Infrastructure meetings take place every other Thurs. at 9:00 Pacific on the BlueJeans infrastructure-meeting channel:



    • Alignment of NCSA-provided services with program needs
    • Ensure effective use of the current NCSA infrastructure
    • Refinement and continuous improvement of services, resources and processes
    • Plan for near- and medium-term activities


Review of last meeting notes
  • Any updates – none.

1TB/1M quotas for /home

Updated standard to 1TB and 2M inodes. All that is left is a few items of Documentation.

DRP finished

all completed and reservation is no longer needed and removed.

Qserv nodes hard drive reorgcomplete at this time. SUIt and DAX will happen in the near future after the testing goes on the Qserv nodes.
LSP boot camp

Boot camp for the jellybean environment is May 29-June 2. I'm not sure what days it is (or if it's a whole week long). Looks like about 20 users for the K8 common cluster at NCSA for that week. Unknown User (mbutler) asked Simon to think about how to "challenge" the system for 20 users and maybe before the boot camp we can test/stress the system to see what it's limitations are before we have 20 people all banging on it at the same time and then we find what the limitations are. Unknown User (mbutler) also invoved Steve Pietrowicz and Unknown User (mcarras2) to look into helping figure out how to stress test the system.

DTN nodes and new VMsphereon hold until the May 17th PM.
ATS archiver system

Beginning testing. It and the other L1 test stand systems are exempt from the May 17th system upgrades until after the ATS machine shipps to Tucson, and then the L1 test stand will undergo maintenance.

Chile systems updateAll powered off for now until a UPS can be purchased and installed to bring all the equipment back up to power.
Maintenance May 17thwent over all the maintenance that is happening on the LSST nodes. The status page will be updated for dates and progress.
PDAC Status

all good.

Topics for next meeting

Action items

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Responsible Person, Due Date, Description




Discussion items


Action items
