This space is obsolete and unmaintained.

Users occasionally experience difficulties installing or building the LSST Stack. Very often such issues can be retired by improving the installation scripts, but not always. In the mean time, known issues are recorded below; this list will be updated as we become aware of new issues. 



The v9.1.1 and v9.2 releases have just been published, and testing on the non-reference platforms (i.e., other than RHEL 6) is underway. The issues below applied to v8.0; they will be removed if they do not apply to v9.1+.

XCode on Mac OSX

Those new to XCode (Apple's developer tools) should note: after installation you must open the application and accept the terms of use agreement in order for the installation to be complete. Otherwise the LSST Stack build is doomed to fail. 

ksh Load Script

Initializing your environment for ksh using: $INSTALL_DIR/loadLSST.ksh does not work correctly. The easiest work-around is to use bash until the problem can be fixed. (See JIRA issue DM-380.)

cfitsio Library Mismatch: Mac OSX 9.3

A user reported a failure of the demo script when testing the installation on Mac OS X 9.3. The user opted to include the Anaconda python installation. The problem was traced to a conflict with an existing installation of cfitsio: that is, the path to the extant library appeared in $DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH prior to the path to the version of cfitsio used for the LSST Stack. The work-around is to remove the conflicting library(ies) from $DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH. (See JIRA issue DM-868.) 

Build Failure: Mac OSX Homebrew

One user reported a failure to build mysqlpython on Mac OS X 10.9.2, where the Homebrew package manager had been previously installed. (See JIRA issue DM-82 for details.) The problem is in the distutils configuration file: 

cat /path/to/python2.7/distutils/distutils.cfg

The prefix setting in this config file conflicts with the --home option used by the LSST build system. The work-around is the following: 

  1. Remove the prefix line
  2. Install the LSST Stack
  3. Restore the prefix line

Note: Anaconda and fink python do not have this problem. 

Build Problems & Runtime Error: Ubuntu 12.04+11

  • Some users report that they need to set additional environment variables (as with the v7.3 release) prior to building on Ubuntu 12 and 11: 
export LDFLAGS+=" -Wl,--no-as-needed"
export SCONSFLAGS+=" LINKFLAGS='-Wl,--no-as-needed' --setenv"
  • A user reported a import error in the base package, which ultimately resolved to not finding the GLIBC_2.15 which is required by fftw. The work-around is to remove the soft link which points in $ANACONDA_DIR/lib. 

afw Build Fails: openSUSE 13.1

The install script attempts to take full advantage of system resources, including the number of cores on the target machine. However, this strategy can backfire if the machine has too little memory to support parallel processing on all cores. In one reported case, on openSUSE 13.1 using an 8-core machine with 11 GB of RAM (24 GB swap space), the machine crashed during the build of afw. The ultimate solution is to upgrade the install script to take RAM into account when deriving the level of build parallelism, and/or to elect not to use all available cores.

In the mean time, the work-around (at the expense of build efficiency) is to effectively switch off the multi-threading capability by overriding the values of the following environment variables: NCORES, MAKEFLAGS, and SCONFLAGS. To do this, edit the $EUPS_DIR/lib/ after running, and change the NCORES=.... line (near the end of the file) to explicitly use a smaller number. For this user, NCORES=4 worked.

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