In March 2021, following on from work by the Architecture team on shifting to a more conda-oriented approach to managing the environment in which Rubin code is built and runs, we are working on migrating the firefly_client  package, the low-level Python interface library to Firefly servers, from treatment as a forked version of the Caltech-IPAC upstream to its use as a pure 3rd-party package, obtained as a built artifact via conda-forge and included in the rubin-env standard environment.

Steps to be worked through:

1) client-side builds

  • Trey Roby Ensure that all useful content from the firefly_client  fork is moved upstream.
  • Trey Roby Issue a new tag of firefly_client 
  • Verify that the new tag triggers conda-forge to build a new release artifact
    • Done: version 2.5.0 is on conda-forge  
  • Update display_firefly  DM-29324 - Getting issue details... STATUS :
    • Gregory Dubois-Felsmann Remove firefly_client as an eups dependency of display_firefly  
    • Gregory Dubois-Felsmann Add a README (currently missing) to display_firefly 
    • Gregory Dubois-Felsmann Remove a (relatively pointless) unit test of a failure condition in display_firefly  that no longer passes (i.e., does not actually fail) due to a change to deferred connection-creation in firefly_client 
  • Gregory Dubois-Felsmann Release to the default branch of display_firefly  and ensure that it builds correctly in a nightly
  • Adam Thornton Adapt the Nublado wrapper builds to remove the re-installation of firefly_client  and/or display_firefly, once they are properly available in the stack builds
  • Gregory Dubois-Felsmann & Trey Roby Test the nightly build on at least the NCSA and IDF integration instances of the RSP
  • Gregory Dubois-Felsmann Move the fork repo lsst/firefly_client to the lsst-dm  org, following the renaming convention for retired repos, and reflect the renaming in repos.yaml 
  • Re-check all the above in the next weekly release, ideally the  one

2) server-side

  • Gregory Dubois-Felsmann and (question) Loi - Ensure that the changes to the cache-cleanup script are captured and deployed
  • Gregory Dubois-FelsmannTrey Roby Deploy the latest Firefly release on lsst-demo 
  • Trey Roby Adapt the suit (Portal Aspect application) package to recent changes in the base Firefly release
  • Gregory Dubois-Felsmann Build a suit  release with those changes
  • Work with Adam Thornton to get the new suit  release installed on the integration instances of the RSP for testing.
  • Gregory Dubois-Felsmann Test on the NTS instance in preparation for Summit deployment
  • Deploy current suit  application release to all RSP platforms
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