1. Introduction

Put initial observations on the problem and initial theories to be tested.


2. Tests

Explain the testing environment, versions of the code, etc.

The list of worker names at:

% cat /qserv/replication/work/workers 


The list of chunk resources for database wise_00 :

% head -2 /qserv/replication/work/resources 
% tail -2 /qserv/replication/work/resources 
% wc -l /qserv/replication/work/resources 
146332 /qserv/replication/work/resources

NOTE : these files are seen from inside the runnable container at:


2.1. Simple stress tests

2.1.1. Performance of the worker status requests

These requests return a JSON object with a status of the worker schedulers as well as a list of resources which are in flight. Single stream of requests

Restart Qserv. Then launch:

date; run-dettach.sh qserv-worker-status /qserv/work/workers 10000 --num-workers=30 >& /dev/null; date
Mon Apr 22 18:17:19 CDT 2019
Mon Apr 22 18:20:05 CDT 2019

Performance: 10000 * 30 = 30k requests for 2 min  46 sec  (166 sec) => 1807 request/sec.

Monitoring network traffic (packets per second) while running the application:

% netstat -i | grep ens4f0; date
ens4f0           1500 495760516      0    324 0      469759742      0      0      0 BMRU
Mon Apr 22 18:24:36 CDT 2019

% netstat -i | grep ens4f0; date
ens4f0           1500 496095182      0    324 0      470095334      0      0      0 BMRU
Mon Apr 22 18:25:06 CDT 2019


  • received: 11155 packets/sec
  • sent: 11186 packets/sec

Resource utilization:

% top

 591551 qserv     20   0 7254820 560112  10960 R 482.4  0.2   8:38.58 qserv-worker-st

Check if all workers are alive:

% run.sh  qserv-replica-job-health
ClusterHealth::runImpl job finished: FINISHED::SUCCESS

   worker   qserv   replication
   ------   -----   ----------- 
   db01     UP      UP              
   db30     UP      UP         

real	0m1.622s
user	0m0.083s
sys	0m0.077s Multiple streams of requests

Launch in parallel (detach containers using Control-P Control-Q  sequence after launching each one):

% run-dettach.sh qserv-worker-status /qserv/work/workers 10000 --num-workers=30 >& /dev/null
% run-dettach.sh qserv-worker-status /qserv/work/workers 10000 --num-workers=30 >& /dev/null
% run-dettach.sh qserv-worker-status /qserv/work/workers 10000 --num-workers=30 >& /dev/null
& run-dettach.sh qserv-worker-status /qserv/work/workers 10000 --num-workers=30 >& /dev/null


  • received: 71465 packets/sec
  • sent: 71489 packets/sec

Monitoring resources:

% top
 595213 qserv     20   0   16.0g 437324  10900 R 418.8  0.2   0:11.52 qserv-worker-st
 594841 qserv     20   0   16.2g 552768  10908 S 412.5  0.2   0:43.81 qserv-worker-st
 594529 qserv     20   0 4722948 195448  10960 R 400.0  0.1   1:15.97 qserv-worker-st
 594670 qserv     20   0 5516404 176636  10904 R 387.5  0.1   0:57.91 qserv-worker-st

Checked that all workers were still alive. And, indeed - there were!

Performance of the operations was measured by extracting head -2  and tail -2  from the container's log files. Each finished within 2 minutes and 10 seconds, resulting in 4 * 300,000 / 130 sec9230 requests/second.

2.1.2. Performance of  requests probing chunk resources /chk/wise_00/<chunk>

These requests send TEST_ECHO  message to the resources. This message is intercepted by the workers and reported back as the following error:

% run.sh qserv-worker-perf-chunks /qserv/work/resources 1 123 --num-resources=1
connected to service provider at: localhost:1094
2019-04-23T00:54:25.979Z  LWP 1     DEBUG  QservRequest  constructed  instances: 1
2019-04-23T00:54:26.010Z  LWP 17    DEBUG  QservRequest::ProcessResponse    eInfo.rType: 4(isStream), eInfo.blen: 0
2019-04-23T00:54:26.011Z  LWP 17    DEBUG  QservRequest::ProcessResponse  ** REQUESTING RESPONSE DATA **
2019-04-23T00:54:26.011Z  LWP 18    DEBUG  QservRequest::ProcessResponseData  eInfo.isOK: 0
2019-04-23T00:54:26.012Z  LWP 18    ERROR  QservRequest::ProcessResponseData  ** FAILED **  eInfo.Get(): Failed to decode TaskMsg on resource db=wise_00 chunkId=0, eInfo.GetArg(): 0
status: ERROR
error:  Failed to decode TaskMsg on resource db=wise_00 chunkId=0
2019-04-23T00:54:26.182Z  LWP 1     DEBUG  TestEchoQservRequest  ** DELETED ** Single stream of requests


date; run.sh qserv-worker-perf-chunks /qserv/work/resources 1 123 --num-resources=146332 >& /dev/null; date
Mon Apr 22 19:56:52 CDT 2019
Mon Apr 22 19:57:57 CDT 2019

Performance: 146332 / 65 = 2251 request/sec.

And, according to a report from qserv-replica-job-health all workers are still alive.

Network performance wasn't measured because it's expected to be the same as for the previously tested workers-specific requests. Multiple streams of requests


% run-dettach.sh qserv-worker-perf-chunks /qserv/work/resources 1 123 --num-resources=146332 >& /dev/null&
% run-dettach.sh qserv-worker-perf-chunks /qserv/work/resources 1 123 --num-resources=146332 >& /dev/null&
% run-dettach.sh qserv-worker-perf-chunks /qserv/work/resources 1 123 --num-resources=146332 >& /dev/null&
% run-dettach.sh qserv-worker-perf-chunks /qserv/work/resources 1 123 --num-resources=146332 >& /dev/null&

Performance: 4 * 146332 / 60 = 9755 requests/sec.

And all workers were still up after all tests finished.

2.1.3. Performance of  the mixed types of requests 

These tests included 3 3ypes of probes

  • /worker/<id> TEST_ECHO
  • /worker/<id> GET_STATUS 
  • /chk/wise_00/<chunk> TEST_ECHO

Launched the following tests:

% run-dettached.sh qserv-worker-status /qserv/work/workers 100000 --num-workers=30 >& /dev/null&
% run-dettached.sh qserv-worker-perf /qserv/work/workers 100000 --num-workers=30 >& /dev/null&
% run-dettached.sh qserv-worker-perf-chunks /qserv/work/resources 10 123 --num-resources=146332 >& /dev/null&

Then ran qserv-replica-job-health to see if all resources are up. Worker db14  didn't respond. This probe was repeated to ensure it returns consistent result.

Inspected redirector's log and found:

% tail /qserv/log/xrootd.log
[2019-04-23T01:20:45.315Z] [LWP:568] INFO  xrdssi.msgs (cmsd:0) - Node: service suspended
[2019-04-23T01:20:45.321Z] [LWP:1839] INFO  xrdssi.msgs (cmsd:0) - Record: client defered; eligible servers suspended for /worker/db14

Then logged onto qserv-db14  and found that xrootd  was dead.

3. Resolution

An origin of the problem was a deadlock introduced in method:

nlohmann::json SchedulerBase::statusToJson() {
    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(_countsMutex);
    status["num_tasks_in_queue"] = getSize();
    status["num_tasks_in_flight"] = getInFlight();

Method getSize()  acquires another lock. And a caller of SchedulerBase::statusToJson  may also acquire the very same (the second lock).

A solution was to call virtual methods getSize  and getInFlight  outside of the lock area.

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