The geostationary GOES satellites can apparently detect contrails from orbit. NOAA has a download site for GOES images at

We want GOES-13, which evidently produces images that span latitude -18 to -45 if you select Southern Hemisphere. 

I created a user account and have initiated download of GOES-13 images for Nov 14 2015 UT during the period we took allsky camera images.

We can request GOES images at the NOAA web site, and then ftp them to our machines. There are various data formats, and it looks like the NETCDF format is lossless 16 bit. MATLAB has routines to read these .nc files. Description of data is at

Matlab functions that are useful are ncinfo() and ncread() but the latter requires knowing what you're after. the lat and long fields are 2-d arrays.

Northernmost lat is -18.9, Southernmost is -51.

min long is -151, max is about 0



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