Versions Compared


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There are some general LSST software stack requirements before installation: please check that your system has these the pre-requisites installed installed.

There are some additional requirements for the simulations packages, mostly python dependencies that are so ubiquitous in scientific computing environments that it is more difficult for users for us to provide new versions than it is to supply them with the stack. These requirements are (there is some overlap here with the basic stack requirements):


  • python 2.7 or 3.6
  • cmake - available from conda if required
  • gfortran (which is necessary to build the ephemeris-generating software package oorb – this is ONLY needed if you are installing sims_movingObjects , as well as in addition to lsst_sims)  

Installing from Source



Code Block
source ~/lsst/loadLSST.csh
eups distrib install lsst_appssims -t wsims_2018weekly_19tag
curl -sSL | python
eups distrib install lsst_sims -t sims

This will install all packages currently in the catalogs simulations framework (CatSim) and metrics analysis framework (MAF) and all dependencies.  The installation should take on the order of 1 hour, with a final required installation size of 10GB. You install the software in two steps (lsst_apps first and then lsst_sims) so that EUPS can install the binary version of lsst_apps.  If you cut straight to `eups distrib install lsst_sims -t sims`, everything will be installed from source and the amount of time spent installing will increase significantly.   Note that sims_weekly_tag will change depending on which weekly you want to install.  Sims weekly tags are of the form sims_w_YYYY_WW.  There is no good place to find what weekly has been most recently published, unfortunately.  If you look at the release tab on the lsst/afw repository you should see what the latest release is.  If, for example, the latest release is w.2019.14, then sims_weekly_tag will be sims_w_2019_14.

The `shebangtron` command is there to correct the paths to installed binaries of Data Management software packages.  Every time you install new binary packages, you will need to run the `shebangtron` command.


Code Block
setup sims_maf -t sims_weekly_tag

When you setup a package, eups inspects it and determines what other packages it depends on.  Eups will also setup those prerequisite packages, preferring versions tagged with the tag you specified and defaulting to versions with the tag 'current'.  If you do not want to default to 'current', you can specify more than one tag.

Code Block
setup sims_maf -t $USER -t sims_weekly_tag

will setup sims_maf and all of its dependencies, and then using versions matching the tags (resolved from left to right).  This system of eups tags allows you to have multiple versions of the stack built on your system simultaneously.  You will only ever be using the one that eups has setup.  To see which versions of a package exist on your system (and which has been setup) use


  • If you have issues with installation, first check that your system meets the minimum requirements listed here: Note that you need cmake – if installation of 'mariadb' fails, you probably do not have cmake installed ('conda install cmake' is an easy way to get it).
  • Check for other known issues here: 
  • You can also search for similar problems on 
  • If you are having issues specifically with pyephem or healpy on a Mac, check for the existence of a /Developer directory. This directory is obsolete after upgrading to newer versions of XCode, but not removed by the XCode installer. Rename the /Developer directory and pyephem will install. 
  • If you are using your own python, be sure to check the Using Your Own Python page. In particular, on Linux, some lsst_apps packages will currently fail to build if the "nomkl" package is not installed in anaconda.
  • On a Mac, make sure you have accepted the terms on XCode.  You can do this by opening the (should be in your Applications folder).
  • git can fail, complaining about not having an https helper.  If your native git version is > 1.7, you can probably use that rather than the LSST installed git.
  • If all else fails, it's usually an issue with some environment variables interfering with the installation.  You can create a new user  and install the stack there.  You can quickly login/out of a new user account as follows:  First make a new admin-level user in System Preferences->Users and Groups, and then click on your name in the top right hand corner of the screen. A drop-down menu should appear, offering you a choice of other users to log in as. You might have to toggle the check box in System Preferences->Users and Groups->Login Options first though.


WARNING: as of July 2016, the conda binary installation is no longer supported.  We strongly recommend that, if at all possible, you use the "install from source" instructions above.  Installing the conda binary will give you a very out-of-date LSST Simulations stack.  We are working on a new framework for distributing binary installations and will post to the sims-announce category at when that is available.

These installation instructions are very similar to those on the page, but note that we point to a different conda channel. 

1) Install the Anaconda Scientific Python Distribution (or the stripped-down Miniconda, for a quicker install).  

1a) If you didn't just install anaconda or miniconda, or even if you did:

Code Block
conda update conda

2) Add the LSST simulations software channel (note that this is DIFFERENT than the standard 'DM stack' channel! This is because of versioning issues between DM and Sims and is related to simulations having a more frequent release schedule. You can also get an older version of sims from the 'stack' channel). 

Current version of simulations from the sims conda channel is: sims_2.2.6, built against DM lsst_apps v12.0. The version of sims available on the stack channel is v12.0 (equivalent to sims_2.2.5), built against DM lsst_apps v12.0. 

Code Block
conda config --add channels

Note: if you have installed sims conda binaries in the past, you may have an '' channel in your ~/.condarc file. This channel no longer exists and should be removed from your ~/.condarc file. 

3) Install the desired sims and apps packages

Code Block
conda install lsst-apps
conda install lsst-sims

or just a single package .. (e.g. for just MAF)

Code Block
conda install lsst-sims-maf


  • .


Code Block
setup lsst_sims (or setup sims_maf)

to later update use


Mixing Installed Stack with Development Repositories
