


Python in Astronomy
  • Many people interested in image display.
  • Unconference session discussed all the various tools available.
    • Disentangling which tools have which features.
  • Christopher Waters  worked on adding some extra features to the AstroWidgets package using Ginga and IPyWidgets.
    • “Give me a window, make it this big, display an image with it”.
    • Works only in Jupyter notebooks (lab), but not native web.
    • AstroWidgets does mosaicking with WCS.
    • For the things which exist, AstroWidgets is easy to use.
    • For the things which don't exist, it is easy to add them.
    • “As easy as anything (Chris) has ever used”.
    • Lots of flexibility.
  • Spreadsheet of uses cases & features.
  • Peter Williams / WorldWideTelescope integrated HSC data with HSC.
    • Used a tiling scheme named TOAST; and a tool named toasty(?)
    • Took about 15 minutes to process a tract, but could likely be made faster with effort.
    • Addresses the whole sky visualization use case.
  • Peter Williams was worried about JS9 having only one developer, but offered to serve as a point of contact (with both him & Eric Mandel) being at the CfA.
  • Nate Lust : demo given of Glue brushing & linking was really impressive.
    • Not clear how much Glue adds over Bokeh.
  • Lots of support for Ginga at the meeting; that may be a selection effect based on the participants, though.
  • Simon's notes.
  • “Eric Mandel doesn't think it's dead”.
  • Hard to do mask overlays, due to fundamental differences between how DS9 & JS9 handle multiple images in the same app.
  • Not clear what the multi-client environment is like — one monolithic server with many clients, or each client spawning its own server?
    • But note that there may be constraints on this because the browser and the python interpreter would need to have access to the same environment.
  • As far as we understand at the moment, matching the sort of mask overlay that we currently have in Firefly/DS9 isn't possible.
    • But that may just be a matter of not fully understanding JS9's capabilities.
  • The pyjs9 client library wraps a RESTful API exposed by the server.
Next week
Merlin's responsiveness comments
  • Merlin assumed that everything that needed responsiveness would be done in DS9, so there was no point requesting it in Firefly.