
Notes from meeting with Prof Stubbs:

1. Figure out what optical passband to measure in
   - Camera is different than LSST
   - Can insert filter behind lens to change passband
2. Look into fast median code
   - Perhaps vectorize such that no loop required (requires building the indexing vector, but can just make image into one long array)
3. Pixel x-y -> RA/Dec
   - Convert brightness into database
4. Filtering
   - Figure out how to make output look like LSST filters
   - Need to make decision about modifying camera filter
5. Can we improve the housing / enclosure?
   - Can we make case with power plug / ethernet?
   - Curved optical port like scuba divers
6. Calibration
   - In terms of when the camera is rotated
   - Wavelength dependent calibration
7. New mac mini
   - Install all relevant software

8. Need to purchase AC adapter for Canon


Median Filter Analysis

9. Work on real-time gray-scale image creation.



  1. smaller jeweler phillips and flatheads



Camera Calibration

Camera Theta Calibration


Light Source Stability


Near Source Theta Calibration


Far Source Calibration

3/25/2014 and 4/2/2014:

Calibration in Dark Room


Building source extractor on NCSA:

Install FFTW with single precision (make; make install):

./configure --prefix=/home/coughlin/fftw-3.3.4/ --enable-single --enable-threads

Then install source extractor:

./configure --prefix=/home/coughlin/sextractor-2.19.5/ --with-fftw-libdir=/home/coughlin/fftw-3.3.4/lib/ --with-fftw-incdir=/home/coughlin/fftw-3.3.4/include/


Spectrometer Dark Noise


  • No labels