
attending: Eric Bellm Ian Sullivan Unknown User (cmorrison) Meredith RawlsUnknown User (gkovacs)John ParejkoJohn SwinbankUnknown User (emorganson) Krzysztof Findeisen

Topics for discussion

  • HiTS reprocessing (Meredith Rawls):
    • poking at the recent re-run of ap-pipe, continuing to dig into the photometric calibration.  trying to exclude saturated sources.  looking at calibration factor (x instFlux = flux); within nights there is variation that seems to have the appropriate shape for rising and setting fields
    • PhotoCalTask is essentially just subtracting the reference mags from the inst mags with a little cleanup
    • John Parejko wonders if we have a non-photometric night that we're not handling effectively
    • Eric would like us to compare our calibrated fluxes for the matched reference sources to the refcats by source color, airmass, seeing.  Seems like an obvious check.  Does Lauren have a plot ready-made?  JDS also suggests looking at what the debug code in PhotoCalTask is doing.
    • we discovered last week that obs_decam has no color terms.
    •   JDS wonders whether this is likely to have a large effect given the small range of airmasses. 
    • Unknown User (emorganson) wonders if some of the DA WD calibration might have other color terms
  • DES processing (Unknown User (emorganson)):
    • got Maria's stuff working on Kubernetes, doing other Kafka stuff for EFD
  • ap_association (Unknown User (cmorrison)):
    • working on getting dax_ppdb to output pandas.  Some by-hand queries may need some special attention
    • config to provide a switch between afw tables and pandas interfaces
  • Metrics & ap_verify (Krzysztof Findeisen ):
    • no report
  • image differencing (Unknown User (gkovacs) ):
    • returning to image differencing after a tangent on a ticket
    • talked to Colin, who reminds us that KBMOD folks are running the Lori Allen dataset (so having us reproduce his work ourselves is not necessary)
    • John to ping Yusra for a chat
  • DCR (Ian Sullivan ):
    • vacation last week, but some progress in the week before:
    • changed an internal normalization factor that sped convergence notably–has a ticket to understand (DM-18742)
    • DM-18709 - Getting issue details... STATUS shows dependence on false positive rate on range of input seeing
  • Review CI (
  • AOB
    • Eric: HiTS labelled set has inconsistent internal IDs between the features and the objects, so this is stalled.  Could just crossmatch it himself, but starting to get to diminishing  returns...
    • Eric also started thinking about DIASource counts in the style of DMTN-006 etc.; will make a ticket for a notebook, and then think about how to fold into metrics