

Discussion items


  • document discovered problems in new stories, put them in S15 Qserv Refactoring epic (Daniel)
  • will revisit at S15 planning next week


  • watch out: K-T's recent changes to log module require full rebuild of qserv 
  • scons does not notice

RESTful API on top of Qserv?

  • dependency: on flask, flask now depends on anaconda because of 3 packages (which may depend on other packages...)
  • don't want Qserv to explicitly depend on anaconda
  • ok to just drop in the RESTful API file, without explicitly listing the dependency
    • and bring in dependency when needed for RESTful server, or just install flask via yum or apt-get
  • RESTful as replacement of mysql-proxy?
    • would be nice but we need to maintain pure mysql API
    • but we can replace xml-rpc protocol between mysql-proxy and czar with RESTful
    • let's do it once RESTful API is more solid/stable/fully implemented

extending mysql api

  • must do it in some cases, eg for create table, explain
  • suggestion, to avoid confusion, don't call it the same way mysql does when it is not fully compatible with mysql

Data Archive API improvements

  • see DM-1916
  • for usecases like "return cutouts for all sources matching a given database query", SUI layer should bridge db-image boundaries, eg, do db query, and for each returned imageId call image cutout service. Need to double check SUI team is OK with that

How to not miss interesting discussions

  • some interesting discussions are happening in JIRA, how to never miss them?
  • perhaps send quick "@all" (or, "@dbGroup") to alert people
  • or have a dedicated mailing list where people tell each other

S15 planning

  • did full pass through all planned work
  • things decided captured in JIRA and spreadsheet