Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


In these instructions we assume you are installing in ~/lsst, however the install directory can be any place in the file system, including a place visible to all users.  To install in another location, replace ~/lsst with the desired path in the following instructions.  For multi user stacks, permissions are typically restricted to read only for the main stack so packages are not accidentally installed in the main stack.

Code Block
mkdir -p ~/lsst
cd ~/lsst
curl -O


  • base – LSST import utilities
  • boost– Third party C++ package
  • cfitsio– FITSIO I/O library
  • daf_base – LSST data access framework 
  • doxygen– Documentation suite
  • freetds– OpenSource implementation for Tabular Data Streams (needed by pymssql)
  • healpy– Python bindings for HealPix 
  • palpy– Python binidings for PAL (Positional Astronomy Library)
  • pex_config – LSST configuration package
  • pex_exceptions – LSST exception handling package.
  • pex_policy – Another LSST configuration package
  • pyephem– Ephemeris generation code
  • pyfits– Python bindings for interacting with FITS files
  • pykg_config– Pure python implementation of pkg_config needed to install healpy on Mac OSX
  • pymssql– Python bindings for talking to MS-SqlServer databases (needed to access UW base catalogs)
  • scons– Software construction  tool
  • sconsUtils – LSST utilities for scons
  • sims_catalogs_generation – Code for querying databases for catalog data
  • sims_catalogs_measures – Code for constructing observed catalogs including variable photometry and astrometrycatalogs 
  • sims_photUtils – Utilities for calculating photometry including variability
  • sims_coordUtils – Utilities for calculating coordinate corrections (proper motion, parallax, refraction, etc.)
  • sims_dustmaps – SFD dust maps
  • sims_maf – Metrics Analysis Framework
  • sims_sed_library – Library of SED data for simulated catalogs
  • swig– Library for auto-generating python bindings for C++ code
  • throughputs – Nominal throughput curves for SDSS and LSST systems
  • utils – LSST utilities package


When contributing to development work it is often useful to use most packages from an installed stack and only keep local copies of the repositories that need work.  For pure python packages, this is straightforward.  The following steps will put a local copy of sims_maf into a pre-existing stack.

All packages may be declared with a version and a tag.  The version distinguishes on instance of a particular package from another.  The eups tag can be used to define a coherent set of packages.  The philosophy is to tag all personal package (packages downloaded via git) with a custom tag using the username.  Using this workflow allows packages to be set up with the -t $USER switch which means that custom packages are used if they are declared and main stack packages are used otherwise.

1. Move to a directory to hold the working repository and clone it:
