


  • Weekly coordination meeting to discuss and resolve management items, project communications, external contacts, etc.

Discussion items

DM Leadership Team Meeting in MayJeff KantorWill be at NCSA unless strong objections.
Debrief on SE meeting regarding common IT
infrastructure and services at Summit and Base
Kian-Tat Lim
Defining common IT services (office apps, common identity server, etc.)
In principle, T&S team is responsible, but many specifics to work out.
DM/OCS workshop debriefGregory Dubois-Felsmann

General agreement about need to connect with more detailed information.


Hipchat licenses for DESC membersJeff KantorProject policy is forthcoming from Victor. Will support 10 licenses for DESC members.
TCT membership and RoleJeff KantorSee updates to confluence pages. TCT is for changes to baselined DM LDM-/LSE- documents.
LDM-240 updatesJeff Kantor

For now, presume no WBS changes, they required a change request. JK working on process to allow CAMs to

unilaterally change WBS levels 4+.

Monthly Progress ReportsJeff Kantor

Project is now requesting interesting pictures for inclusion on monthly reports to NSF (e.g. group photos at meetings,

technical materiall such as interesting processed images).

LSST "swag"Jeff KantorEverybody gets a T-shirt, there will be more stuff at LSST 2015 meeting.


Action items


  1. I have informed the DESC of the offer of 10 HipChat licenses, and they are deciding how to respond.

  2. The decision on how to 'handle vanilla "issues" in JIRA' recommended by Frossie was: pick a responsible person and assign them a Story.  If it's a small matter, don't assign it to an Epic or a Sprint, and it won't be picked up in the Agile process.  If it becomes a big deal, then perhaps in fact it needs an Epic to capture the work.

  3. The FY15 LDM-240 merge is complete and is out for review.  See LDM-240 updates, February 2015.

  4. For the record, the two links mentioned in action items above (circulated by Kian-Tat Lim to lsst-dmlt on  ) were: