(back to the list of all DMLT meeting minutes)




  • Weekly coordination meeting to discuss and resolve management items, project communications, external contacts, etc.

Discussion items

DM Leadership Team Meetings in May, NovemberJeff Kantor
May 18 - 20 F2F at NCSA, fly Sunday, Monday morning will be on agenda but will try to keep light
Changing November F2F at Princeton to 11/16 - 20 (DESC meeting and ADASS week before, possible Camera conflicts)
Other conferences/meetingsJeff Kantor

IVOA Interop Italy in June John Swinbank will attend, schedule overall VO side session at May DM LT

SciPy Austin July 6 - 11 - Tim Jenness, Yusra AlSayyad, IPAC TBD

T/CAM training sessionsJeff Kantor
March 25 - 26 went well, including proposal and example in work for LDM-240, PMCS, JIRA Agile integration
April 8 - 9, attendance is set, Laurie Thomas for travel information, parking permits, for temp offices  Glenaver 
WBS changesJeff Kantor
Will notify T/CAMs when LCR-343 WBS changes have been implemented in PMCS
New policy is RFC/TCT process for changes to WBS L3 and below (not LSST CCB)
T/CAMs can do RFC to move effort between Level 3 WBS elements as long as it does not affect Level 2 bottom line cost, schedule
Kevin Long will be a watcher on all PMCS, WBS RFCs
LDM-240 updatesJeff Kantor
As of last DMLT:
Kian-Tat Lim working on first few rows of sheet, submitted to Gregory Dubois-Felsmann for integration and review
Overall schedule:
All FY16+ column changes (with first-level estimate of resources required) to GPDF due 20150331
DMLT review and agree on changes due 20150407
Add additional descriptive material, detailed estimates of resources required*, and linkages to DPDD due 20150422
DMLT Review and agree on changes due 20150430
*Next iteration: Add linkages to JIRA Agile epics
Descopes and upscopesJeff Kantor

Received input from KTL on Upscope DM-01, DM-02

AMCL PresentationJeff Kantor

AMCL slides in from all except NCSA

Risk ManagementJeff Kantor

Jeff Kantor Will do top 10 for risk review and trigger DM-043 in JIRA and Risk Register (look at 18-bit example)

Kian-Tat Lim DM-065 increasing in probability, will update register


Action items

REMINDER:  T/CAMs Turn in Monthly Progress Report inputs, variance reports in eCAM tool by 15th of following month


  1. Unknown User (xiuqin)

    Jeff Kantor   "All FY16+ column changes (with first-level estimate of resources required) to GPDF due 20150331."  The estimate of resources required is not part of the LDM-240. Do you need extra information on this?

  2. Effort estimation is not strictly a part of LDM-240, but you should make changes to the columns with some idea of what you may be doing to the resources required to implement the plan.  If, for example, you move a large segment of work earlier or later, you should probably point this out.

    In any case, we will do a more formal evaluation of that AFTER the initial proposed column changes, which should not be considered final until the effort impact is analyzed.  This will be done by examining the milestones and creating "meta-epics" which the T/CAMs will estimate.