
  • Trying to call Scott's GalSim interface, generating lots of sims objects. Making a drop in for twinkles.



  • Instance catalogs with SN.
  • building code that pulls data from external sources



  • Ops planning. Survey monitoring and metrics. Pinging other groups, ALMA, etc.
  • WFIRST meeting in Pasadena. Want to update white paper on WFIRST + LSST, how to maximize overlap, optimize DD fields. Simulation efforts that could be shared.
  • Leadership meeting: Hack week at CMU in Nov. Put hacks on Confluence page. Get Slack out prior to hack week and should happen in next few weeks. Requested 20 million CPU hours from NERSC.
  • Gave plan of work to George. Need to tie to requirements of DM.



  • finish validating and investing bright star cat. Checking SED matching to see if reasonable.  
  • solar system model ingest. Tests to make sure indexing worked. Not sure how long spatial index will take.



  • Filter swap and down time. Looking at pre-calculated sky brightness--performance is good, but scheduler is behaving slightly differently, checking where difference is coming from.



  • Got in touch with Daniel and he said he would clean up/document his code and upload some more examples and data files. I'm not too optimistic because he sounds busy, but it does seem like nice code when it runs
  • John Tonry has been making progress on all-sky camera forced photometry, and Stubbs says it will be available soon. I tend to think this means we won't need an IR camera and can use just optical.
  • Did a little work on updating sims packages to python 3. So far the only gotcha I've encountered is that the migration tool does not respect #!, and will put imports above it, so watch out if you have python executables.
  • Did little bits of work on the sims_skybrightness_pre. Should be a factor of 500 speedup when computing sky surface brightness at LSST site.
  • Fiddling a bit with intelligent pointing schemes that can minimize co-add power on the fly.



  • Add some queries to AGN.
  • Planning Velko visit



  • Joined a death metal band
  • incorporating Lomb-Scarggle, hard to integrate since it's in java



  • operations planning



  • running rolling cadence with latest version of opsim
  • No labels