question as per the RFC is still ok.

          That said, given that lots of people who have opinions are slowly discovering this page and wishing they'd known about it earlier, we really need to make this conversation somewhere more public.  John Parejko, do you want to make an announcement somewhere, since it's your page?  And should we start another RFC on the rewrite question now, even if we don't need an answer yet, so that conversation doesn't get in the way of the more immediate design?

  9. A couple of comments/questions, at a much lower level of sophistication than most of the discussions above:

    (1) As part of the operations of the Observatory, there will be a need to take a 3-tuple of information from the OCS or TCS: ( ra, dec, skyRot ) - or ( alt, az, cameraRot ) together with an observation time - and generate a best-guess of the pixel-to-sky mapping resulting from that pointing.  This could be used, for instance, to find the sky coordinates of the guide sensors in order to select guide stars and configure the guider readout ROIs.  It would also be used to pre-compute references for Alert Production (using the 20 seconds of advance notice of the pointing that we are supposed to get).  On the general theory that we should try to solve problems only once, it would be good to end up with an understanding of how to perform this simple operation.  Would it be reasonable to do that with these new classes?  A Camera description (nominal, or one refined by understanding of the as-built details of the geometry) is required in order to do the job.  Where will the code running on the Summit get this description?

    1. One more little bit on this question: from a dependency-management perspective, how much of the stack will need to be part of the Summit code in order to support this operation?  It would be nice to make this possible with a relatively lightweight installation.

      1. I don't think there's much point in trying to limit the dependencies we install at the Summit, at least in terms of code like this.  It's hard to imagine that the requirements for a lightweight install at the summit could be more restrictive than what a typical level 3 science user would tolerate, and all of this code is definitely in the low-level science pipelines primitives that they'll need.

  10. (2) The Firefly-based image visualization capability of the SUIT needs to be able to take in images from various sources (raw Camera images with no AP-generated detailed WCS yet, calibrated images post-AP, coadd cut-outs, etc.) and allow the exploration of the image contents in at least three coordinate systems: pixels, focal plane x-y, and sky coordinates.  The tool already allows a live coordinate display to be generated for the location of the mouse pointer in an image as the pointer is moved around.  In order to have this be a very low latency continuously-updating display, the coordinate transforms are computed in Javascript on the client on mouse-move.

    Firefly is currently able to evaluate a variety of commonly-used FITS-based WCS types in this way.

    We already have a notional high-level design, which emerged from recent conversations in various fora, for how this will evolve into a world in which the coordinate transforms are defined only by the APIs being discussed on this page, using LSST-specific external sources for the parametrization data that may not be expressible in any standard FITS header format:

    As part of the preparation on the server side of the image pixels for display, which involves Google-Maps-style tiling of the image at the current zoom level, the standard LSST transforms libraries (i.e., the ones that will emerge from the present discussion) will be consulted for a zoom-level-appropriate approximate transformation for each tile.  This should satisfy continuous boundary conditions from tile to tile and produce a parametrization of the approximate transform that can be serialized (e.g., as JSON) and sent to the client with the tile data for use in the Javascript code that evaluates coordinates on mouse-move.

    (On mouse-pause, where a slightly greater latency is acceptable, the architecture allows for a callback to the server for a precise answer.  Currently this is not needed, because the precise computation can be done in the existing Javascript implementation of the supported FITS WCS forms, but the callback hook is already there for other reasons.)

    We need to be sure that the new coordinate transform libraries are capable of providing this service.  I see the approximate() method is already planned; we will need to define the interface to facilitate the communication of the approximate transform to the client.

  11. I have just been made aware of this conversation. I have not had time to study this.  However, I would like to give a sanity check comment.

    We can implement a virtually any WCS algorithm in JavaScript in a performant way. What we need is for it to be well documented and defined from the beginning.  I am very concerned that the definition of this transform will be "whatever is implemented in python".



    1. I think we'll be able to provide clear documentation for the coordinate systems used by any images we produce ourselves.  It's coordinate systems that come from external datasets that users will want to combine with LSST that worry me more, but if you are already planning to have JavaScript support for the suite of FITS standard WCS, maybe that's nothing new.

      If we need to have a fairly-complete JavaScript reimplementation of a transform composition engine and all of the concrete transforms we plan to use, that will be a significant amount of work, regardless of how well-documented it is (possibly more than the work we need to get the C++/Python interface going, since that can delegate to an existing library).

      But I think we could instead use approximations to avoid all of that work in Firefly, if we could instead use C++ code to generate a discrete grid of coordinates on arbitrary scales that can be interpolated on the client side.  For really demanding applications (likely just DM developers debugging their own code), we could use a grid that's as fine as we need; for most science users, having a grid point every few tens of pixels would likely be quite sufficient.  And I suspect this would be much more performant than building a full transform composition engine in the common case.

  12. Just a note for those who have just joined: the goal of the discussion on this page is to design an API, not to deal with broader questions of applicability or other use cases. Russell is going to produce an RFC for the API once we've hashed out some final details, and we can explore questions from those who might use the API there.

    To the Firefly questions: I would think that exploring emscripten to wrap the transforms library might be well worth it, especially if we want to use something more than approximate transforms in Firefly.

    1. In response to your concern, I've moved the general dependencies question to c.l.o: .  It's clearly a more general issue than the WCS/Transforms design.

      With regard to the use of emscripten (and asm.js or Webassembly), I'd guess that that would tend to work better the smaller the code base that is required to be cross-compiled to support the function desired.  But we can continue that on c.l.o, too.

  13. I think this summarizes the basic design, to date:


    • Transform a set of points (collections of doubles); basically AST Map.
    • Works on bare numbers; provides no type safety or units checking.
    • Input is probably an array of pointers to array, but it is very desirable to support astropy table, so look at that memory model
    • Includes a domain over which the inputs are valid, and a range over which the outputs are valid, either of which can be None for no limit

    Methods include:

    • operator()(fromPointList) -> toPointList: apply a mapping
    • inverse(): return the inverse map or raise an exception if none
    • inverseType(): return one of NONE, ANALYTIC or NUMERIC
    • simplify(): return a new map that has been simplified without approximation, e.g. combine transforms that can analytically be combined and remove null transforms
    • of(mapb): compose two mappings: return a new map that acts like: out = self(mapb(in)); a convenience for the compound map constructor


    • Should Map be mutable or immutable? For processing we want immutable; for fitting we want mutable. I hope we can make these immutable, like AST (in fact mutability will be tough if we use AST under the hood) but then I don't know how to support fitting.
    • Unlike AST Map, the new Map intentionally offers no direct means of transforming in the inverse direction; you have to get the inverse transform and call that: Map.inverse()(fromCoordList) -> toCoordList This is a bit clumsy, but I prefer it to these alternatives:
      • Provide a flag to operator() that inverts the direction. This is what AST does. I find the flag very confusing, especially in C/C++ (compared to Python) due to lack of named arguments. Furthermore, this API may interfere with type safety (see "Type Safety" below).
      • Have separate forward and inverse transform methods. That raises the question of whether to also have a method that returns the inverse transform. Having such a method is nice when making a compound mapping using an inverse transform, but finding unambiguous names for "perform an inverse transform" and "return an inverse transform" is a bit tricky. Also, I dislike having two ways to do basic things.


    • Information about a coordinate frame; basically AST Frame
    • We hope to use this to enforce type safety in transformations; see Type Safety below.
    • This document focuses on data transformation, but the intent is to wrap AST Frame in a way that exposes its many other useful capabilities.


    • A pair of Frames with a Map connecting them; wraps part of AST FrameSet
    • Immutable.
    • This is used to add type safety to transformation; see Type Safety below.

    Attributes include:

    • startFrame
    • endFrame
    • map

    Methods include:

    • operator()(fromData) -> toData: transform data in the forward direction; supports a collection of points and a single point
    • most other methods of Map, with similar meanings. In particular "of" takes a Transform and returns a new Transform, and "simplify()" returns a new Transform with the map simplified.


    • A graph of one or more Frames with Maps connecting them. Wraps part of AST FrameSet:
      • Does not directly support transformation. Instead one extracts a Transform to perform transformation. Thus there is no need for default starting and ending frames.
      • Access to frames will be via tags (sets of strings) or something similar. Every Frame will have a standard name as a tag, and the user can provide other tags, in order to disambiguate frames.
      • TransformGraph is, of course, mutable. But the extracted transforms are not.
    • Used to store camera geometry and possibly WCS

    Type Safety

    We want to support type safety for the data being transformed. This includes:

    • Make sure the right data is being provided to the right axes. For instance if the input data is an AstroPy table (a very natural model in Python) then the number of columns and the names of the columns should match the axes of the Frame.
    • Support data as a collection of spherical coordinates (astropy.coordinate or LSST's afw::coord::Coord). The data has an associated coordinate system and (if needed) date of equinox. Furthermore, we'd like the axes to be like LSST's afw::geom::Angle so the user can specify data in radians, or degrees, as desired, and the transform gets what it needs.
    • Support data as a collection of cartesian points, at least in 2 dimensions, e.g. LSST's afw::geom::Point<2, double>.
    • Prohibit passing cartesian data to sky frames and sky coordinates to cartesian frames.
    • Make sure sky coordinate data has the correct coordinate system and date of equinox.

    There appear to be two basic approaches:

    Type Safety Via C++ Templating

    In this model we have several kinds of frames, each with an associated class for a colletion of data,
    and Transform becomes a templated class. The frames and data classes are:

    • GenericFrame and GenericList: supports everything, like AST frame. Data is a sequence of arrays plus enough metadata that we can check input data for a match when transforming.
    • SphCoordFrame and SphCoordList: spherical coordinates, such as ICRS. This permits data to be a collection of coords (e.g. astropy.coordinate or LSST lsst::afw::coord). It supports exactly two axes, in order: longitude, latitude, plus a coordinate system name (or enum) and an equinox (for those systems that need one).
    • Point2Frame and Point2List: 2-dimensional cartesian data.

    The templating would look something like this:

    • Transform<InFrameT, OutFrameT>
    • Transform.operator(InFrameT::List input) -> OutFrameT::List output where Frame::List is a typedef for the supported list class, e.g. GenericFrame::List = GenericList
    • TransformGraph is not templated, but the method that returns a Transform is:
    • TransformGraph.getTransform<InFrameT, OutFrameT> -> shared_ptr to Transform<InFrameT, OutFrameT>


    • Offers compile-time checking
    • Idiomatic for C++
    • Supports our most common use cases, and one can add more Frame types to support additional cases


    • We lose compile-time type safety for any Frame that doesn't match one of the specialized versions. For instance we have to use GenericFrame for a frame with a pair cartesian or coord axes and any additional axis, or a spherical coordinate frame in which RA and Dec are swapped.
    • If there are N types of Frame then we have to instantiate N^2 types of Transform.
    • If we decide to add many additional frame types this quickly gets messy.

    Type Safety Via Runtime Checking

    In this model we do no templating. Instead we only have one Frame class that acts like GenericFrame in "C++ Templating", and transformation accepts a single class for data input and output. That generic class would have enough information to allow runtime-checking (so that RA is not being fed to a Dec or cartesian axis).

    However, we would still like to be able to express data as collections of spherical coordinates or cartesian points. In order to support that, we could offer classes that offer views into generic data. For instance SphCoordView and CartesianView. This adds an extra step when wanting to view data in this way, but is fully general in that a view can connect to any axes in a Frame.

    1. I've updated my to include TransformGraph and a lot more detail.  I may have gone...a bit...overboard (I blame a long flight with no distractions and a pent-up desire to write code after a lot of document-writing).  So don't feel obliged by any means to take all of it - I'm guessing there's substantial overlap with stuff you have already worked out - but please do take a look; I was pleasantly surprised by how it all really came together.  In particular, I think it has at least partial solutions for three of our bigger problems (some of which you've brought up above):

      • I've come up with a way to do static type-checking in C++ and dynamic type-checking in Python, without having to expose all of the C++ templates to Python.  I'm sufficiently pleased with how this worked out that I'm tempted to see if I can cook something similar up to connect our Angle to astropy quantities in Python, and maybe even consider a bigger compile-time unit system in C++.
      • I think it does a decent job reconciling Map mutability and Transform immutability.
      • It might have a way to deal with Frame lookup without actually needing separate Tag classes, by giving Frames a hash function and using lazy-initialization for AST part of them.  But I may be making some invalid assumptions here about how AST Frames are constructed.

      By the way, I think I can confirm that the AstroPy table data model is compatible (to first order, just think of astropy.table as a dict of NumPy arrays or Quantities).  But I think I'd probably prefer just using structured numpy arrays (or structured Quantities, if such a thing exists) for return values, as I think tables are a much higher-level (and possibly higher-overhead) data structure.

  14. I suggest a change of course. First of all I suggest a minimal object-oriented shim around AST (at least the parts of it that we use), making the C++ look a lot like PyAST. Then we add any LSST-specific bits that we want around that. The advantages I see include:

    • This is likely to be what an AST rewrite in C++ would look like.
    • Requires a minimum of design and coding.
    • The existing AST documentation can be used, supplemented by a short description of the differences.

    The rest of this document describes the AST shim that I am proposing. I will talk about the additional LSST code separately.

    Basic Features if a C++ AST shim

    The following features are definitely wanted in the C++ shim for AST. I believe all of these already exist in PyAST:

    • Use shared_ptr to manage memory
    • Change free functions that act like methods (such as astFindFrame and astSimplify into methods (member functions)
    • Raise exceptions for errors
    • Support nan for invalid data (I expect this to simply work, but if it doesn't, it may not be worth the work)
    • Replace the ast prefix on all names with namespace ast and lowercase the initial letter for function and method names

    Additional Changes to Consider

    The following changes might be worth also doing now:

    • Consider making Frame not inherit from Mapping. If this doesn't lose any crucial functionality it would probably be a small improvement in the design. I believe FrameSet will continue to have to inherit from Mapping, as changing that would break too much.
    • Simplify I/O with some convenience functions or methods
    • Make forward vs. inverse transforms more obvious than a flag provided to the various tran functions. This would be fairly easy, but departs from the existing API in ways that would be hard to describe.

    Features to Postpone

    The following features should probably be postponed for a possible rewrite of AST in C++:

    • Improve the API for specifying and getting attributes, to allow direct access and numbers instead of strings.
    • Simplify how inverse transforms are handled. Much as I would love to get rid fo the invert flag entirely, or at least hide it, I fear it would be difficult and feel it is out of scope.

    What Needs Wrapping

    The following classes and their methods need wrapping

    • Object: base object for AST
      • clear(string attrib)
      • clone() -> shared_ptr<Object> # do we really need this?
      • fromString(string string) -> shared_ptr<Object> # this should probably be a constructor or class method on each class. That would be more convenient than trying to figure out what class was reconstructed.
      • get<T>(string attrib) -> T
      • hasAttribute(string attrib) -> bool
      • isA(Object obj) -> bool
      • same(Object obj) -> bool
      • set(string setting)
      • set<T>(string attrib, T value)
      • test(string attrib) -> bool
    • Mapping(Object):
      • decompose() -> struct containing map1, map2, series, invert1, invert2
      • invert()
      • linearApprox(vector<double> lbnd, vector<double> ubnd, double tol) -> vector<double>
      • mapBox(vector<double> lbnd_in, vector<double> ubnd_in, int forward, vector<double> &lbnd_out, vector<double> &ubnd_out, vector<double> *xl, vector<double> *xu)
      • quadApprox(vector<double> lbnd[2], vector<double> ubnd[2], int nx, int ny) -> struct containing fit and rms vectors of double
      • rate(vector<double> at, int ax1, int ax2)
      • removeRegions() -> Mapping
      • simplify()
      • tran(ndarray data) -> ndarray # data as an ndarray with dimensions #axes x #points
      • tranGrid(vector<int> lbnd, vector<int> ubnd, double tol, int maxpix, int forward) -> ndarray
      • report() -> string
      • property getters:
        • isSimple()
        • isLinear()
        • nin()
        • nout()
        • tranForward()
        • tranReverse()
    • The following Mapping types:
      • PolyMap(Mapping)
        • polyTran(int forward, double acc, double maxacc, int maxorder, vector<int> lbnd, vector<int> ubnd) -> shared_ptr<PolyMap>
      • SlaMap(Mapping)
        • slaAdd(string cvt, vector<double> args)
      • LutMap
      • MathMap
      • MatrixMap
      • NormMap
      • PcdMap
      • PermMap
      • RateMap
      • ShiftMap
      • SkyOffsetMap
      • SphMap
      • TranMap
      • UnitMap
      • UnitNormMap
      • WcsMap
      • WinMap
      • ZoomMap
    • Frame(Mapping)
      • angle(vector<double> a, vector<double> b, vector<double> c) -> double
      • axAngle(vector<double> a, vector<double> b, int axis) -> double
      • axDistance(int axis, double v1, double v2) -> double
      • axOffset(int axis, double v1, double dist)
      • convert(Frame to, std::string domainlist) -> Frameset
      • distanc(vector<double> point1, vector<double> point2) -> double
      • findFrame(prototypeFrame)
      • getActiveUnit() -> int
      • matchAxes(Frame frm) -> vector<int>
      • norm(vector<double> &value)
      • offset(vector<double> point1, vector<double> point2, double offset, vector<double> &point_out)
      • offset2(vector<double> point1[2], double angle, double offset, vector<double> &point2[2])
      • permAxes(vector<int> perm)
      • pickAxes(vector<int> axes) -> shared_ptr<Mapping>
      • setActiveUnit(int value)
      • unformat(int axis, std::string name) -> double
    • CmpFrame(Frame)
    • SkyFrame(Frame)
    • FrameSet(Mapping), including methods:
      • addFrame(int iframe, Mapping map, Frame frame)
      • getMapping(ind1, ind2)
      • getFrame(ind)
      • removeFrame(ind)
      • remapFrame(int iframe, Mapping map)

    The following free functions need wrapping:

    • tune(string name, int value)
    • tuneC(string name, string value) -> string oldvalue
    • version() -> int

    We need the following classes for I/O. Start by wrapping them directly, but we may be able to do better in the long run with some higher-level code, e.g. constructors or class methods for appropriate objects for reading data.

    • Channel, including putChannelData, read, write
    • channelData
    • FitsChan, including getFits, purgeWcs, putCards, putFits, readFits, removeTables, setFits..., showFits, testFits, writeFits
    • XmlChan

    Do Not Wrap

    The following classes will not be wrapped until needed:

    • Circle, including circlePars
    • DsbSpecFrame
    • Ellipse, including ellipsePars
    • FitsTable, including getTableHeader, putColumnData,
    • FluxFrame
    • GrismMap
    • IntraMap
    • KeyMap, including mapCopy, mapDefined, mapGet0<X>, mapGet1<X>, mapGetElem<X>, mapHasKey, mapKey, mapLenC, mapLength, mapPut0<X>, mapPut1<X>, mapPutElem<X>, mapPutU, mapRemove, mapRename, mapSize, mapType,
    • NullRegion
    • Plot, including curve, eBuf, genCurve, grfPop, grfPush, grfSet, grid, gridLine, mark, polyCurve, regionOutline, text
    • Plot3D
    • PointList
    • Polygon, including downsize
    • Prism
    • Region, including getRegionBounds, getRegionFrame, getRegionFrameSet, getRegionMesh, getRegionPoints, getUnc, mapRegion, mask<X>, negate, overlap, setUnc, showMesh
    • SelectorMap
    • SpecFluxFrame
    • SpecFrame, including getRefPos, setRefPos
    • SpecFluxFrame
    • SpecMap, including specAdd
    • Stc, including getStcCoord, getStcNCoord, getStcRegion
    • StcCatalogEntryLocation
    • StcObsDataLocation
    • StcResourceProfile
    • StcSearchLocation
    • StcsChan
    • SwitchMap
    • Table, including columnName, columnNull, columnShape, columnSize, getColumnData, getGrfContext, getTables, hasColumn, hasParameter, parameterName, purgeRows, removeColumn, removeParameter, removeRow
    • TimeFrame, including currentTime
    • TimeMap, including timeAdd

    The following methods will not be wrapped until needed:

    • Channel:
      • warnings() -> KeyMap # can't wrap unless we wrap KeyMap or return a different type
    • FitsChan:
      • getTables, putTable, putTableHeader, putTables, retainFits, tableSource
    • Frame:
      • circle
      • intersect
      • interval
      • resolve
    • FrameSet
      • addVariant(Mapping map, string name)
      • mirrorVariants(int iframe)
    • Mapping:
      • mapSplit
      • resample
      • rebin
      • rebinSeq
    • Object:
      • lock
      • thread
      • unlock

    Our wrapper code performs all status checking and raises exceptions as appropriate, so we will not wrap status functions:

    • clearStatus
    • setStatus
    • status
    • watch
    • ok

    I hope that our code can call the begin and end macros. If not, wrap those macros:

    • begin
    • end

    The following free functions will not be wrapped initially

    • convex
    • delete
    • escapes
    • exempt
    • export
    • import
    • intraReg
    • outline # perhaps a constructor for Polygon
    • stripEscapes

    The following are function prototypes that will not be wrapped

    • uinterp
    • ukern1

    Open Questions

    • Will classes such as Map and Frame need to be templated on the number of input and output parameters? I would like to avoid this if we can produce idiomatic C++ without it. Jim Bosch's existing work may inform this decision, and if nothing else, proves that templating can be done in a reasonable way.

    LSST-specific Code

    LSST will want to add its own wrapping code in order to support type safety by allowing collections of Coord and Point to be converted. Jim Bosch made strides in this area with I suggest doing this with as few LSST-specific classes as we can, so we use AST as purely as we can.