This space is obsolete and unmaintained. The entire content of the DM Developer Guide is now maintained at .

This Guide describes the processes and capabilities available to LSST DM staff developers. The content includes the available machines hardware, the development procedures for planned changes (the version control system, tickets, reviews, merging, etc.), how continuous integration operates, coding and documentation standards, and so forth.

Document Downloads

You may capture the content in PDF from the pull-down menu: Tools→Export to PDF, though the rendering is often less than satisfactory.

Standards and Policies

The Standards and Policies provide the framework in which  DM software is designed, implemented, tested and documented. These documents have been reviewed and accepted by the DM TCT as developer best practices. 

DM Reviews

Various kinds of review of the DM software are conducted during development.

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1 Comment

  1. "Archived" this space today, 2020-02-10.