Michael Wood-Vasey  update

  1. Installled "v10_0"ish stack to "lsst_apps"
  2. Installed most of "lsst_sims -t sims" as of 2015 March 5

I started with Simon's very usefully recorded prior experience below and then set about installing the v10_0 version of the stack.

My default shell is bash.  Almost all of the same issues that Simon originally raised still apply.

  • default python version (syntax errors, need 2.7)
  • default gcc version (can't compile boost)
  • default git version (no http)
  • no m5 on nodes
  • no gettext
  • compiling afw exceeds login node memory limit

Related notes.

  • numpy needs to be >1.9.0 so I had updated Anaconda to 2.1.0 and couldn't just use the v1.9.0 installed from last summer.
  • flex is now available on the nodes.  m5 is not.

1. Log in to NERSC:

ssh carver.nersc.gov

2. Make a working directory in the project space:

mkdir -p /project/projectdirs/m1727/lsst_S14/lsstStack

3. setup the needed modules:

module swap pgi gcc
module load git
5. Install Anaconda

cd /project/projectdirs/m1727/lsst_S14/
curl -s -L -o installer.sh http://repo.continuum.io/archive/Anaconda-2.1.0-Linux-x86_64.sh
bash installer.sh -b -p anaconda

5. Install Gettext

mkdir src
cd src
curl -O http://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/gettext/gettext-0.19.tar.gz
tar zxvf gettext-0.19.tar.gz
cd gettext-0.19
./configure --prefix $PWD/../../
make install

6. Setup environment

export PATH=/project/projectdirs/m1727/lsst_S14/bin:/project/projectdirs/m1727/lsst_S14/anaconda/bin:${PATH}
export PYTHON=/project/projectdirs/m1727/lsst_S14/anaconda/bin/python
source "/project/projectdirs/m1727/lsst_S14/lsstStack/loadLSST.bash"

7. Install the basic stack
cd /project/projectdirs/m1727/lsst_S14/lsstStack
curl -O https://sw.lsstcorp.org/eupspkg/newinstall.sh
bash newinstall.sh
#Answer no to install git? and install anaconda?
source "/project/projectdirs/m1727/lsst_S14/lsstStack/loadLSST.bash"

8. Start compiling


eups distrib install lsst_apps


eups distrib install lsst_sims -t sims

This will go along fine until afw, at which point it will die because it will exceed the virtual memory available on the login node.

So we'll go to a compute node to finish afw


qsub -I -q interactive -l walltime=00:30:00 #need this long since afw takes a while to compile
cd /project/projectdirs/m1727/lsst_S14
module swap pgi gcc
module load m4
export PATH=/project/projectdirs/m1727/lsst_S14/bin:/project/projectdirs/m1727/lsst_S14/anaconda/bin:${PATH}
export PYTHON=/project/projectdirs/m1727/lsst_S14/anaconda/bin/python
source lsstStack/loadLSST.bash

#So here this gets a little tricky because as of (2015-03-05) "lsst_sims -t sims" requires an afw version that's different than "lsst_apps" current

#If you're installing lsst_apps [current], then just
eups distrib install afw
#If you're installing lsst_sims -t sims as of 2015-03-05 then
eups distrib install afw master-gcb7650adda

Finish up the install after exiting the interactive allocation

eups distrib install lsst_apps


eups distrib install lsst_sims -t sims


setup lsst_apps


setup lsst_sims -t sims

This last succeeded except for "sims_catUtils", "sims_maf", and "lsst_sims".

To use this lsst_apps stack under bash:

export PATH=/project/projectdirs/m1727/lsst_S14/anaconda/bin:$PATH
source /project/projectdirs/m1727/lsst_S14/lsstStack/loadLSST.bash
setup lsst_apps


In summary

ssh carver.nersc.gov
mkdir -p /project/projectdirs/m1727/lsst_S14/lsstStack
module swap pgi gcc
module load git
cd /project/projectdirs/m1727/lsst_S14/
curl -s -L -o installer.sh http://repo.continuum.io/archive/Anaconda-2.1.0-Linux-x86_64.sh
bash installer.sh -b -p anaconda
mkdir src
cd src
curl -O http://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/gettext/gettext-0.19.tar.gz
tar zxvf gettext-0.19.tar.gz
cd gettext-0.19
./configure --prefix $PWD/../../
make install
export PATH=/project/projectdirs/m1727/lsst_S14/bin:/project/projectdirs/m1727/lsst_S14/anaconda/bin:${PATH}
export PYTHON=/project/projectdirs/m1727/lsst_S14/anaconda/bin/python

cd /project/projectdirs/m1727/lsst_S14/lsstStack
curl -O https://sw.lsstcorp.org/eupspkg/newinstall.sh
bash newinstall.sh
#Answer no to install git? and install anaconda?
source "/project/projectdirs/m1727/lsst_S14/lsstStack/loadLSST.bash"
eups distrib install lsst_apps
qsub -I -q interactive -l walltime=00:30:00 #need this long since afw takes a while to compile
# The following are executed on the interactive node
cd /project/projectdirs/m1727/lsst_S14
module swap pgi gcc
module load m4
export PATH=/project/projectdirs/m1727/lsst_S14/bin:/project/projectdirs/m1727/lsst_S14/anaconda/bin:${PATH}
export PYTHON=/project/projectdirs/m1727/lsst_S14/anaconda/bin/python
source lsstStack/loadLSST.bash
eups distrib install afw
exit   # log out of the interactive node session
#Finish up the install after exiting the interactive allocation

eups distrib install lsst_apps



To use this stack to:

setenv PATH /project/projectdirs/m1727/lsst/anaconda/bin:$PATH
source /project/projectdirs/m1727/lsst/lsstStack/loadLSST.csh
setup lsst_sims -t sims


Simon Krughoff  originally put this together 2014 June.

This was not as straight forward as I had hoped.  Issues were:

  • default python version (syntax errors, need 2.7)
  • default gcc version (can't compile boost)
  • default git version (no http)
  • no flex on nodes
  • no m5 on nodes
  • no gettext
  • compiling afw exceeds login node memory limit


How I did it.  I tried to use bash, but my default shell is tcsh and I had some shell issues (path to module command wasn't defined):

  1. Log in to NERSC: $> ssh krughoff@carver.nersc.gov
  2. make a working directory in the project space: $> mkdir -p /project/projectdirs/m1727/lsst/lsstStack
  3. setup the needed modules: $> module swap pgi gcc; module load git
  4. get anaconda: 
    $> cd /project/projectdirs/m1727/lsst; 
    $> curl -s -L -o installer.sh http://repo.continuum.io/archive/Anaconda-1.9.1-Linux-x86_64.sh
    $> bash installer.sh -b -p anaconda
  5. get gettext:
    $> mkdir src
    $> cd src
    $> curl -O http://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/gettext/gettext-0.19.tar.gz
    $> tar zxvf gettext-0.19.tar.gz
    $> cd gettext-0.19
    $> ./configure --prefix $PWD/../../
    $> make install
  6. Setup environment:
    $> cd /project/projectdirs/m1727/lsst
    $> setenv PATH ${PWD}/bin:${PWD}/anaconda/bin/:$PATH
    $> setenv PYTHON /project/projectdirs/m1727/lsst/anaconda/bin/python
  7. Install basic stack:
    $> module load git # Default git is too old
    $> cd lsstStack
    $> curl -O sw.lsstcorp.org/eupspkg/newinstall.sh
    $> bash newinstall.sh #Answer no to install git? and install anaconda?
    $> source "/project/projectdirs/m1727/lsst/lsstStack/loadLSST.csh"
  8. Start by installing afw.  Can't do this on the nodes because flex is not installed and is not available on carver as a module.  This will die when trying to install afw, but we can log on to a node to finish the compile of afw.
    $> eups distrib install afw
    After it dies, spin up an interactive node.
    $> qsub -I -q interactive -l walltime=00:30:00 #need this long since afw takes a while to compile
  9. Compile afw on the node:
    $> cd /project/projectdirs/m1727/lsst
    $> module swap pgi gcc
    $> module load m4
    $> setenv PATH ${PWD}/bin:${PWD}/anaconda/bin:$PATH
    $> setenv PYTHON `which python`
    $> source lsstStack/loadLSST.csh
    $> eups distrib install afw
  10. Finish up the install after exiting the interactive allocation
    $> eups distrib install lsst_sims -t sims
    $> setup lsst_sims -t sims
  11. Done.

To use this stack to:

$> setenv PATH /project/projectdirs/m1727/lsst/anaconda/bin:$PATH

$> source /project/projectdirs/m1727/lsst/lsstStack/loadLSST.csh

$> setup lsst_sims -t sims


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1 Comment

  1. MWV:

    Thanks for doing this, Simon!

    To pick up the right libraries that things were compiled again, I believe users will also have to:

    module swap pgi gcc


    I successfully ran this Carver installation of the DM stack on 2014-06-28 using

    export PATH=/project/projectdirs/m1727/lsst/anaconda/bin:$PATH
    . /project/projectdirs/m1727/lsst/lsstStack/loadLSST.sh
    setup lsst_sims -t sims
    module swap pgi gcc
    git clone git://github.com/LSST-nonproject/obs_file.git
    cd obs_file
    setup -j -r .
    cd /global/homes/w/wmwv/workspace


    processFile.py ${imname} \

      --output output_succeeds --clobber-output --clobber-config  \

      -c gain=3.4 \

     --config calibrate.initialPsf.fwhm=1.1 calibrate.astrometry.solver.calculateSip=False isBackgroundSubtracted=True


    (If someone points me to a better way to format this comment on Confluence I'll fix this up to make it more readable)